MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL: These motorized outdoor wheelchairs can handle any terrain, are free to borrow and come with a trailer to haul them
By SD Network, 2019-10-01
Hiking is a common outdoor in Wisconsin. Now people who have mobility issues can experience the beauty of the outdoors like never before. Thanks to an organization called Access Ability Wisconsin, there are now 15 all-terrain outdoor wheelchairs and 12 trailers that people can borrow for free (with a $50 deposit) at eight locations around the state. These wheelchairs can go almost anywhere — up hills, over mud, through forests, even on 12 inches of fresh Wisconsin snow.
- Adults, 18 and over, with any type of disability, mental or physical health condition are encouraged to participate
- The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete
- Responses are anonymous
C NET: Comcast's Internet Essentials delivers low-cost broadband to people with disabilities
By SD Network, 2019-10-01
According to a recent study, people with disabilities are less likely to use the Internet than any other group. Of the more than 56 million people in the US who have a disability, many haven't been able to afford service or have lacked the digital training to access the internet. What this means for people with disabilities is that they often miss out on the benefits and opportunities that high-speed internet connectivity affords the rest of the population. That's where Comcast's expansion of its Internet Essentials program comes in. The program has been modified several times over the years to include low-income veterans and people receiving public housing benefits.
By SD Network, 2019-10-01
Every year BPDD puts together an Annual Report detailing our grants, projects, conferences and policy work outcomes for the previous year. Our federal charge in the Developmental Disabilities Act is, identifying the most pressing needs of people with developmental disabilities and developing innovative and cost-effective ways to meet these needs in a manner that upholds human and civil value. Councils (Boards) must include, at minimum, 60% people with developmental disabilities and their family members.
The BPDD State Plan, informed by statewide input from the disability community, focuses primarily on
two areas: Full Participation in the Community & Advocacy Efforts. During 2018–2019, we have made
significant progress in all our goal areas.
You can find a link to our 5-year state plan here:
Starting in 2020 we will be hosting a number of Community Conversations around the state to gather input for our next 5-year state plan. Please read through our current state plan and our annual report so you can help us develop our new state plan to address the needs of the disability community.
Kurt Roskopf is planning for Awesome Autumn Ability Fest 2020 to be at the Golf Club at Camelot in Lomira (W192 Hwy 67) 53048. The date is selected in April based on the Packer Schedule. The event is designed to be very hospitable and entertaining for everyBODY that does not golf.
If folks would like to be a part of the planning committee for this event, contact Kurt now: 262-372-1754
Self-Determination Network News:
September 2019
Connect | Share | Learn |
Hurry! Registration Closes Friday!
The 2019 Self-Determination Conference will take place October 14th-16th at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells. The Conference empowers people with disabilities in Wisconsin to have more control over their lives. Technology is constantly evolving and so is the Self-Determination Conference. Join us as we learn ways to live healthier, happier and more productive lives. Registration closes this Friday, September 27th. Register today!
“Scotland Reports” from Lynn Breedlove
In early August, Lynn Breedlove represented In Control Wisconsin at an International Disability Congress in Glasgow, Scotland. He presented highlights of his paper entitled “Self-Direction Worldwide: Contrasting Beliefs and Their Impact on Practice” and attended several workshops focused on self-direction. He was the U.S. representative in a half-day brainstorm with self-direction advocates from 9 countries focused on the current state of self-direction around the world. He is writing a series of articles for the SD Network about what he learned. Today, we are pleased to share the second in his series. Join the conversation: Please share comments, and thoughts with one another using the network.
Read a summary of “Self-Direction Worldwide”, with a link to the full paper
The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.
For September, we shine the spotlight on Roxanne. When she isn’t traveling around the world, spending time with family and friends, reading, or gardening, she works with people teaching them about Self-Determination and Self-Directed Supports. Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Roxanne.
Stacy’s Journal
"Many people my age have friends from moms’ groups, friends from their kids’ activities, friends from a volleyball league or other activities. While I’ll probably never friends from situations such as those, I’m incredibly fortunate to be friends with so many people who made such a profound impact on my life. It really does take a village, and I’m truly blessed to have an outstanding village of people who continue to support me! "
In this month's entry, Stacy talks about her special village of people who continue to support her. Who's in your village? We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Public Comment on Guidelines for Onboard Wheelchairs: The U.S. Access Board has released for public comment advisory guidelines for wheelchairs used on commercial passenger aircraft during flight. Comments due October 21st. Let your voice be heard!
- Federal Program Extended: For the third time this year, additional funding will keep alive a federal program that moves individuals with disabilities from institutions into the community. Find out how this money will help, but why advocates are concerned.
- Delay of Electronic Verification Visit: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has been granted an extension which pushes the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) implementation date back into 2020. Learn what EVV is about.
- Exercise and Fitness for All Act: Three U.S. Senators have introduced “The Exercise and Fitness For All Act” to improve access to fitness equipment and classes for people with disabilities. Read about what this bill would include.
- Assistive Technology Brief: The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has released a new Issue Brief on Assistive Technology. Learn what the brief includes.
- Assistive Robots: Assistive robots are growing in popularity. Read about how they are helping people with disabilities be more independent.
- Emergency Preparedness: Emergency preparation is important for everyone. However, older adults and people with disabilities often face additional challenges during emergencies. Learn about some things to consider when creating a emergency plan.
- Peers as Caregivers: A unique program in Washington D.C. teaches people with disabilities to be care providers for their peers. Find out how this program works.
- Call for Presenters: Applications to present at the Circles of Life Conference, May 2020! Parents, family members, providers or anyone who has ideas and wisdom to share is encouraged to apply! The deadline for proposals is October 1st.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
- Transportation Consumer Advocacy Team (TCAT): September 24th, 1p.m. to 3p.m., IndependenceFirst, Milwaukee WI
- Autumn Ability Fest: September 29th, 7a.m. to 7p.m., Camelot Golf Club, Lomira WI
- 1st Annual HOPE And WISDOM Fundraiser: September 29th, 10a.m. to 3p.m., Camelot Golf Club, Lomira WI
- Emperor's New Tuxedo: October 5th, 7:30p.m. to 8:30p.m., Waukesha Civic Theatre, Waukesha WI
- Emperor's New Tuxedo: October 6th, 2p.m. to 3p.m., Waukesha Civic Theatre, Waukesha WI
- Webinar: Accessible Toilet Rooms: October 3rd, 1:30p.m. to 3p.m., Online
- Door County Job Fair: October 9th, 8:30a.m. to 1p.m., Door County ADRC, Sturgeon Bay WI
- Long Term Care Advocacy Team: October 8th, 2:30p.m. to 3:30p.m., IndependenceFirst, Milwaukee WI
- Autism Speaks Walk: October 13th, 9a.m. to 11:30a.m., Wisconsin State Fair Park, Milwaukee WI
- 2019 Self-Determination Conference: October 14th-16th, Kalahari Resort & Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
- Transportation Consumer Advocacy Team (TCAT): October 22nd, 1p.m. to 3p.m., IndependenceFirst, Milwaukee WI
- Webinar: Bathing Facilities: October 24th, 1:30p.m. to 3p.m., Online
- Dan Johnson Advocacy Award Inaugural Award Ceremony: October 24th, 5p.m. 7p.m., Sheraton Hotel, Madison WI
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Scotland Report #2: Challenges to Self-Direction Around the World
-Lynn Breedlove
In August, I represented In Control Wisconsin at an international Disability Congress in Scotland, and presented a paper there: I attended several workshops on self-direction and participated in a brainstorming session with self-direction advocates from several countries. I learned a lot, including the dangers and difficulties facing self-direction in other countries (which have similarities to the challenges we face here). I believe that Wisconsin can learn from the strategies being used elsewhere to overcome these challenges, which I hope to learn more about in the coming year. Here are some of the challenges I heard about, and some thoughts about how they connect to Wisconsin policies and practices:
Self-Direction Challenges in Other Countries |
Connection to Wisconsin Policy or Practice |
FUNDING. Self-direction has been popular in England for several years, but two years ago the government cut funding for “personal budgets” by 40%. Today, many people aren’t receiving the level of support they need, which has led to some disillusionment about self-direction. |
Self-direction advocates in Wisconsin have worried this could happen here, but so far disability and aging advocates have successfully defended Medicaid long-term care programs (including IRIS and Family Care) from significant funding reductions. |
RED TAPE. Some individuals and families say they are worn down by all the paperwork, procedures, rules, etc. associated with self-direction. |
Some IRIS participants and families using the IRIS Waiver have made similar comments in recent years. |
FREE MARKET. In some countries, there are unrealistic expectations of the “free market” (i.e. an assumption that whatever people need will automatically be available in the marketplace of services). That’s not always true. |
Just having funding in your individual self-direction budget for something doesn’t guarantee you’ll get it. Some supports and services aren’t available in some parts of Wisconsin, e.g. some people who want a community job can’t find a local provider agency or independent job developer/coach to help them achieve that. |
CONFUSION. In many countries, it’s not exactly clear what self-direction means and who can do it. Is it something people have to do on their own, or with the help of family/friends? Is it only for people who have already demonstrated self-reliance? Or for anyone who chooses it? |
We have some consensus between government and advocates about these things in Wisconsin. State law says anyone who is eligible for Medicaid long-term care can choose to self-direct their supports and services, but there continue to be examples of confusion in our system, e.g. when people are told, “You wouldn’t be a good candidate for self-direction”. |
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Seeks Feedback on Improving Postsecondary Transition Services
By SD Network, 2019-09-17
Deadline to submit comments: October 2, 2019
In 2014, OSERS awarded a five-year grant to establish and operate the National Technical Assistance Center on Improving Transition to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students with Disabilities. The Center assists service providers who implement evidence-based and promising practices to ensure students with disabilities exit high school ready for success. As OSERS prepares to recompete the grant, they want to hear from you via comment on this blog.
OSERS is asking for feedback relevant to these questions:
- What challenges are you currently experiencing in serving youth with disabilities between the ages of 14 and 24 who may or may not be in school?
- Do the five primary goals described above accurately represent your current challenges and technical assistance (TA) needs and support your state’s goals? If not, what do you suggest we remove, revise, or replace?
- What kinds of TA tools, resources, or materials developed have been the most useful and relevant to your work?
- What kinds of new TA tools, resources, or materials should a U.S. Department of Education-funded TA Center on transition develop in order to most efficiently and effectively support your state’s work in this area?
- Are there any new or emerging TA needs or topic areas that a U.S Department of Education-funded TA Center on transition should consider? If not, are there any current TA areas that could be expanded upon or repositioned to better meet your needs?
- Should a U.S. Department of Education-funded TA Center on transition continue to identify potential intensive TA sites through an application process or should this process be modified? If modified, what do you suggest?
- How can a center on transition best support states in their work of improving collaboration and coordination among State Education Agencies (SEA), Local Educational Agencies (LEA), State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (SVRA), Career and Technical Education (CTE), Parent Information and Training Centers, and other relevant agencies and organizations?
DISABILITY SCOOP: Unique Program Teaches People With Disabilities To Be Care Providers
By SD Network, 2019-09-16
A unique program in Washington D.C. teaches people with disabilities to be care providers for their peers. The program is run by a company that provides support to people with disabilities. The goal is two-folded--provide career opportunities to people with disabilities while also addressing the shortage of home health aides.