• Connect on the SD Network

    There are many ways to get involved on the SD Network. You can view posts from other members by clicking on any of the menu tabs at the top of this page. Some of those menu tabs also have sub-tabs, so be sure to check those out as well.
    Besides checking out what other members are posting, we hope you will post also. You can ask questions, post photos and videos, invite people to events, share your news or a blog, and more. To learn more about posting, see below. 
    We hope you will become an active member of the SD Network. If you have any questions or ideas for us, please contact our Network Manager, Stacy Ellingen. She'd love to hear from you!
  • Discussions

    Discussions are great places to ask questions or respond to questions from other people. To join or start a discussion, begin by clicking on the menu tab labeled "Discussions".

    This page lists all the different categories of discussions going on. Choose a category that interests you to see what discussions are included there. You can then respond to someone else's discussion OR start one yourself by clicking on the + sign. 

  • Post from Your Profile

    Other than discussion, you can make all other posts directly from your profile. 

    To get to your profile page, click on your name in the upper right hand corner of any page. (You need to be a member and signed in to do that. If you're not a member, click her to join.)

    Once you are on your profile page, you'll see a menu of boxes that you can click on: Timeline, Blogs (News), Events, Files, Groups, Gallery (Photos), Videos and Memos. Feel free to experiment! Try these out and start sharing. We'll be adding more information about each of these to our FAQ, so watch the FAQ menu tab for updates.