Category: Network News
Self-Determination Network News:February2015
Let Your Voice Be Heard! Wisconsin
Budget Proposal
If the state budget goes through as Governor Walker has proposed, it will mean big changes for the long-term care system in Wisconsin. People with disabilities and older people who use these services will experience changes to Family Care, IRIS, SeniorCare, personal care, plus other programs, services and supports.
The SD Network has added a page with information and links to help you understand how the proposed Budget will affect people who use the long-term care system. Take time today to check out ourWisconsin State Budget pageand to learn how you can let your voice be heard!
New on the SD Network: Stacys Journal
You may recognize the name of Stacy Ellingen as the online manager for the Self-Determination Network, but what else do you know about her? Stacy is someone who has some interesting ideas about her community, the services she uses, and whats happening in Wisconsin. Beginning this February, Stacy will be sharing some of her personal perspectives about life and disability-related issues on the SD Network.
This month, Stacyintroducesherself and then shares herperspective about the state budget proposal. So stop by and connect with Stacy!
Back by Popular Demand
Member Spotlight
The Self-Determination Network includes some amazingly talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Were bringing back Member Spotlight as a way to help you get to know each other better.
For this month, we shine the Spotlight on the board president for InControl Wisconsin Lynn Breedlove. Some know him from his work with the Wisconsin Coalition for Advocacy (now Disability Rights Wisconsin) and the Survival Coalition, some know him from his current advocacy work and work with Partners in Policymaking. Stop by theMember Spotlightand get to know Lynn!
Do you know a SD Network member who we could shine a spotlight on next?
Due to popular demand, we're bringing back Coffee Breaks! Join us!
- Coffee Break: Self-Determination and Governor Walker's Budget Proposal: Thursday, March 5th, 2015, 9:00a.m. to 9:30a.m. CST
On Feb. 3, Wisconsin Governor Walker released his budget proposal for 2015-2017. Included in his proposal are the elimination of IRIS and major changes to FamilyCare, two key long-term care programs in the state.
So how do these proposed changes affect self-determination for the people who use these programs? And what can you do to let the Governor and your elected officials know about the effects of these proposed changes on your life or the life of someone you care about.
Join our special guest, Lynn Breedlove, to ask questions, share your thoughts andlearn more about the Governor's proposal. Lynn is the board president for InControl Wisconsin and a outspoken advocate for self-determination.
The Coffee Break is a live discussion (chat) on the Network, open to all members. Each Coffee Break has a different theme - participants will be asked to share their thoughts, questions, ideas and challenges on the subject.
You can join the discussion (chat) any time during the Coffee Break. Just sign in on the SD Network during the time you want to participate on the Network and then go to the Chat Room.
There's no need to register - however, it would help if you would RSVP so we have some idea if you will be joining us.
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Watch: Deb posted an interesting video about creating one page profiles for people who dont communicate verbally.
- Just Enough Support: Deb posted another great video about an approach to provide individuals with disabilities with just the right amount of support.
- ADA 25thAnniversary: Read this great blog about the 25thanniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- ADA National Symposium: Find out how you can get stipends for the 2015 ADA National Symposium.
- Tax Resource: Heres a great tax resource for people with disabilities.
- ABLE Act Passage: Read about how the White House celebrated the passage of the ABLE Act.
- Be Inspired: Read this inspiring story about a Wauwatosa teen who doesnt let having a disability stop him!
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
New Members
Stop by to welcomeournewest members
- She has beeninvolved with SDSsince 2008.
- This very independent person islooking to make more connectionson the SD Network.
Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:
- Advocacy for Change: A Family Leadership Institute: March 4th, 8:30a.m. to 5p.m., Concourse Hotel, Madison WI
- Coffee Break: Self-Determination and Governor Walker's Budget Proposal: March 5th, 9a.m. to 9:30a.m., SD Network Chat Room
The SurvivalCoalition Disability Advocacy Day: March 17th, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
- Circles of Life Conference 2015: April 30thto May 1st, Holiday Inn Convention Center, Stevens Point WI
- The National ADA Symposium: May 10thto 13th, National Center for Civil & Human Rights, Atlanta GA
- 3rd Annual Disability Pride Festival: July 25th, 12p.m. to 5p.m., Brittingham Park, Madison WI
Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Statement from the Save IRIS Coalition
Self-Determination Network News
January 2015
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! We want to encourage you to take full advantage of this network in 2015. There are several ways to get involved on this network. Its a great time to take a few minutes to explore what the Self-Determination Network has to offer. Networking is a key to success!
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Watch: LaNae posted a great video about self-advocacy. This is an awesome video to share with others!
- Powerful Message: Watch another great video LaNae posted that has a very powerful message.
- Interesting Findings: Read about how a study finds that over half of Medicaid providers were unavailable to people on Medicaid.
- Stay up to Date: Here are the Wisconsin Survival Coalitions budget and policy recommendations for people with disabilities for 2015.
- Stay Informed: Stay up to date on the new HCBS settings rule. Two webinars have been released to help people understand the changes. One is a brief summary of the rule and the other one goes in depth about it means.
- ADA Legacy Bus Tour: Here is a great chance to get involved in the legacy of the ADA. Theyre looking for co-pilots to help in this mission. Find out how you can help today!
- Transportation Grants: Find out which Wisconsin county recently got grants from the Department of Transportation that will improve transportation for the elderly and people with disabilities.
- National Park Accessibility: Read about a neat project a team at the University of Hawaii is doing to try to provide unique experiences to people with visual impairments at national parks.
- Be Inspired: This is an inspiring story about a man with a disability who is using his education to design equipment to help people with disabilities partake in recreational activities.
- Disability Champion Leaving: Read about how the senator who shaped the American with Disabilities Act is stepping down after 40 years.
- Learn: Here is a great explanation of the ABLE Act which was recently signed into law.
- Determined Athlete: An excellent story about a high school senior who uses self-determination to overcome her disability.
- Nominations for Chairmans Accessibility Awards: Find out how to nominate products, services, technologies, and practices that advance the accessibility of communications or video programming for people with disabilities for the Chairman's Awards for Advancement in Accessibility. Nominations due March 5th.
- Read: This New Years message from the National Council on Disability highlights the history of the ADA. Its interesting to see how far weve come, but, at the same time, how much work still needs to be done.
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
New Members
Stop by to welcomeournewest members
- Shes ateacherwho wants to collect information that might be helpful to pass along to others.
- This person is aparentwho wants to help her son reconnect with friends.
- Shes aparent and an IRIS consultantwho sees the benefits of living a self-determined life.
- Sheworks for Milwaukee Center for Independenceand wants information about self-directed supports.
Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word andinvitefriends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:
- Facilitation and Person Centered Planning with PATH and MAPS: February 2ndto 4th, Friends Meeting House, Toronto, ON
- Advocacy for Change: A Family Leadership Institute: March 4th, 8:30a.m. to 5p.m., Concourse Hotel, Madison WI
- The Survival Coalition Disability Advocacy Day: March 17th, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.
We are in the process of reevaluating and possibly revamping how Coffee Breaks are done. Were hoping to start them up again soon. If you have thoughts or ideas regarding Coffee Breaks, please contactStacy Ellingen. We certainly welcome any input.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Self-Determination Network News December 2014
Share your Story!
Share your story about self-determination with us. Have you advocated for yourself or others to gain independence? Have you defied odds or proven naysayers wrong? Our stories provide opportunities to inspire and learn from each other. Check out ourStory sectionand share your story today!
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- White House Fellow: Check out this awesome chance to be a fellow at the White House. Application deadline is January 15th.
- Be Inspired: Find out what motivated one man to pursue building an athletic and rec center for people with physical disabilities.
- Stay Informed: Learn about how Family Care is expanding in 2015.
- Celebrity Controversy: Read about how Jerry Seinfeld is causing controversy by retracting his statement he made about having autism.
- Service Animal Issue: This is an interesting blog about an issue with pet owners trying to pass off their personal pets as service animals.
- All-terrain Wheelchair: Find out which county in Wisconsin now has an all-terrain wheelchair available for people with limited mobility. This allows people with physical disabilities to partake in several outdoor activities.
- Great Resource: Check out this great resource for transportation for people with disabilities.
- Learn: This is an interesting article about the United Nations Disability Treaty.
- More Transportation Options: This is a great article about how agencies in Central Wisconsin received grants that will increase transportation options for people with disabilities.
- Get Involved: Heres a chance to present at the Multiple Perspective Conference. Proposals are due January 5th.
- Let your Voice Be Heard: Think College is looking for input on post secondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities. The survey is available until December 20th.
- Advances in Technology: Read about what a cable company is doing to accommodate people with disabilities.
- Call for Artists: This is a great chance for artists with disabilities to show their talent. Submissions due February 9th.
- Stay Tuned: An article about how the House passed the ABLE Act. Congress is expected to vote on it soon.
- Watch: Watch this story about an incredible student athlete who is determined to compete despite having a debilitating disease.
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
New Members
Stop by to welcomeournewest members
- Shes on the board for InControl Wisconsin and adirector of a service provider agency.
- Hebegan the Disabled Division for the Wisconsin Water Ski Federationand has a passion to help people enjoy sports and recreation.
- Shes anIRIS Consultantwho wants to learn about self-determination issues.
- Shes a small business owner and alsoworks for IRIS.
- This person is a support broker whowants to join the advocacy effort.
- Shesa parent who advocatesfor better supports for adults with disabilities.
Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word andinvitefriends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:
- Teleconference: Section 504 & the ADA: Similarities & Differences: December 16th, 12:00 to 1:00pm
- ADA Audio Conference Series Session: Accommodating Persons with Environmental Sensitivities: December 16th, 1:00pm to 2:30pm, Online
- Facilitation and Person Centered Planning with PATH and MAPS: February 2ndto 4th, Friends Meeting House, Toronto, ON
- The Survival Coalition Disability Advocacy Day: March 17th, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.
We are in the process of reevaluating and possibly revamping how Coffee Breaks are done. Were hoping to start them up again soon. If you have thoughts or ideas regarding Coffee Breaks, please contactStacy Ellingen. We certainly welcome any input.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Share Resources!
Everyone has those key resources that we couldnt live without. Why not share them with others? We encourage you to post resources that you have found helpful in our Resource section. Its also a great place to announce a new resource. We all can benefit by sharing.
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Election Poll Accessibility: Theresa posted some information about how voter turnout was really low among people with disabilities in the recent election.
- Stay Informed: Read about how Supplemental Security Income will increase next year.
- Be Inspired: Read this inspiring story about how self-determination led a young man to achieve things others thought impossible.
- A Bit of History: Learn about The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other Acts that have been passed to help people with disabilities.
- Read: This article in The Guardian brings up some interesting points about giving people with disabilities choices and control in their lives.
- Free Transportation: Find out which county in Wisconsin will start allowing people with disabilities to ride the bus system free of charge starting in April.
- Difference Maker: Read about this Stevens Point man who was recognized for looking beyond his disability and who gives back by encouraging others.
- Star Revelation: Find out which famous comedian thinks he may have Autism.
- Technology Advancements: Read about how advancements in technology could be life-changing for people with disabilities.
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
New Members
Stop by to welcomeour newest members
- Shes a Pupil Services Director who has classes about self determination in her school system.
- Shes a coordinator for the Transition Improvement Grant.
- This person is an independent living coordinator/social worker for an independent living center.
- Shes a coordinator of a Supported Employment Program in New York.
- Shes a Disability Benefit Specialist.
Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:
- ADA Audio Conference Series Session: Accommodating Persons with Environmental Sensitivities: December 16th, 1:00pm to 2:30pm, Online
- Across The Lifespan: Bringing the Best Together: November 13thto 14th, Glacier Canyon Lodge and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
- Wisconsin Transition Conference: November 18th-20th, Kalahari Resort and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
- The Survival Coalition Disability Advocacy Day: March 17th, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
We are in the process of reevaluating and possibly revamping how Coffee Breaks are done. Were hoping to start them up again soon. If you have thoughts or ideas regarding Coffee Breaks, please contact Stacy Ellingen. We certainly welcome any input.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Stay Connected!
The Self-Determination Network has many different ways to get involved. Check out ourConnect and Sharepage to learn about the ways you can take advantage of this website. We have developed a simpleAdvertising Policyfor those of you who may be interested in promoting relevant products/services on this website. We encourage you to take a look at both pages and get involved on this network!
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the SD Network:
- Learn: This blog post has some great tips on how to be a good self-advocate. What other tips can you think of?
- Read: Read this great article about disability awareness. Mike makes several great points about disability perceptions.
- Check out the results: An interesting report done on the best and worst cities for people with disabilities. Find out how two major cities in Wisconsin rank.
- Stay Tuned: This article explains how more and more TV shows are including characters with disabilities. Find out which shows!
- Share:Share your story about self-determination. Have you advocated for yourself or others to gain independence? Have you defied odds or proven naysayers wrong? Our stories provide opportunities to inspire and learn from each other. Share your story with us.
- Be Inspired: Read this inspiring article about a Rhode Island couple who, thanks to integrated supports, are living the American dream.
- Call to Action: Across the Lifespan Bringing the Best Together is seeking exhibitors for this years conference. Find out how to register today! The deadline is November 3rd.
- Watch: Watch this video done by the Disability Vote Coalition of Wisconsin about the different voting resources and accommodations for people with disabilities.
- Early Bird Special: Take advantage of the early bird registration special for the Wisconsin Transition Conference. Early bird registration endsDecember 12th!
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
We are in the process of reevaluating and possibly revamping how Coffee Breaks are done. Were hoping to start them up again soon. If you have thoughts or ideas regarding Coffee Breaks, please contactStacy Ellingen. We certainly welcome any input.
Stop by to welcomeournewest members
Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks! Click hereto send an invite.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:
- Think College Wisconsin: Expanding College Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: October 17th,8:30am to 4pm, Cardinal Stretch University, Milwaukee WI
- Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference: November 10thto 12th, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells WI
- Across The Lifespan: Bringing the Best Together: November 13thto 14th, Glacier Canyon Lodge and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
- Wisconsin Transition Conference: November 18th-20th, Kalahari Resort and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
- The Survival Coalition Disability Advocacy Day: March 17th, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Network Guidelines
Were really glad youre a member of the Self Determination Network. We really encourage you to share your thoughts, resources, ideas, and questions with us, and the rest of our community. To ensure this community continues to run as smoothly and effectively as possible, we have developed some simple guidelines. We encourage you to take a minute to read them over. You can view them by clickinghere.
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Join the Conversation: In todays world, ableism is likely one of the last things on peoples minds. It certainly does exist though. This piece brings up many points. What are your thoughts on Ableism? What are some things we can do as a society to bring awareness to this issue?
- Be Inspired: Read this inspiring story about how a Starbucks employee went the extra mile to help a customer become more independent.
- Watch: This is a great video from the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities about inclusion.
- Conference Scholarships: Family scholarships are available for the Self-Determination Conference. Application deadline is September 30th. Find out how to apply today!
- Share:Share your story about self-determination. Have you advocated for yourself or others to gain independence? Have you defied odds or proven naysayers wrong? Our stories provide opportunities to inspire and learn from each other. Share your story with us.
- Read: Read about how two disability advocates are making sure that the disability community has a voice in the state proposal.
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
We are in the process of reevaluating and possibly revamping how Coffee Breaks are done. Were hoping to start them up again soon. If you have thoughts or ideas regarding Coffee Breaks, please contactStacy Ellingen. We certainly welcome any input.
New Members
Stop by to welcomeournewest members
- Shesa momwho is looking for things that could help her daughter
- She was recently named2014 Winneshiek County Fair Queen
Do you know someone who should join the Self-Determination Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-Determination Network:
- Disability Rights Wisconsin Listening Session: September 19th, 4:30pm to 6:30pm,Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center, Milwaukee WI
- Wisconsin FACETS College Panel: September 24th, 6:00pm to 8:00pm, Wisconsin FACETS, Milwaukee WI
- Madison Nonprofit Day Conference: October 2nd, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
- Think College Wisconsin: Expanding College Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: October 17th, 8:30am to 4pm, Cardinal Stretch University, Milwaukee WI
- Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference: November 10thto 12th, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells WI
- Across The Lifespan: Bringing the Best Together: November 13thto 14th, Glacier Canyon Lodge and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
- The Survival Coalition Disability Advocacy Day: March 17th, Monona Terrace and Convention Center, Madison WI
Post your eventon the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
We Want to Hear From You!
Do you have a question, a news story, an idea, an event, or information you think others would benefit from? Post it on the Self-Determination Network and share it with over 200 people. There's a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills represented by the members of the Self-Determination Network.
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the SD Network:
- Join the Conversation: There has been a lot of buzz lately about the new handicapped symbol. Have you seen it? What are your thoughts? Is it too disability specific?
- Posting: Stefaine posted a great job opening for a Community Bridge Builder for Living Our Visions, Inc. (LOV-Dane) Check it out!
- Watch: Watch a video from last years Self-Determination Conference.Registerfor this years conference today!
- Let Your Voice Be Heard: The DHS has produced a plan that will change the way long term supports through Medicaid will be delivered. Let your voice be heard
- Share: Share your story about self-determination. Have you advocated for yourself or others to gain independence? Have you defied odds or proven naysayers wrong? Our stories provide opportunities to inspire and learn from each other. Share your story with us.
- Learn: Read about the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act that could potentially improve life for thousands of people with disabilities.
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
Were hoping Coffee Breaks will return in October or November. What topics would you like to have on the Self-Determination Network Coffee Breaks? Answer ourOne-Minute Poll now!
New Members
Stop by to welcomeournewest members
- Shebelieves in equal rights for all peopleand is passionate about serving her community.
Do you know someone who should join the SD Network? Spread the word andinvitefriends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the SD Network:
- Think College Wisconsin: Expanding College Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: October 17th,8:30am to 4pm, Cardinal Stretch University, Milwaukee WI
- Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference: November 10thto 12th, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells WI
- Across The Lifespan: Bringing the Best Together: November 13thto 14th, Glacier Canyon Lodge and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
Post your eventon the SDS Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered byIn Control Wisconsinand supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
Self-Determination Network News: July 2014
New Network Manager
We would like to thank Deb Wisniewski for all her years of hard work and dedication to theSelf-Determination Networkand theEmployment Network. We really appreciate all the time you have spent getting these networks going. We cant thank you enough!
As of June 1st, Stacy Ellingen took over as the network manager. She comes with knowledge about what services, resources, etc there are available for people with disabilities. Shes hoping to be able to use her experiences to help others. Shes looking forward to getting to know our members!
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the SD Network:
- Join the Conversation: Deb posted an interesting discussion about person-centered planning and personalization. Shes wondering if these concepts are failing people within our long-term care systems. What do you think?
- Share your ideas: We posted some of the ideas and resources shared during our last Coffee Break with Kat Savyannah of the hOur TimeBanks. We discussed the benefits of TimeBanks and how people can get involved.
- Get Involved: The 2014 Self-Determination Conference is quickly approaching. Be sure to register today!
- We need your help: Check out this announcement from Wisconsin Employment First about how your voice can be heard!
- Post news or start a discussion: It's easy to do and a great way to share information and network with others!
Monthly Coffee Breaks will return in September. When should we hold Coffee Breaks? Answer ourOne-Minute Poll now!
New Members
Stop by to welcomeour newest members.
- She's an advisor of the People First Door County Group and also theexecutive director of a corporate guardian agency that promotes self-determination
- Sheworks with older adults and people with disabilities
- Sheworks with people with disabilities
- Shes a registered nurse and also aparent to children who have special needs
- Shes aProgram Directorat Lutheran Social Services
- Shes an advocate andworks with In Control Wisconsin
- Shes a volunteer with theWisconsin ADA Partnership
- She hasconnections with In Control Wisconsin
- Shes involvedin Wisconsin Partners in Policymaking
- Shes a parent to a child who has special needs andstaff at Family Voices of WI
- Shes the Executive Director of the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network and aparent to a childwho has special needs
- Shesupports individuals with disabilities
- Hes activelyinvolved in implementing/developing supports for individuals with developmental disabilities
- Shes aCommunity Network Specialist at TMG-IRIS
- Shes a self advocate for the WI-LEND Program anda student intern for Think College
- Shes ablack belt in tae kwon do and karate
- Shes agrandmother to two granddaughters who have special needs
- Sheworked in Human Services for 22 years
- Shes an IRIS Consultant anda board member of the Wausau area TimeBank
- Shes thehOur Community TimeBank Coordinator
- She has been doingperson centered planning for 17 years
- Shes a very passionateperson who continues to work toward inclusion for all individuals
- Shes a retired administrative professional who isinvolved in the hOur Community TimeBank
- Sheworks with people with disabilities
- Sheowns a graphic design business
- Shes the founder of Einstein Productions andan advocate for individuals with different abilities
- Shes adisability advocate
- Sheworks with adults who have developmental disabilities
- Sheworks with older adults and people with disabilities
- She hasworked with people with disabilities for the past 12 years
- Shes thestate coordinator for the Disability Benefit Specialist program
- Hes anEmployment Specialist with a CRF
- Shes aparent to a daughter who has special needs
Do you know someone who should join the SD Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the SD Network:
- everyBODY Plays! An Adaptive Sports and Recreation Expo: July 26th, 9am to 3pm, Nathan Hale High School, West Allis WI
- Think College Wisconsin: Expanding College Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: October 17th, 8:30am to 4pm, Cardinal Stretch University, Milwaukee WI
- Across The Lifespan: Bringing the Best Together: November 13thto 14th, Glacier Canyon Lodge and Convention Center, Wisconsin Dells WI
Post your eventon the SDS Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen
The Self-Determination Network is powered by In Control Wisconsin and supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
In Control Wisconsin (ICW) is interested in contracting with a Network CommunityManagerto work collaboratively with the ICW Technology Workgroup to facilitate the development and growth of two vibrant online communities that are dedicated to the self-determination of elders and people who have disabilities in Wisconsin. These two communities are theSelf-Determination Networkand theEmployment Network.
The NetworkCommunityManagershould be someone who:
- Supports the values of the Networks;
- Believes in and supports the engagement of Network members as the primary strategy for building active online communities;
- Is familiar with the systems that affect the lives of people with disabilities;
- Is a self-starter willing to take the lead and to work collaboratively with a team of key partners; and
- Enjoys working with technology and embraces the potential of social media.
We hope to identify our new Community Manager by mid-April. If interested in being considered for this contract, please email your resume toonlinenetworks@incontrolwisconsin.orgas soon as possible.
For more information, please see thisdocument. You may alsosubmit questions
Connect | Share | Learn |
December 16, 2013
Welcome to the Self-Determination Network!
In 2010, we began an online community called the SDS Network. It was named after a series of face-to-face meetings about self-directed supports in Wisconsin (initially funded through Wisconsin's Medicaid Infrastructure Grant). This new online community was seen as a way to share information about self-directed supports (SDS) between those meetings.
From the beginning, we hoped the online community would grow. In fact, the connections, ideas, questions and resources shared over the last three years have been much broader and deeper than we could have guessed. So in keeping with how this online community continues to evolve, we are now re-naming and celebrating the (re-)creation of the Self-Determination Network!
If you've been a member of the SDS Network,you don't need to do anything else to be a part of the SD Network - your profile will automatically continue (although you may want to re-decorate your profile page if you had previously individualized it. We were unable to keep the personal touches you may have added.) You may want to change the address you use to access Network It can now be found at,although the old address will still take you there for a while.
If you aren't already a member of the Self-Determination Network, please consider joining. There is no registration fee to join. Just click here and follow the directions. We'd love to have you join the conversation!
It Only Takes "Five"
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the SD Network:
- Join the Conversation: Lynn wants to know what self-determination looks like for older adults. He'd like to hear stories and examples of how people are experiencing self-determination beyond just hiring their own support workers.
- Share your ideas: We posted some of the ideas and resources shared during our last Coffee Break, with Chris Patterson of Night Owl, about how to stay safe and independent in your own home by using technology, especially something called Remote Monitoring.
- Get Involved: Give back to your community by getting involved with World Book Night 2014. Deb shares information about this great opportunity.
- Learn about Resources:Check out these two new Resources - the Wisconsin Housing Search website and a new Healthcare Toolkit.
Join Us for a Coffee Break
When should we hold Coffee Breaks? Answer our One-Minute Poll now!
Living in Your Own Home: December 18, 2013, 8:30-9:00 CST
Are you thinking about moving into your own home but aren't sure where to start? Maybe you already have your own place and have some ideas to share with Network members about what helped get there. Or you just want to hear about the possible options to explore for the person you support. Join special guest, Howard Mandeville, from Movin' Out, as we talk about a home of your own.
The Network Coffee Breaks give us an opportunity to participate in a live chat online about a topic related to self-determination. It's not a presentation, but an opportunity for all participating members to share ideas, questions and resources. It's easy to participate and all are welcome to join the conversation.
There is no cost to participate in the Coffee Break. RSVPs are encouraged but not required.
Welcome New Members
Stop by to welcome our newest members.
- She's aCommunity Living Specialistfor the Community Connections program
- He's a boardmember withIn Control Wisconsin
- He co-developedSound Response and Night Owl
- He's the director of Movin' Out and ourspecial guest on the next Network Coffee Break
- She'sa parent and an IC with IRIS
Do you know someone who should join the SD Network? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the SD Network:
- SD Network Coffee Break: Living in Your Own Home, Dec. 18th, Online Chat
- SD Network Coffee Break: Topic to be decided, Jan. 15th, Online Chat
- Save the Date! Wisconsin Disability Advocacy Day, March 19th, Madison
- And many more!
Post your event on the SDS Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Contact Deb Wisniewski at