Four voters with disabilities recently filed a lawsuit against a federal court. The lawsuit asks the court to ensure that voters can get assistance returning their ballot. This comes after the Supreme Court ruled that unsupervised drop boxes are illegal. However, the Court did not clarity whether voters could get assistance returning ballots by mail.
WHITEHOUSE.GOV: FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Administration Marks the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
By SD Network, 2022-07-26
To mark the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Biden-Harris Administration released a fact sheet. It details several different topics such as civil rights, education, voting, employment, and healthcare. This provides some interesting statistics.
WISCONSIN PUBLIC RADIO: What protections exist under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
By SD Network, 2022-07-26
The Bureau of Labor Statistics says people with disabilities are unemployed at more than double the rate of people without disabilities. On the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we learn about the state of protections and where progress is still needed.
MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL: State program helps people with disabilities remain in the workforce
By SD Network, 2022-07-26
The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation helps people with disabilities and health conditions find and maintain employment. Even after an life-changing medical diagnosis, a farmer in Price County was able to get back to doing what he loves. The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation helped get him the accommodations and technology he needed so that he could continue farming.
KAISER FAMILY FOUNDATION: Medicaid Public Health Emergency Unwinding Policies Affecting Seniors & People with Disabilities: Findings from a 50-State Survey
By SD Network, 2022-07-26
The Kaiser Family Foundation recently released a report on a study done on how unwinding public health emergency policies are affecting people with disabilities. A survey was done in all 50 states and the main issues brought up were enrollee confusion and staffing shortage. This report includes lots of interesting statistics.
HOME HEALTH CARE NEWS: Majority of States Lacked Caregiver Hazard Pay, Sick Leave During Pandemic
By SD Network, 2022-07-18
More than half of U.S. states did not support direct care workers with hazard pay or paid sick leave policies during the first 18 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study from the New York-based direct care worker advocacy organization PHI revealed. Researchers with PHI also advocated for the need to develop a national compensation strategy for direct care workers that creates a “livable, competitive wage” for this workforce.
GREEN BAY PRESS GAZZETTE: The pandemic only worsened the quality of life for family caregivers. It's an ongoing problem with no end in sight, experts say.
By SD Network, 2022-07-18
The pandemic only made the caregiver shortage worse. Family caregivers are forced to sacrifice their ambitions to take care of loved ones. This has taken a major toll on people. Older adults are having to take care of their parents. Facilities that provide some relief are closing because they can't find enough workers. Experts say unfortunately there's no end in sight.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Survey on COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences of Americans with Disabilities
By SD Network, 2022-07-18
The University of Kansas Institute for Health & Disability Policy Studies (funded by ACL's NIDILRR) is looking for adults with disabilities to complete the National Survey on Health and Disability (NSHD).
The NSHD is an annual, online survey about health, quality of life, access to health care services, and the COVID-19 pandemic, concerning people with disabilities or health conditions.
- Adults 18 and over with any type of disability, chronic illness/disease, mental or physical health condition are encouraged to complete the survey.
- The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete.
- Responses are anonymous.
The NSHD especially needs individuals who identify as men to participate in the survey. This is a multi-year survey conducted since 2018 and previous respondents are encouraged to participate.
Participants may also complete the survey by phone. Participants will have a chance to win one of ten $100 gift cards. The survey closes September 2nd.
For more information, call 855/556-6328 (Voice/TTY) or email