

Self-Determination Network News:

September 2024

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Registration Closes Soon--Register Now!

Registration is now open for the 2024 Self-Determination Conference which will be held October 21st-23rd at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells. This year's theme is A Seat at the Table: Nothing About Us, Without Us. Join us for one of the largest events for people with disabilities and people who support them. Learn how to live more independently, participate in your community, and direct your public funds efficiently.  Registration closes September 20th. Learn more and register today!


InControl Wisconsin's Caring Across Cultures Project

On October 1, InControl Wisconsin will release Caring Across Cultures, a learning platform for older adults and people with disabilities who employ direct care workers, and for direct care workers.  It provides information and activities that can help employers and their workers develop stronger relationships with each other by understanding their differences and communicating effectively. To learn more, go to the InControl Wisconsin website here.

Survival Coalition Releases Priorities 

Survival Coalition, a cross disability and aging coalition made up of more than 20 statewide organizations (including InControl Wisconsin) has released the top priorities affecting people with disabilities in Wisconsin. Among the top priorities are access to in-home care, voting, and transportation. Read the full press release.

Join the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition for a Lunch & Learn Webinar

Are you ready for the Presidential Election in November? Join the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition on Tuesday September 17th from 12p.m. to 12:45p.m. to learn how to do things such as: register or check your registration, request an absentee ballot, vote early (in person), use the My Vote Wisconsin website, exercise your basic voting rights, and request accommodations. Register now!

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Check out the Latest Videos!

The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.

Check out the newest videos on the channel:

We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • New Data: The Center for Disease Control recently released the annual update to the Disability and Health Data System. Find out what the new data revealed.
  • Push for Nationwide Headcount: Disability advocates are pushing for the federal government to track the number of direct support professionals there are. Learn why this is a crucial piece of data that is missing.
  • Employment Toolkit: This U.S. Department of Labor toolkit provides strategies and best practices to recruit, hire, retain, and advance workers with disabilities in good jobs in construction, manufacturing, and clean energy. Check it out!
  • Proclamation: In late July, in celebration of the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the White House put out a proclamation explaining what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done. Read about the actions being taken to further make things accessible.
  • State Fee Changes: The Evers administration recently announced the establishment of minimum rates for home-and-community-based services care that must be paid by managed care organizations. Learn what advocates feel is needed to ensure that the increases actually show up in workers' paychecks.
  • Reflecting on the ADA: As we celebrated the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act in July, there was a lot of reflection about not only how far the country has come, but also about how much still needs to be done.  Take a look at this very informative blog that recaps everything nicely.
  • Expanded Care Choices: Starting in January 2025, almost 8,000 Family Care and Family Care Partnership (Partnership) members in South Central Wisconsin will have more choices in who helps manage their long-term care. Find out which nine countries will be able to choose from two additional managed care organizations.
  • Laws Simplify Equipment Repair Process: For a long time, disability advocates and those who rely on mobility equipment have said that Wisconsin laws make it harder to repair devices. However, in the past year, two bills have been passed to address these issues Learn what these laws will do.
  • Updated Index: An updated online interactive tool and an accompanying report which allow users to analyze state policies and direct care workforce outcomes across the country. Learn why this is helpful to policy makers, advocates, and state leaders.
  • Finding Accessible Businesses: For people with disabilities, finding businesses that accommodate their accessibility needs can be challenging. Learn about the accessibility options one popular business review company added to help people find the specific accommodations they need when looking for a business.
  • Healthcare Task Force Report: Governor Evers recently announced that the Governor's Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce released its final report and advisory action plan including solutions to address the ongoing healthcare workforce shortages. Read about the recommendations the task force adopted.
  • Emerging Leader Award: The American Association of People with Disabilities Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader Awards recognizes outstanding emerging leaders with disabilities who exemplify leadership, advocacy, and dedication to the broader cross-disability community. Applications due October 15th. Learn more and apply today!

128 Upcoming Events 

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.

The AAPD Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader Awards recognizes outstanding emerging leaders with disabilities who exemplify leadership, advocacy, and dedication to the broader cross-disability community.

2025 Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader Award

Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 5:00pm ET.

Through the AAPD Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader Awards, each year the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) recognizes outstanding emerging leaders with disabilities who exemplify leadership, advocacy, and dedication to the broader cross-disability community. Two (2) individuals or groups will each receive $2,500 in recognition of their outstanding contributions and $7,500 to further a new or existing project or initiative that increases opportunities for people with disabilities. 
The recipients of the 2025 AAPD Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader Awards will be honored among national disability leaders at the 2025 AAPD National Community Event in the Spring.

Learn More Here
Apply for the Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader AwardWe encourage applicants who self-identify as an emerging leader with a disability to apply, regardless of U.S. citizenship, incarceration status, or age. We especially encourage people who have experienced intersecting forms of discrimination and from historically excluded backgrounds, rural areas, and U.S. territories to apply. An applicant’s status as an emerging leader is not necessarily tied to age, education status, employment, or specific experience or involvement in the disability community.
How Can I Learn More?All interested applicants can learn more on AAPD’s website. 
AAPD will host a Zoom webinar on Monday, September 16, 2024 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm ET for any interested applicants to review the information and answer any questions you have. ASL and CART will be provided. Register for the webinar here. 
If you have any additional questions or access needs for the webinar, please email
Join The Webinar

Governor Evers recently announced that the Governor's Task Force on the Healthcare Workforce released its final report and advisory action plan including solutions to address the ongoing healthcare workforce shortages. The 25-member task force met six times since March to hear from healthcare industry experts and leaders, analyze labor market data, and produce an advisory action plan for Gov. Evers’ review and consideration. As a result of those meetings, the Task Force adopted 10 recommendations with 26 action items representing a variety of policies and programs to address various industry issues, including education, training, recruitment, and retention of healthcare workers. The action plan represents a strategic set of policy and implementation approaches targeting the healthcare industry’s chronic challenges.

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For people with disabilities, finding businesses that accommodate their specific accessibility needs can be challenging. Earlier this summer, Yelp, a business review company, added eight additional accessibility options that can be searched. Four of the filters are mobility related, two are for hearing accessibility, and two are for people with visual impairments. These options allow people to select the accommodations they need and then the website will filter in the businesses that have them.

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The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) wants to hear what FEAs for the IRIS program are doing well, as well as how they can better serve participants.

We invite IRIS participants, families and friends, caregivers and providers, IRIS contract staff, advocates, and other partners to share their thoughts. This is a chance to share your ideas about services and improvements.

If you want to request a paper copy of this survey or want to take it in another language, email us at

The survey will close on September 13.

Take the Survey

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Access to in-home care, voting, and transportation for non-drivers impact all Wisconsinites Survival Coalition—a cross-disability and aging coalition of more than 20 statewide organizations ( including InControl Wisconsin) —has identified the top priorities affecting constituents in every district across the state. “People with disabilities and unpaid caregivers, many of whom are family members, rely on in-home services to keep contributing to their communities and living in their own homes,” said Patti Becker, Survival Coalition Co-Chair. “Ongoing investment in care infrastructure—including the care workforce—is
critical to support families and people with disabilities so they can continue to participate in the Wisconsin workforce and so people with disabilities and older adults can avoid costlier nursing homes and institutional settings. It’s not enough for children with disabilities and special health care needs to get into a program if they still can’t get the services you need, like private duty nursing, dentistry, and autism treatment 

Read full press release.

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An updated online interactive tool and an accompanying report which allow users to analyze state policies and direct care workforce outcomes across all 50 states and Washington, DC. The State Index helps policymakers, advocates, and other state leaders understand how their state currently supports direct care workers, identify areas for improvement, and see how their state ranks in comparison to other states.

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Applications for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Are Open

Applications due Monday, September 23, 2024
On July 24, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) made available nearly $1 billion to fund programs that ensure communities have access to devices and skills needed to fully participate in the digital world, regardless of their background or circumstances.
This is the first funding opportunity from the Digital Equity Act’s $1.25 billion Competitive Grant Program and is part of the “Internet for All” initiative, a key component of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
The disability and aging networks play a pivotal role in helping people learn about and access affordable high-speed internet, as well as the tools and resources needed to be successful online. ACL encourages the disability and aging networks to join with partners in your state and/or community to apply for this competitive grant opportunity.  
Under the Notice of Funding Opportunity, a variety of organizations can apply on a competitive basis for funding. Eligible applicants include political subdivisions of states, such as city and county governments; Native entities, including Indian tribes, Alaska Native entities, or Native Hawaiian organizations; certain nonprofits; community anchor institutions; local educational agencies; and workforce development organizations. United States Territories are eligible to apply for funding under a separate set-aside. Partnerships among these entities are allowed, and NTIA encourages proposals that demonstrate a broad partnership of entities with the ability to administer significant resources and address wide-ranging populations.  
Please direct programmatic questions to and grants management questions to
View more details and application instructions

When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law, the United States moved a step closer to being a country where health care was recognized as a right, not treated as a privilege only available to a select few. The data are clear: strengthening Medicaid benefits not only the individual, but the community.

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For a long time, disability advocates and those who rely on mobility equipment have said that Wisconsin laws make it harder to repair devices. However, in the past year, two bills have been passed to address these issues. One of them will eliminate the need for Medicaid prior authorizations and doctors' prescriptions for wheelchair repairs and complex rehabilitative technology; the other will increase the reimbursement rate for complex rehabilitative technology and accessories. The new rules do not apply to managed care plans like Family Care, Family Care Partnership, or Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).

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