SD Network

Category: Network News

111_blogs.pngSelf-Determination Network News:December 2015


2016 Aging Empowerment Conference:
Living a Self-Determined Life

The 2016 Aging Empowerment Conference: Living a Self-Determined Life focuses on exploring ways to advance self-determination as the foundation for providing support while empowering older people to retain control of their lives. This is the 3rd annual conference and is hosted by InControl Wisconsin and other sponsors. The 2016 Conference will be June 7th-8th at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. Presentation proposals are now being accepted.

Click hereto learn more information and to fill out the application. Proposals are due January 15th.

Changes to Wisconsin Long-Term Care:
Whats Next?

In December, the Department of Health Services (DHS) must submit its quarterly report to the Joint Finance Committee as required by the budget, and tell how it has engaged with stakeholders on Long-Term Care changes. This is another opportunity to engage with policy-makers and let them know you are watching and concerned about the future of Wisconsins Long-Term Care system.

The Wisconsin Board for Developmental Disabilities has sharedfour action stepsthat you can take in December. Remember, by continuing to let your voice be heard, youre showing policy-makers that you care about the future of Long-Term Care in Wisconsin!


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For December, we shine the Spotlight on Jason Endres. As the former president of People First Wisconsin and also a person who directs his own supports, he full-heartedly that everyone should have the right to live their life as they choose. His tremendous advocacy efforts are widely recognized across the state. Stop by this monthsMember Spotlightand get to know Jason!

Who should we shine the Spotlight on next?


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Watch: The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities put together a great video that highlights moments from this years Self-Determination Conference.
  • Program Summary: Here is the summary of the plan for the Childrens Community Options Program for 2016.
  • Protect Access to Specialized Equipment: Significant decreases to availability of customized and essential medical equipment that people with disabilities depend on could be coming in 2016. Find out how you can let your legislators know how this change would affect you or someone you care about.
  • Improving Transportation: This is an interesting blog about improving transportation for people with disabilities.
  • Community Technical Assistance Grant: The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is offering a grant for organizations interested in supporting people with disabilities to build full lives in the community. Applications due December 28th.
  • ABLE Account Rules Relaxed: This is an interesting about how the IRS has eased up on rules for ABLE accounts.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

115_blogs.jpgStacys Journal

This month, Stacy discusses how theholiday season can often bring on added stress for people with disabilities. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

116_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeournewest members:

  • Thisparentwants to learn more about employment.
  • Thissupervisoris interested in self-determination.

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

117_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

105_blogs.png?width=48Self-Determination Network News: November 2015


2015 Self-Determination Conference

We really enjoyed seeing so many of our members at this years Self-Determination Conference. Wed love to hear what you thought of it. Weve started a discussion about it, so you can share your experience, comments, and ideas. Lets keep the conversation going!

We want to congratulate this year's Diehard Award winners who were recognized at the conference.These individuals received a Diehard Award for going above and beyond in supporting the lives of people with disabilities. Many of the winners are members of our Network. Please help us congratulate and thank these members for their outstanding advocacy efforts:

  • Jane Jushka is involved various advocacy groups and serves as a mentor for People First.
  • Ginger Beuk was very active in getting an accessible playground built in her community and is also very involved in many advocacy groups.
  • Marie Massart helped start a People First group in her community.
  • Julie Burish is a parent advocate who has been very involved in Save IRIS.
  • Jason Endres is very active in various advocacy groups such as Save IRIS and is the president of People First Wisconsin.
  • Nancy Gapinski is another parent advocate who has been very involved in Save IRIS.
  • Marion Holmberg is yet another parent advocate who has been very involved in Save IRIS.
  • Erin Miller is a strong self-advocate and is involved in Save IRIS.

Changes to Wisconsin Long-Term Care: Whats Next?

On November 18th, theCommittee on Aging and Long-Term Care held an Informational hearing on Medicaid Managed Care -Family Care-IRIS 2.0. Linksto the video recording of itandthePowerPoints that were used can be found on our Resource page.

In addition,in late October, InControlWisconsin released itscomments on the newLong-Term Care plan for Wisconsin. We encourage you take a few minutes to read these over and add your commentsas well.

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Input Needed: Angie is looking for direct support professionals to complete an online survey. Could you help her? Or do you know someone that could help her?
  • Get Involved: Marie posted about her involvement in People First Wisconsin and what it has done for her. Shes encouraging others to contact her to learn how to become involved.
  • Benefits Remain Unchanged: This is an interesting article about how Social Security benefits will remain the same in 2016.
  • Call for Student Artists: VSA Wisconsin is looking for student artists (ages 5-21) with disabilities. Submissions due by February 15th, 2016.
  • Neat New App: This is a great article a new app that locates the nearest handicapped parking spots.
  • Call for Proposals: Proposals are now being accepted for the 2016 Multiple Perspectives Conference. Proposals are due January 18th, 2016.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Stacys Journal

For November, Stacy shares about her experience attending the Self-Determination Conference with us. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

106_blogs.png?width=100New Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members:

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

107_blogs.jpeg?width=100Upcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

100_blogs.pngSelf-Determination Network News:October2015


Changes to Wisconsin Long-Term Care: Whats Next?

On October 12th, InControl Wisconsin held a webinar withLynn Breedlove, Co-chair of the Wisconsin Long-Term Care Coalition, and Lisa Pugh, Public Policy Director of Disability Rights Wisconsin, about what's next for Long-Term Care in Wisconsin. Weve setup aResource pagein our Wisconsin Long-Term Care section where you can find links to the webinar (both the audio-recording and the Powerpoint) as well as multiple resources to help you understand what's happening. We encourage you to check these out and share your resources as well.

In addition, weve started adiscussionwhere you can ask questions and express your thoughts and concerns regarding Long-Term Care in Wisconsin. Join the conversation today!

Member Spotlight

The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For this month, we shine the Spotlight on Dennis Granzen. Having the unique perspective of advocating for people with disabilities, but then also needing supports himself, he understands the importance of self-determination and advocacy. Stop by this monthsMember Spotlightand get to know Dennis!

Who should we shine the Spotlight on next?

Take our One-Minute Poll

In our last one-minute poll, we asked what your favorite Halloween candy was. About 26% reported that they liked Reeses Peanut Butter Cups best. M&Ms came in a close second at about 23%, and Snickers and Butterfingers tied at about 13%. About 20% of people said they either liked a different kind of candy or didnt like candy.

As you know, InControl Wisconsin recently offered a webinar focusing on an update of the State budget and its impact on long-term care programs in Wisconsin. As we consider future webinars, wed like to know if there are other topics youre interested in. Take ourone-minute pollnow!

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Call for Proposals: Proposals are now being accepted for the Autism Society of Wisconsin 27thAnnual Conference.
  • Advocacy Continues: This is a great article about how people continue to voice their concerns about changes to long-term care.
  • Power of Networking: This is a great blog about the power of networking for people with disabilities.
  • Register Now: Registration is now open for the Across the Lifespan Conference.
  • Emergency Preparedness: This is a terrific article about emergency preparation for people with disabilities.
  • Disability and Arts: Read about this great Wisconsin organization that provides arts programming for people with disabilities.
  • City Ranking: This is an interesting article about a ranking for the best and worst cities for people with disabilities.
  • Caregiver Wage Protections: This is a great article about caregiver wage protections finally took effect after many delays.
  • Call for Exhibitors: The Across the Lifespan Conference is still looking for exhibitors. Exhibitor registration deadline is November 30th.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy shares about howa new IRIS rule has really impacted her life. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

101_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members:

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

102_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.



The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

94_blogs.pngSelf-Determination Network News: September 2015


Join us for a Webinar about the Future Wisconsins Long-Term Care System

In the 2015-2017 budget, Governor Walker and the legislature started a chain of events which will likely lead to major changes in Wisconsins Long-Term Care (LTC) system.

But what was really included in the budget? How and when will changes happen? Most importantly, what can we all do about it?

Join this webinar as we share what we already know and discuss what's next for long-term care in WI. The webinar will be on Monday October 12th from 10:30am to 12pm. Watch for registration information coming soon!

Public Hearings on the Future of Family Care and Self-Direction

The Department of Health Services (DHS) is hosting alimited number of public hearingson what the new Wisconsin managed long term care system should look like.The hearings scheduled so far are:

An additional tribal hearing will be scheduled with the date and location to be determined.We will inform you when details on that become available. The Wisconsin Long Term Care Coalition has put togethera set of principlesthat must be the foundation of Wisconsins future Long Term Care systemto help participants develop written testimony. If possible, bring a written copy of your testimony. People will be given three minutes to speak.

You are an expert in the daily services you and your family need to live in and be a part of the community. Now is the time to let your voice be heard. We need to tell DHS what good things about the current system should stay the same, whether there are some things that should change, and what we do not want to see when the current system is replaced.

Take our One-Minute Poll

In our last one-minute poll, we asked if youre planning to attend this years Self-Determination Conference on November 9th-11th. Unfortunately, about 46% of people reported that they arent able to attend this year. About 15% of people said theyre already registered, and 23% of people say they still need to register. Another 15% say they arent sure if theyre attending yet. If youre going, please be sure to stop by the InControl Wisconsin booth in the exhibit hall and say hi!

This month, just for fun, were asking you what your favorite Halloween candy is. Take our one-minute poll now!

Statewide Assistive Technology Resource Fair

InControl Wisconsin will be at the Statewide Assistive Technology Resource Fair next Wednesday in Green Bay. Stop by our booth and learn ways you can become more involved in our Networks.

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Outdoor Access for All: Access Ability Wisconsin posted about their mission to get all-terrain wheelchairs in Wisconsin so people with physical challenges can enjoy the outdoors. Find out how you can get involved!
  • Air Travel Survey: The Paralyzed Veterans Administration is conducting a survey of air travelers who use wheelchairs.
  • Intriguing Statistics: This is a very interesting press release about new disability statistics.
  • Protections for Home Care Workers: This is a great article about how the federal appeals court has reinstated a rule that gives home care workers minimum wage and overtime protections.
  • Disability Rights Importance: This is a great article about why ensuring the ADA and other disability rights laws is important to everyone.
  • Budget Summary: The Wisconsin Survival Coalition has put together a detailed summary of the state budgets impact on the disability.
  • Inclusive Society: This is an awesome blog about ways to make society more inclusive for people with disabilities.
  • Summary of Medicaid Forum: Here is a summary of the process the state will use to create the new long-term care.
  • Housing Concerns: This is an interesting article about concerns over the lack of housing available for people with disabilities in Wauwatosa.
  • Airline Guidelines: This is a great article about how the US Department of Transportation has created a new guide airlines must follow when serving people with disabilities
  • Family Care and IRIS PowerPoint: The Department of Health Services has now posted a PowerPoint presentation which they will give at every public hearing outlining state budget provisions regarding Family Care and IRIS.
  • Adaptive Sports Program: This is a great article about how an adaptive sports program is opening doors for people with disabilities.
  • Eliminating Discrimination: This is an interesting article about a new proposed rule would help ensure people with disabilities aren't discriminated against at doctors offices.
  • Call for Proposals: Presenter applications for the Circles of Life Conference are now being accepted.
  • Access to Special Needs Trusts: This is a very interesting article about a new bill knownas the Special Needs Trust Fairness Act would allow individuals with disabilities to establish a special needs trust for themselves.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy shares about her love for teaching and ways she has found can teach despite her physical limitations. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

95_blogs.png?width=100New Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members:

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

96_blogs.jpeg?width=100Upcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

89_blogs.pngSelf-Determination Network News:August2015


Theres still Time to Speak up about IRIS and Self-Direction!

The state budget eliminates IRIS as a separate Medicaid Waiver program, and folds self-direction under the umbrella of managed care. However, the Department of Health Services (DHS) must renew the current IRIS waiverset to expire at the end of 2015 so the IRIS program can continue to run until (and if) it is replaced by the new system.

Every chance to tell DHS what self-direction should look like is important. Submitting public comments on the current IRIS programeven though the state budget calls for self-direction to be folded under managed care in the new systemcan clearly communicate the elements of self-direction that people with disabilities and their families feel are important to retain in a new system.

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities has provided us with information about how to submit comments to DHS about this. Comments are due by September 11th. Find out how tolet your voice be heard!

Take our One-Minute Poll

In our last one-minute poll, we asked how you felt about the future of Long-Term Care in Wisconsin now that the State budget is passed. An overwhelming 75% of people reported that they are very concerned that the changes will harm the quality of life of the elderly and people with disabilities. 3% of people also commented about how they feel that legislature ignored advocates and about how its all about dollars instead of people. About 20% of people said that they are concerned, but think we need learn more about the changes before jumping to conclusions.

This month were asking if youre attending this years Self-Determination Conference. Take ourone-minute pollnow!

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Join the Discussion: We had an excellent discussion about the State Budget and the future of Long-Term Care during the Coffee Break that we had in late July.We encourage you to take a look at the summary and add your questions and thoughts.
  • Watch: Watch this video of President Obama speaking about the 25thanniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Self-Determination Webinar: This will be a great webinar about self-determination. One of the presenters, Jonathan Martinis, will be a keynote speaker at this year's Self-Determination Conference in Wisconsin Dells. You can register for the conference by clickinghere.
  • Call for Exhibitors: Exhibitor applications are now being accepted for the Across the Lifespan Conference.
  • ADA Fight Is Not Over:This is a great article about the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at the White House.
  • Globalize the ADA: This is an interesting article about how we need to globalize the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Behind the ADA: This is a terrific article by Robert L. Burgdorf Jr. about why he wrote the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Breaking Barriers with the ADA: An interesting article about how the Americans with Disabilities Act improving lives for Americans with Disabilities.
  • Community Living Record: This is a great article about how for the first time ever Medicaid is spending more on community-based services than on institutional care.
  • Service Animal Rule Clarification: This is an informative article about how the Justice Department has issued a document that clarifies the service animal rules that were issued four years ago.
  • ABLE Account Implementation Plan: An article about how state officials from across the country are meeting to develop a plan on how to implement the new ABLE accounts.
  • ABLE Act Promotes Independence: This is a terrific article about how the ABLE Act will help Wisconsin families.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Member Spotlight

The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For this month, we shine the Spotlight on Tricia Thompson. As a former special education teacher and a current IRIS consultant, she full-heartedly believes in self-determination and the power of making ones own choices. Stop by this monthsMember Spotlightand get to know Tricia!

Who should we shine the Spotlight on next?

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy shares about herspecial relationship with her parents. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

90_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members:

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

91_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

Self-Determination Network News: July 2015

By SD Network, 2015-07-20


State Budget Update

As most of you have heard, Governor Walker signed the budget on July 12th, 2015. The budget has lots of changes to Wisconsins Long-Term Care programs. Weve added several informational links on ourLearn about the Budget page. After our Coffee Break on Wednesday, we'll start a discussion on the topic and we encourage you to join in and share your questions and thoughts. We'll be sure to send out a link to it when it when it's posted.


Join us for another Coffee Break!

Coffee Break: Wisconsin's State Budget and the Future of Long-Term Care Programs: Wednesday July 22ndfrom 9:30am to 10am

Wisconsin's state budget has been passed by the legislature and Governor Walker has signed it into law. In the process, Gov. Walker made numerous line-item vetoes.

So what changes to the long-term care system are inthe new state budget? How will theyaffect you and the people you care about? Will you still be able to self-direct your services? Is IRIS going to disappear? What will happen to Family Care and the ADRCs?

Join us for a Coffee Break with Lynn Breedlove, board president of InControl Wisconsin and outspoken advocate for self-determination, as we talk about what we know (and don't know) about the future of the long-term care system in Wisconsin. Bring your questions, comments, etc. as our Coffee Breaks are an opportunity to talk with each other about topics we care about.

Before the Coffee Break, you may want to check out thisFAQ from the Survival Coalition about the State Budget and long-term care. Those links can be found on ourBudget page.

The Coffee Break is a live discussion (written chat) on the Network, open to all members. Each Coffee Break has a different theme - participants will be asked to share their thoughts, questions, ideas and challenges on the subject.

You can join the discussion (chat) any time during the Coffee Break. Just sign in on the SD Network during the time you want to participate on the Network and then go to the Chat Room.

There's no need to register - however, it would help if you would RSVP so we have some idea if you will be joining us.

Take our One-Minute Poll

In our last one-minute poll, we asked what their favorite summer activities were. 30% of people said they enjoy going to festivals and about 17% enjoy going to sporting events. 20% of people like going swimming and about 27% enjoy having cookouts.

This month were asking how you feel about the future of Long-Term Care in Wisconsin now that the budget is passed. Take ourone-minute pollnow!

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Pauls Dream: Read this incredibly inspiring story written by Jim Wahner about a quadriplegic from Milwaukee who had powerful impact on the movement for disability rights and self-determination in Wisconsin in the 1970s.
  • Give your Feedback: The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is asking for your input while developing their next five year plan.
  • Let Your Voice be Heard: Heres a chance to voice your opinions and concerns about the future of Managed Care in Wisconsin.
  • Register Now: Registration is now open for this years Self-Determination Conference.
  • Medicaid Incentives: Read about a new bill that wouldprovide financial incentives to states for helping people with disabilities live and work in the community.
  • ABLE Act Rules: Learn about the rules being proposed for the ABLE Act.
  • Service Animal Resource: This is a great resource about the ADAs service animal provisions.
  • Great News: An article about how the ABLE Act was recently signed into law in Wisconsin.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy discusses some of her challenges and experiences whentravelling with a disability. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

84_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members:

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

85_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

Self-Determination Network News: June 2015

By SD Network, 2015-06-14

Self-Determination Network News June 2015


25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

This summer is the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Celebrations are taking place across the country including in Wisconsin. The ADA Legacy Bus Tour is making three stops across the state and there are many other events going on as well. Weve created a special page listing events that are going on in Wisconsin for the ADA 25th. We encourage you to check out some of the events!

Budget Proposal Update

As many of you know, on Wednesday May 27th, the Joint Finance Committee voted 12-4 on a motion that pulls the original proposed long-term care changes from the state budget, but includes significant changes to Wisconsin's Family Care/IRIS programs that would begin in 2017.

Changes in the motion include:

  • Expands Family Care/IRIS statewide byJanuary 1, 2017.
  • Changes the size of regions currently served by Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) so there are no less than 5 regions.
  • Requires multiple Integrated Health Agencies (IHAs) in each region that can be for-profit insurance companies.
  • Lifts the limits on profits and administrative costs on all entities providing Family Care.
  • Ends IRIS as a separate Medicaid program, and requires IHAs to have a consumer-directed option that allows developing plans and allows people to select their own providers, thus folding the existing IRIS program into managed care oversight.
  • Directs the Department of Health Services (DHS) to consult with stakeholders before final waiver request development, with no details on who those stakeholders would be or how they would be consulted.
  • Retains Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) and require DHS to evaluate the functional screen and options counseling reliability and consistency across ADRCs and require DHS to study ADRC governing boards and provide a report on proposed changes to the requirements of boards to remove duplication.

The full Legislature still has to vote on the entire state budget. This vote is expected to take place on June 30th, so now is the VERY critical time to take action!


Join us for another Coffee Break!

Coffee Break: Wisconsin's State Budget and the Future of Long-Term Care Programs: Wednesday July 1st from 9am to 9:30am

Wisconsin's state legislature iscurrently developing our next state budget. Right now, we know that substantial changes to the long-term care system (including Family Care, IRIS and ADRCs) are being considered as part of that budget. By July 1st, we should have a pretty good idea about what will be included.

Join us for a Coffee Break withLynn Breedlove, board president of InControl Wisconsin outspoken advocate for self-determination, as we talk about what we know (and don't know) about the future of the long-term care system in Wisconsin. Bring your questions, comments, etc. as our Coffee Breaks are an opportunity to talk with each other about topics we care about.

The Coffee Break is a live discussion (written chat) on the Network, open to all members. Each Coffee Break has a different theme - participants will be asked to share their thoughts, questions, ideas and challenges on the subject.

You can join the discussion (chat) any time during the Coffee Break. Just sign in on the SD Network during the time you want to participate on the Network and then go to the Chat Room.

There's no need to register - however, it would help if you would RSVP so we have some idea if you will be joining us.

Take our One-Minute Poll

In our last one-minute poll, we asked people what they thought of the Joint Finance Committee's announcement regarding long-term care. About 26% of people were glad they acknowledged the concerns, but thought more work needed to be done. Over 60% of people were disappointed by the announcement and felt the Joint Finance Committee ignored the concerns. Roughly 7% of people reported that they were confused by the announcement.

To lighten things up a bit, this month were asking what your favorite summer activity is. Take our one-minute poll now!

Check out this months Member Spotlight

The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For this month, we shine the Spotlight on Mary Sykes. As a strong advocate for people with disabilities, she is very passionate about person-centered planning. Stop by this monthsMember Spotlightand get to know Mary!

Who should we shine the Spotlight on next?

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Impact of the ADA: Read this great story about how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has impacted one Wisconsin mans life.
  • Learn: This is an interesting article about how statistics show people with disabilities are more likely to be victims of violent crime.
  • Google Initiative: Read about how Google is putting up millions for a disability initiative.
  • Be Inspired: This is a great storyabout a man who has learned to look beyond his physical disability.
  • Rise in Providers: An interesting article about the rise in providers serving people with disabilities.
  • Changes in Managed Care: This is a very interesting article about the proposed changes to Medicaid.
  • Financial Effort Program: Read about a new program federalofficials are launching in effort to help people with disabilities become more financially independent.
  • SPARK Grants: The purpose of SPARKS Grants is to help local groups work on identified changes in their communities through grassroots community organizing. Application deadline is July 31st.
  • Become a Partner in Policymaking: Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities' Partners in Policymaking is a six-session advocacy and systems change training program designed to develop a group of future leaders across the state. Applications due September 1st.
  • Family Grants: Family Voices of Wisconsin is offering funding and technical assistance will be provided to family-led projects designed to improve Wisconsins systems of support for family members who have children and youth with disabilities and/or special health care needs. Application deadline is July 3rd.
  • Housing Costs: This is an interesting article about how a new study finds housing too expensive for with disabilities living on SSI.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy discusses the importance of time management for people with disabilities. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

77_blogs.png?width=150New Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members

  • This person is an advocate for her adult children.
  • Shes a caregiver who believes in self-direction.
  • As a caregiver for people with disabilities, shes very concerned with the budget proposal.
  • This self-advocate wants to help enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • This parent and advocate wants to become more familiar with self-determination.
  • Shes the Executive Service Manager for a company that supports self-direction.

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!


Upcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

Self-Determination Network News: May 2015

By SD Network, 2015-05-22

ImageSelf-Determination Network News:May2015


Last Chance toRegisterfortheAging Empowerment Conference

TODAYis the last day to registerfor the Living a Self-Determined Life: A Conference on Empowerment for Older AdultsJoin InControlWisconsin and other sponsors on June 1stfor aconference exploring self-determination and empowerment in aging at the Glacier Canyon Lodge Conference Center at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. This statewide event will examine new approaches to providing support to older adults that encourage autonomy and choice.

The keynote address entitled, Self-Determination: Past, Present, & Future will be given by Dr. KevinManhoney.Dr. Kevin Mahoney, Professor of Social Work at Boston College and Founding Director of the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services, will share a national perspective on the expansion of self-determination in long-term care. To prepare for the future, we need to understand the past and achievements that bring us here today. What can we learn from the evidence of success that supports this model of service delivery as we look toward the future? This keynote will help us understand the challenges and opportunities we may face in continuing to advance self-determination.

See this brochuremore information or register here. The registration deadline is this TODAY, May 22nd!

Budget Proposal Update

Last week, members of the Joint Finance Committee made an announcement about proposed long-term care changes in the state budget.They announcedthat they are pursuing limited reforms with strong legislative oversight. Legislators proposed giving the Department of Health Services authority to work with the Federal Government to make changes toFamilyCarewith some key requirements.We havelinksto the full press releaseas well as statements from disability organizations in response to iton ourLearn about the Budget page. While many feel this is a big step in the right direction, questions and concerns about the future of the IRIS programand Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)remain. Well continue to keep ourBudget pageas up to date as possible as events unfold.

Earlier in the month, we had another great Coffee Breakdiscussionwith Lynn Breedlove about the proposed changes. We still encourage you totake actionand voice your concerns!

The Results areIn!

In this months one-minute poll, we asked people which programs they use to self-direct (or to help someone else use to self-direct). Over 57% of people say they use IRIS. Roughly 27% of people use Family Care, and about 15% of people either use other programs or dont use any programs to self-direct.Now, we want to know what you think of the Joint Finance Committee's announcement. Take ourone-minute pollnow!

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-DeterminationNetwork:

  • The ADA25 and Faith Initiative: The ADA Wisconsin Partnership posted a neat resource abouta campaigntoencourage faith communities and organizations to sponsor and join in celebrations and activities related to the 25thanniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • New Rules for Medicaid Managed Care: This is avery interesting article about upcoming changes expected in the managed care system.

  • Transportation Hurdles: A great article about the need for better accessible transportation.

  • Self-Determination ConferenceCall for Proposals:Proposals are now being accepted for the 2015 Self-Determination Conference. Proposals due June 1st.

  • Call for Exhibitors: Exhibitors are wanted for the 2015 Self-Determination Conference. Applications are due July 1st.

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy shares some of her experiences and thoughts on trying tonavigate through the system. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

ImageNew Members

Stop by to welcomeournewest members

  • This personoperatesan adult home and is opposed to the budget changes.

  • Thismotheris interested in learning how to help people become more self-directed.

  • She works for The Womens Community and islooking for informationthat might help her clients.

Do you know someone who should join the Self-DeterminationNetwork? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!


ImageUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-DeterminationNetwork:

Post your eventon the Self-DeterminationNetwork and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsinand supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.


Thank You to Our New NetworkSponsors!

We would like to thank Innovative Services, Inc. and LinkEd for becoming our newest sponsors of the Self-Determination Network. The Network would not exist without its fabulous sponsors, who provide in-kind and financial support.To learn about how you can become a Network Sponsor, contactDeb Wisniewski.

Aging Empowerment Conference

Join InControl Wisconsin and other sponsors on June 1stfor a one-day conference exploring self-determination and empowerment in aging at the Glacier Canyon Lodge Conference Center at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. This statewide event will examine new approaches to providing support to older adults that encourage autonomy and choice.

The keynote address entitled, Self-Determination: Past, Present, & Future will be given by Dr. Kevin Manhoney. Dr. Mahoney, Professor of Social Work at Boston College and Founding Director of the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services, will share a national perspective on the expansion of self-determination in long-term care. To prepare for the future, we need to understand the past and achievements that bring us here today. What can we learn from the evidence of success that supports this model of service delivery as we look toward the future? This keynote will help us understand the challenges and opportunities we may face in continuing to advance self-determination.

Stay tuned for registration information!

Check out this months Member Spotlight

The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For this month, we shine the Spotlight on April Nutter. This great parent believes that self-directing your supports can make a world of difference. Stop by this monthsMember Spotlightand get to know April!

Who should we shine the Spotlight on next?

Stay informed about the latest on the Budget Proposal

We continue to keep theBudget Proposal pagewith the latest information. On theLearn pagewe just added links to informational hearings that were held at the capitol about Long-Term Care. Now is the critical time totake action! Let your voice be heard!

The Results are In!

We asked people what they are doing about the proposed changes to IRIS and Family Care. Nearly 50% of people said that theyre sharing their story/thoughts with the Governors office and/or their legislators. Over 20% of people attended Disability Advocacy Day, budget training workshops, and/or public hearings. Nearly 20% of people also reported that theyre talking to people about the changes and/or reading about them. About 9% of people said that they are talking to local media and/or writing letters to newspapers about the proposed changes. Now, we want to know which programs you use to self-direct. Take our newone-minute poll.


Join us for another Coffee Break!

Family Care. IRIS. SeniorCare. ADRCs. Personal Care...

Wisconsin Governor's Budget Proposal is currently in the hands of the Joint Finance Committee. It includes major changes to the Long-Term Care system in Wisconsin.

So what's in the budget? What's not? How will it affect your life or the life of people you care about? What can you do about the changes being proposed?

Join our special guest,Lynn Breedlove, to ask questions, share your thoughts andlearn more about the budget proposal. Lynn is the board president for InControl Wisconsin and a outspoken advocate for self-determination.

The Coffee Break is a live discussion (chat) on the Network, open to all members. Each Coffee Break has a different theme - participants will be asked to share their thoughts, questions, ideas and challenges on the subject.

You can join the discussion (chat) any time during the Coffee Break. Just sign in on the SD Network during the time you want to participate on the Network and then go to the Chat Room.

There's no need to register - however, it would help if you would RSVP so we have some idea if you will be joining us.

Stacys Journal

Network Manager, Stacy Ellingen, continues to share some of her personal experiences with us. This month she shares herJourney to Employmentwith us. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Take a Survey about the ADA: The ADA Wisconsin Partnership posted a survey people can take about the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Neat Resource: The ADA Wisconsin Partnership posted a really neat resource about an online newsletter regarding the ADA. Check it out!
  • Accessible City: This is a great article about how Madison is becoming more accessible for people with disabilities.
  • ABLE Act: An article about how the ABLE Act is moving forward in some states.
  • Questionable SSI Payments: This is an interesting article about how there were billions of dollars of questionable SSI payments in 2014.
  • Call for Exhibitors: The Across the Lifespan Conference is looking for exhibitors for their 2015 conference. Find out how to get involved today!
  • Call for Proposals: The Across the Lifespan Conference is looking for presenters for their 2015 conference. Find out how to get involved today!
  • Caregiver Pay: An interesting article about the push to give in-home caregivers pay protections.
  • Service Animal Fraud: This is a blog about how service animal fraud is on the rise and whats being done to prevent it.
  • Free Bus Rides: Find out which Wisconsin county is offering free bus rides to people with disabilities.
  • Youth Leadership Forum: The Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is now accepting applications for 2015. The deadline is May 11th.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

69_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeournewest members

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

70_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.


Share your picture from Disability Advocacy Day!

Over 700 people attended this years Disability Advocacy Day at the Capitol. Wed love to see photos you took from the event. Weve set up a photo album, so you canshare your photoson the Network!

Keep Informed on the Budget Proposal!

With new information coming out almost daily, weve been working hard to keep theBudget Proposal pageup to date. Keep up to date with thelatest informationabout how the budget proposal would affect people with disabilities.

There have been a couple of different discussions started about the budget. April started adiscussionabout her concern over how the budget would affect her sons life. Bubba shared aletterabout his opinion regarding the budget that he has sent to several different newspapers. We have also started adiscussionhighlighting several points discussed during the Coffee Break we had with Lynn Breedlove on March 3rd. We strongly encourage you to get involved in these discussions or start your own.

The Results Are In!

According to the last poll, approximately 90% of members feel worried and/or angry about the budget proposal. About 6% of members dont know enough about the proposed changes and/or feel it doesnt affect them, and less than 3% of members feel the changes will be good. Now, we want to know what you are doing about the proposed budget. Take our newone-minute poll.

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Join the discussion: An interesting new concept has surfaced on the Internet. Websites and apps are being created where people can rate places based on accessibility. What do you think of the idea? What are the pros and cons?
  • Comparison: Mark posted a great comparison of how self-direction differs between Family Care and IRIS.
  • Stacys Journal: This month Stacy shares about her journey to independent living.
  • Get Involved: The Living a Self-Determined Conference is looking for exhibitors and sponsors for 2015.
  • Learn: This is an interesting article about how the FCC has put together a disability advisory committee to provide expertise and recommendations on communications and video programming issues.
  • Be Inspired: Read this inspiring story about an UW-Oshkosh alum who doesnt let his disability stop him from living his dream!
  • Assistive Technology Survey: Take this survey about assistive technology.
  • Read: The National Council on Disabilities released Home and Community-Based Services: Creating Systems for Success at Home, at Work and in the Community.
  • Disabilities Act Complaint Form: Complaint forms are now available electronically.
  • Rental Assistance: An article about how some states, including Wisconsin, will receive money to help people with disabilities access community-basedhousing.
  • Gaming Accessibility: This is an interesting article about how the gaming industry is trying to be more accessible.
  • ABLE Act: An article about how states are moving forward with the ABLE Act.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

63_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeournewest members

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

64_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.

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