SD Network

Self-Determination Network News: July 2015

user image 2015-07-20
By: SD Network
Posted in: Network News


State Budget Update

As most of you have heard, Governor Walker signed the budget on July 12th, 2015. The budget has lots of changes to Wisconsins Long-Term Care programs. Weve added several informational links on ourLearn about the Budget page. After our Coffee Break on Wednesday, we'll start a discussion on the topic and we encourage you to join in and share your questions and thoughts. We'll be sure to send out a link to it when it when it's posted.


Join us for another Coffee Break!

Coffee Break: Wisconsin's State Budget and the Future of Long-Term Care Programs: Wednesday July 22ndfrom 9:30am to 10am

Wisconsin's state budget has been passed by the legislature and Governor Walker has signed it into law. In the process, Gov. Walker made numerous line-item vetoes.

So what changes to the long-term care system are inthe new state budget? How will theyaffect you and the people you care about? Will you still be able to self-direct your services? Is IRIS going to disappear? What will happen to Family Care and the ADRCs?

Join us for a Coffee Break with Lynn Breedlove, board president of InControl Wisconsin and outspoken advocate for self-determination, as we talk about what we know (and don't know) about the future of the long-term care system in Wisconsin. Bring your questions, comments, etc. as our Coffee Breaks are an opportunity to talk with each other about topics we care about.

Before the Coffee Break, you may want to check out thisFAQ from the Survival Coalition about the State Budget and long-term care. Those links can be found on ourBudget page.

The Coffee Break is a live discussion (written chat) on the Network, open to all members. Each Coffee Break has a different theme - participants will be asked to share their thoughts, questions, ideas and challenges on the subject.

You can join the discussion (chat) any time during the Coffee Break. Just sign in on the SD Network during the time you want to participate on the Network and then go to the Chat Room.

There's no need to register - however, it would help if you would RSVP so we have some idea if you will be joining us.

Take our One-Minute Poll

In our last one-minute poll, we asked what their favorite summer activities were. 30% of people said they enjoy going to festivals and about 17% enjoy going to sporting events. 20% of people like going swimming and about 27% enjoy having cookouts.

This month were asking how you feel about the future of Long-Term Care in Wisconsin now that the budget is passed. Take ourone-minute pollnow!

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Pauls Dream: Read this incredibly inspiring story written by Jim Wahner about a quadriplegic from Milwaukee who had powerful impact on the movement for disability rights and self-determination in Wisconsin in the 1970s.
  • Give your Feedback: The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is asking for your input while developing their next five year plan.
  • Let Your Voice be Heard: Heres a chance to voice your opinions and concerns about the future of Managed Care in Wisconsin.
  • Register Now: Registration is now open for this years Self-Determination Conference.
  • Medicaid Incentives: Read about a new bill that wouldprovide financial incentives to states for helping people with disabilities live and work in the community.
  • ABLE Act Rules: Learn about the rules being proposed for the ABLE Act.
  • Service Animal Resource: This is a great resource about the ADAs service animal provisions.
  • Great News: An article about how the ABLE Act was recently signed into law in Wisconsin.
  • Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy discusses some of her challenges and experiences whentravelling with a disability. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

84_blogs.pngNew Members

Stop by to welcomeour newest members:

Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!

85_blogs.jpegUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.


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