Apple wants emojis that represent people with disabilities better. The company sent a proposal to the Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit organization that sets the global standard for emojis. Apple is asking for 13 new additions to the emoji family. They include an ear with a hearing aid, a person in a wheelchair, a prosthetic arm, a service dog and a person with a cane.
Recently, the National Council on Disability released a report that explains that guardianship is commonly seen as a “benevolent measure” and imposed based upon assumptions about the capabilities of people with disabilities without appropriate reason. Most states require courts to consider less restrictive alternatives before turning to guardianship, the National Council on Disability said, but that rarely happens. The report recommends that the federal government take several steps to help mitigate the overreliance on guardianship.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Request for Stakeholder Input on Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) Provisions of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
By SD Network, 2018-04-04
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is requesting public input about Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans.
Section 50311(b) of the recently passed Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law No. 115-123) creates a new Section 1859(f)(8) of the Social Security Act in order to increase integration of Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs). In particular, the statute directs CMS to:
- develop unified grievance and appeals processes for D-SNPs; and
- establish new standards for integration of Medicare and Medicaid benefits for D-SNPs.
CMS’s Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office is soliciting comments to help inform its next steps related to unified D-SNP grievance and appeals processes and new benefit-integration standards. This request for comments is directed to stakeholders working on addressing the needs of dual eligibles, individuals who are served by both Medicaid and Medicare.
Through April 12, 2018, CMS is inviting written stakeholder input on these provisions.
Please see the request for stakeholder input at:, which provides additional background information and outlines topics and questions for which the Medicaid-Medicaid Coordination office especially would benefit from YOURinput.
Please submit comments, using the subject line “Comments on Section 50311,”to
Thank you for providing comments.
Google Maps has a new accessibility feature that makes it easier for people with disabilities to get around. The "wheelchair route" feature is now available in certain large cities. The company plans to work with transit agencies to expand this feature to other cities.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Report on the Evaluation of Home and Community-Based Support Services for Older American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians
By SD Network, 2018-03-21
In 2016, Administration for Community Living's Administration on Aging contracted ICF International to conduct a participatory evaluation of the Title VI Grant Program, which provides home and community-based supportive services for older American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian populations.
The evaluation seeks to answer the following questions:
- How do tribes/organizations operate their Title VI Programs?
- What is the impact of Title VI programs on elders in the community? Are there differences nationally or by tribe/organization?
- Do Title VI programs that are sole-sourced funded have a different impact than programs that are funded through multiple sources?
The evaluation, still ongoing, has released its Evaluation of the ACL Title VI Programs: Year 1 Interim Report outlining the approach to and the design of the evaluation. In addition, the report provides information on the evaluation participants, timeline of the project, and initial findings.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: New Funding Opportunities To Conduct Research on Exercise Interventions for People with Disabilities, and Health & Function for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
By SD Network, 2018-03-20
Two new grant opportunities from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL have been announced: the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) on exercise interventions for people with disabilities, and the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on health & function for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The purpose of the DRRP program is to plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities (including international activities) to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities.
DRRP on Exercise Interventions for People with Disabilities -- The purpose of this DRRP is to generate new knowledge about the effectiveness of exercise interventions for people with disabilities.
The purpose of the RRTC program is to achieve the goals of, and improve the effectiveness of, services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act through well-designed research, training, technical assistance, and dissemination activities in important topic areas as specified by NIDILRR. These activities are designed to benefit rehabilitation service providers, individuals with disabilities, family members, and other stakeholders.
RRTC on Health & Function for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities -- The purpose of this RRTC is to conduct research, training, and related activities to contribute to optimal health and function outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Please visit the links above for more details about the grant opportunities and application process. These grant opportunities close on May 14, 2018.
NATIONAL ABLE RESOURCE CENTER: Social Security Administration Releases Updated Guidance on ABLE
By SD Network, 2018-03-20
Recently, the Social Security Administration (SSA) published an updated version of its Program Operations Manual System (POMS) regarding the ABLE Act and ABLE accounts. POMS is based upon the law and is an operational policy reference used by SSA internal staff to conduct SSA business.
DISABILITY SCOOP: Medical Schools Adding Focus On Developmental Disabilities
By SD Network, 2018-03-19
A new program Is making sure new doctors are much more prepared to treat people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It's a four year partnership between Special Olympics and the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry. The program has been started at six schools across the country with six more schools soon being selected.
DISABILITY SCOOP: United Airlines To Train Employees On Intellectual Disabilities
By SD Network, 2018-03-19
A major U.S. airline is taking steps to improve travel for people with intellectual disabilities. United Airlines recently announced that they would be train all of its employees to better understand the needs of people with disabilities. Training sessions will focus on issues people with disabilities face while flying.
Self-Determination Network News:
March 2018
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Join the Discussion!
The Self-Determination Network posts a discussion question related to self-determination/self-direction every month in hopes that we can share experiences and learn from each other. Last month, we had to great discussion about transportation.
This month, we're tackling another major challenge for people with disabilities--housing. How can people use self-direction strategies to obtain affordable, accessible housing? Join the Discussion!
2018 marks a big milestone for InControl Wisconsin – our 5th Annual Aging Empowerment Conference! We are making a splash to celebrate, and hosting a global leader in the empowerment movement. Dr. Simon Duffy is the founding Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform in the UK, and Secretary to the international cooperative Citizen Network. Simon is best known for his work on models to extend self-directed support to all groups, including elders. His work on citizenship has also challenged the view that older people can no longer be citizens and he works to break down barriers between different groups trying to achieve a more inclusive and just society.
Simon's keynote address will illustrate a philosophical history of citizenship and old age; a review of the movement toward self-determination and self-direction; highlights of interesting developments globally; and strategic ideas for building strong moments for change on both the public awareness and political front. He'll stay with us for Friday's Advocacy Summit, where we will consider strategies relevant to our work in Wisconsin and learn how to impact change in our communities.
We are accepting workshop presentation ideas until April 1st. Here is our Call for Proposals, and we welcome your ideas about aging empowerment that you'd like to share with our conference audience! We also invite you to join us as a Sponsor/Exhibitor, where you'll be an instrumental presence throughout the conference. We'll have dedicated hours for tabling and networking, and every sponsor level includes conference registration, because we recognize that you'll want to be included in the entire event.
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Call for Presentations: Proposals for presentations are now being accepted for the 2018 Self-Determination Conference. Submit a proposal today!
- Changes to the ADA: Despite strong opposition from disability advocates, the House approved the ADA Education and Reform Act. Learn what these changes would mean and why advocates are opposed.
- Be Inspired: For Daina of Nielsville, snowboarding is about being free. Read how participating in Special Olympics and training with famous Olympians has helped her gain so much confidence in herself.
- Medicaid Wavier Tracker: Are you trying to keep track of all the potential Medicaid waivers that are pending or approved? Check out the new Medicaid Wavier Tracker.
- Voting Struggles: Voting has long had various obstacles for people with disabilities, from inaccessible locations to unusable paper ballots. Find out what other factors have led to fewer people with disabilities voting in the last two elections.
- Key Findings: A report was recently published describing the percentage of adults with disabilities in the United States living in communities. Check out the interesting statistics in the report.
- Accessible Video Games: The racing auditory display (RAD) enables gamers who are visually impaired to play the same types of racing games that sighted players can play. Find out how the interface display works.
The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.
For March, we shine the spotlight on board member of InControl Wisconsin, Jim. He has seen self-determination transform from a far fetched concept to an actual movement that has provided opportunities for many people to live self-determined lives. He encourages people to keep conversations about his/her desires and wishes for self-determination going, so they can actually happen. Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Jim.
Stacy’s Journal
Is it safe to go anywhere anymore? Regardless of political beliefs, it’s a question is on many people’s minds lately. This month, Stacy discusses how people with disabilities are among the most vulnerable in violent situations. We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
Disability Advocacy Day: March 20th, 9:30a.m. to 3:30p.m., State Capitol, Madison WI
- Webinar: Learn What You Need To Know To Open An ABLE Account; Tips For Special Needs Financial Planning In Wisconsin: March 28th, 6:30p.m., Online
- Advocacy for Change: April 12th, 8:30a.m. to 4p.m., Concourse Hotel, Madison WI
- 2018 Employment First Conference: May 22nd, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells WI
- 2018 Aging Empowerment Conference: June 14th-15th, Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, Madison WI
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.