
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunities for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) on Technology to Promote Independence and Community Living and Knowledge Translation for Employment Research. 

The purpose of the DRRP program is to plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities (including international activities) to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities.

DRRP on Technology to Promote Independence and Community LivingUnder this particular DRRP priority, NIDILRR aims to sponsor research and development activities toward technologies that support community living and independent living of people with disabilities – particularly people who are aging with disabilities. With these DRRP grants, NIDILRR has a particular interest in funding research and development toward technologies that support people with disabilities in rural, frontier, or tribal communities.

View more details and application instructions.

Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process.This grant opportunity closes on May 26, 2020.

DRRP on Center on Knowledge Translation for Employment ResearchUnder this particular DRRP priority, NIDILRR has adopted the framework of knowledge translation (KT) to help promote the effective use of research findings by people with disabilities, policymakers, service providers, and other important research stakeholders. The objective of the funding opportunity is to identify and promote the use of relevant findings and products that can be used to improve employment outcomes of people with disabilities.

View more details and application instructions.

Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process.This grant opportunity closes on May 26, 2020.

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96Self-Determination Network News:

March 2020

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Disability Advocacy Day is CANCELED!

Disability Advocacy Day is canceled for this year due to concerns about containing the spread of Coronavirus. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is recommending that large meetings and gatherings be canceled or held remotely as a strategy to slow the spread of the virus in Wisconsin.  Keep an eye on the InControl Wisconsin Facebook page for updates. 

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Check Out The Latest Videos! 

The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content.

The theme of the channel is: Self-Determination is Empowerment. It’s a place where self-advocates can be seen and heard, connect with others, and mentor each other. The hope is that the channel can be used as a teaching tool and show examples of what is possible.

Videos are posted weekly on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy. 

Check out the newest videos on the channel:

We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).

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That's all there is to it. You will now get an email notification every time a video is posted.


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

This month, we're shining the spotlight on LisaWhen she's not reading or styling women in her boutique, she’s helping veterans get appropriate services. She encourages people to ask for the services they need to lead a self-determined life.  Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Lisa.

Who should we shine the spotlight on next?

128 Stacy’s Journal

"It’s Friday night and it’s been a long week. Some friends are meeting up for dinner and invited you to join. Without knowing or caring where, you accept the invite. You’re excited to kick back and relax. You get ready to go and you text a friend asking where they are meeting. The friend responds with the name of a popular restaurant in town. Suddenly, you cringe and rethink your decision to go out. The place they chose is definitely a really cool and fun place; however, accessibility is less than ideal."  In this month's entry, Stacy discusses the accessibility of restaurants. Do you find restaurants vary in terms of accessibility? What are some of the experiences you've had?

We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Respite Bill Moves Forward:  Legislators are planning to expand federal funding to support respite care for families of those with special needs. Learn how much money is being  allocated for the program. 
  • Public Comment open on Proposed Rules for Aircraft Accessibility and Service Animals:  The Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued two proposed rules for public comment on air travel and accessibility for passenger with disabilities. Find out what they are. Public comment due April 16th. 
  • New Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Contract Awarded:  The Department of Health Services awarded a new contract for non-emergency medical transportation to a new company.   Learn which company got the contract.
  • Transportation Grant Opportunity:  The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunity for the Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Centers (RERC) Program on Physical Access and Transportation.  This grant opportunity closes on April 28th. 
  • People Helping People:  Art is becoming more and more popular among people with disabilities.  Read this cool story about how a sculptor with challenges of his own is helping others be creative regardless of their limitations.   
  •  Supporting Family Caregivers:   As the aging population continues to grow, the concern over the caregiver crisis increases. Learn about how a roundtable discussion created an opportunity for people to share their stories with leaders. 

128 Upcoming Events

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.

Recently, the Wisconsin Department of Health held a roundtable discussion about family caregivers in Baldwin. As the ago aging population continues to grow, the concern over the caregiver crisis increases.. Families worry about who will take care of their loved ones. It was an opportunity for the Department to hear personal stories. 

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Member Spotlight: Lisa Drowin

By SD Network, 2020-03-07

lisa.jpgMeet Lisa. When she's not reading or styling women in her boutique, she’s helping veterans get appropriate services. She is excited that their programs continue expand making it possible to serve more people. She encourages people to ask for the services they need to lead a self-determined life. We’re so fortunate to have her as a member of the Network!

What's your story?  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Lisa has been the VA Programs Manager for the Greater WI Agency on Aging Resources, Inc. (GWAAR) for over 10 years. She went to GWAAR in 2010 after working in Child Welfare in Milwaukee in positions of both Quality Assurance Manager and Ombudsman. She has also worked in various positions serving children and families.

How are you involved with self-determination? Why did you join the SD Network?

Lisa oversees the Veteran Self-Directed Program. She explains that they currently partner with the Clement J. Zablocki in Milwaukee, the Tomah VAMC, the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital in Middleton (Madison), and the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center in North Chicago, serving Veterans in each of their catchment areas. Based on a thorough assessment, the Veteran Self-Directed program allows for Veterans to determine their services and caregivers to meet their needs and live as independently as possible. “We joined the SD Network years ago to connect with others and to hear new and creative ways participants are being served,” she says. 

Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination?

Lisa shares that GWAAR is excited to continue to grow and to potentially expand the number of Veterans they are able to serve.  They started out back in 2010 with a grant to be able to serve 25 Veterans enrolled at the Clement J. Zablocki VAMC in Milwaukee who resided in four counties in Southeastern WI. They were able to expand to include the entire catchment area. She explains that they added Tomah in 2015 and served their entire catchment area. In 2016, North Chicago asked them to serve Veterans who were enrolled at their VA and resided in WI. And just last year, they were able to implement a program in Madison. They currently serve 110 Veterans and continue to work to expand the program statewide.

What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined?

One tip Lisa has for people who want to be more self-determine is: “don’t be afraid to ask for something you want/need as related to your assessed needs that could enhance the quality of your life.”  She says that so many people think of every day services such as person care and supportive home care. While those are often needed, they have been able to provide Veterans with quality of life resources/activities including additional caregiving for vacations and family activities.

What are some of your hobbies?

Lisa is an avid reader and is currently in two book clubs--one for over 21 years. She also has a passion for fashion, so much so that she owns her own women’s boutique. She brings her skills there in helping women feel beautiful and confident. “Both qualities that help with self-determination to live the best life possible,” she says.

***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.

Art is becoming more and more popular among people with disabilities. Organizations are being created to support artists with disabilities. A neat partnership between a Madison organization and a local sculptor create technology that helps be creative regardless of limitations. 

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The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunity for the Rehabilitation Engineering and Research Centers (RERC) Program on Physical Access and Transportation. 

The purpose of the RERC program is to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers. RERCs also demonstrate and evaluate such technologies, facilitate service delivery system changes, stimulate the production and distribution of new technologies and equipment in the private sector, and provide training opportunities.

RERC on Physical Access and TransportationUnder this particular RERC priority, NIDILRR seeks to fund research and development that leads to new or improved products, devices, built environments, and technological advances that enhance (1) accessibility and usability of homes and communities for people with disabilities, or (2) access to safe, accessible, and useable transportation options for people with disabilities, or both.

View more details and application instructions.

Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process.This grant opportunity closes on April 28, 2020.

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The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has issued its intent to award Veyo, LLC a contract to manage non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services for eligible Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus members. The NEMT manager arranges transportation for members to and from eligible Medicaid-covered services.

Members will not experience any disruption to services and do not need to take any action at this time. Information about the transition process will be provided in the future.

More information

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Stacy ' s Journal: Restaurant Accessibility

By Stacy Ellingen, 2020-03-06

It’s Friday night and it’s been a long week. Some friends are meeting up for dinner and invited you to join. Without knowing or caring where, you accept the invite. You’re excited to kick back and relax. You get ready to go and you text a friend asking where they are meeting. The friend responds with the name of a popular restaurant in town. Suddenly, you cringe and rethink your decision to go out. The place they chose is definitely a really cool and fun place; however, accessibility is less than ideal. Scenarios like this one play out frequently for people with physical limitations. Although most restaurants nowadays are “accessible” according to regulations, it doesn’t mean that they are totally accessible. Again, the word “accessible” is often loosely used and widely varies when talking about restaurants.

Simply put, I don’t leave my apartment very often. In fact, I have one scheduled outing per week and that’s to the grocery store. Between cares and transportation, it’s just not feasible for me to get out more. That said, thanks to my family, I do get to go to restaurants pretty frequently when I’m with them. Everything from getting in the door to eating takes some extra consideration. Most restaurants don’t have power doors In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen one that does) and many have a two door entrance which makes it very difficult for people with mobility issues to get in and out. Most of the time depending on the entrance two additional people are needed to hold the doors because it’s usually too tight for the same person to hold both doors open. Even with two people helping hold the doors, it can sometimes be tight because the doors don’t open wide enough to get a wheelchair through without running over people’s toes. It’s often a game trying to get and out of places.

Once in the restaurant, depending on how it’s setup and how crowded it is, it’s often a maze trying to get through and finding a place to sit where your equipment (wheelchair in my case) isn’t in the way of the wait staff or other customers. Some restaurant layouts are better than others. Some have nice wide Isles where there’s a nice amount of room between the tables; some are so narrow and jammed together that I literally get my wheelchair stuff stuck. People are usually pretty nice about moving chairs in or getting up so I can get through, but sometimes it’s embarrassing when a big group has to move When the hostess seats us, my parents usually kind of say what would work best.    If I was with friends, they would not know to do that.

Table heights vary from place to place as well. In bars, the bar itself is usually way too high, but I have seen and been in some with a wheelchair counter.  Usually none of the tables are at a level, where I can pull up and get my joystick underneath it, so I end up sideways on an end, which usually blocks at least one walkway.

In my personal case, I also have to position myself next to a caregiver so that they are able to feed me.  This means I usually am on an end or blocking some pathway for wait staff or customers.

When it comes time to order, wait staff frequently believe that I am not capable of ordering.  They either pass by me and ask my caretaker what I would like, or raise their voice two octaves and talk to me as if I were a two year old.  It makes me laugh when I remember one time, when the wait staff brought me crayons and a placemat to color.  Another thing that happens, is that I get very strange looks if I order a drink or cocktail.  People need to remember that just because we have disabilities, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy what everyone does, and most of us are able to make choices based on our own preferences.

This is where self-advocacy comes in.  Myself and others will try to assert ourselves to help educate the public on what we ARE able to do, and not focus on what we are not capable of.  That said, I love and intend to keep on going out to eat with friends and family whenever I can.

***The views expressed here are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of InControl Wisconsin, the Network or any of our sponsors.

The Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued two proposed rules for public comment on air travel and accessibility for passenger with disabilities. In early January, it proposed new requirements designed to facilitate access to lavatories for passengers using onboard wheelchairs. These include provisions for assist handles, lower door sills, attendant call buttons, and controls and faucets that are easier to use. The rule would not increase the size of lavatories.

The proposed rule also includes performance standards for onboard wheelchairs which are used to provide access to aircraft lavatories. The Board is developing advisory technical guidelines for onboard wheelchairs, which it previously released for comment, that DOT's rule may reference as a voluntary baseline for meeting the proposed performance criteria.

DOT's rule also would require training of flight attendants on assisting passengers with disabilities, and the posting of information on the access features of a plane's lavatory. The proposed rule is posted on For further information, contact Robert Gorman of DOT's Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings at (202) 366-9342 or

Proposed Rule on Service Animals on Aircraft
In a separate rulemaking, DOT has proposed changes to provisions in its Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA)regulations that address service animals in air travel. Under the proposed revisions, which are open for comment, only dogs individually trained as service animals would be recognized as service animals by ACAA regulations. Other animals, including emotional support animals, would not. In addition, airlines would be able to require passengers travelling with service animals to check in at least one hour earlier than the general boarding deadline. It also would allow airlines to require documentation of a service animal's abilities and health.

The proposed rule is available for comment until April 6, 2020 on For further information, visit DOT's website or contact Maegan Johnson of DOT's Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings at (202) 366-9342 or

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Legislators are planning to expand federal funding to support respite care for families of those with special needs. The Senate approved a bill known as the Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act of 2019 which would authorize over $ 5.0 million to respite programs over the next five years. This would renew an existing law and increase spending on respite care to $10 million annually.

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