SD Network

DISABILITY SCOOP: ABLE Programs In Jeopardy, Disability Advocates Warn

user image 2018-07-10
By: SD Network
Posted in: ABLE Accounts

Disability advocates fear that without a major change ABLE accounts could be unsustainable.  ABLE accounts allow people with disabilities to save up to $100,000 without risking eligibility for Social Security and other government benefits. Medicaid can be retained no matter how much money is in the accounts.  According to many advocacy groups, ABLE programs across  the country are in desperate need of more account holders.  It's  estimated that 390,000 accounts are needed by June 2021 in order for ABLE programs to reach “bare bones sustainability.”  Disability advocates are pressuring Congress to pass the ABLE Age Adjustment Act before the end of the year in hopes that it will increase numbers.

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