Self-Determination Network News:
February 2020
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Hurry! Disability Advocacy Day Registration Ends Soon!
Register now for Disability Advocacy Day! Join fellow advocates on Tuesday March 24th in Madison to let your voice be heard. Disability Advocacy Day is designed to connect you with your legislators so you can talk about issues that matter to you. You are the expert in sharing how legislative policies affect people with disabilities in their everyday lives. The day starts with a briefing of issues you and your fellow constituents want to discuss with your legislators and after lunch the whole group heads to the capitol for their legislative meetings. Registration closes soon. Register today!
Check Out The Latest Videos!
The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content.
The theme of the channel is: Self-Determination is Empowerment. It’s a place where self-advocates can be seen and heard, connect with others, and mentor each other. The hope is that the channel can be used as a teaching tool and show examples of what is possible.
Videos are posted weekly on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.
Check out the newest videos on the channel:
- Ginger Proves Doctors Wrong
- Disability Advocacy Day 2020
- Tuesday's Tips for Friendships
- National Caregivers/Governor's Task Force on Caregiving
- Don Teaches Himself How to Read and Write
We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).
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That's all there is to it. You will now get an email notification every time a video is posted.
The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.
This month, we're shining the spotlight on Cindy. Her amazing self-determination and attitude have gotten her where she is today. From growing up in an institution to being an Executive Director, this very determined lady believes everyone should have a chance. Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Cindy.
Who should we shine the spotlight on next?
Stacy’s Journal
"Normalcy is something we all crave and strive for. That said, definitions of “normal” widely vary. Unless referring to something static like temperature, the word usually can be used pretty loosely. While we all have our own unique definitions, society has its own that many people continue to strive for!" In this month's entry, Stacy discusses the fantasy of being "normal." It can be a pretty controversial topic in the disability community. How do you feel about it?
We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Proposed Bill for Standing Wheelchairs: Standing wheelchairs are pricey, but they are beneficial to people who use them in more than one way. Find out why a Wisconsin legislator proposed a bill that would force BadgerCare to pay for standing wheelchairs.
- Volunteer Program Proposals: Community Care Corps seeks proposals for innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers or directly help older adults or adults with disabilities with non-medical assistance in order to maintain their independence. Proposals due April 3rd.
- The Power of Robots: Two schools have teamed up to create a light weight robot to help elderly people and people with disabilities be able to stand and walk unassisted. Read more about this amazing invention.
- New Technology: People with visual impairments can now see television programs thanks to new technology. Learn about how this works.
- Feedback Needed: Recent data shows many families don't know they're eligible for long-term care supports. Take this survey to help determine if Family Navigators world be helpful.
- Youth Leadership Forum: Do you know a high school student with a disability who is a leader or a budding advocate? If so, please refer them to the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)! Applications due April 1st.
- Grant Opportunities: The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened several funding opportunities for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) on Community Living and Participation (both Research and Development), Health and Function (both Research and Development), and Projects for Translating the Findings and Products of Disability Rehabilitation Research and Development into Practice. Applications due March 23rd.
- 2020 Census: Responses to this year's census will shape our future. Read about how there are multiple accessibility options to help people participate in the Census.
- Facilities Accessibility App: Accessibility continue to be an issue at many commercial and institutional facilities across the country. Find out how students at UW Milwaukee are developing an app where people can rank businesses based on accessibility.
- Service Animal Report: A survey was done on the treatment and inquiries from businesses regarding the presence of service animals. Read what the surveys revealed.
- NBA Star Brings Awareness to Mental Health: A first-first-round draft pick is bringing awareness to mental health by sharing his story. Read about how he used his fame to educate others.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
- Webinar: Using Family-Centered Approaches To Promote The Best Life For Young Children With Disabilities: February 26th, 2p.m., to 3:30p.m., Online
- AbilityMKE NOW!: February 26th, 9p.m. to 10p.m., Online
- Webinar: "Digital Accessibility Fundamentals For Websites, Documents And Videos": February 27th, 12p.m., Online
- Electronic Visit Verification Forum: March 11th, 1p.m. to 3p.m., West Allis WI or Online
- Advocacy For Change 2020: March 12th, 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m., Concourse Hotel, Madison WI
- Disability Advocacy Day: March 24th, 9a.m. to 4p.m., Monona Terrace and State Capitol, Madison WI
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
ABILITY MAGAZINE: Royce White — Fighting Mental Health Awareness from the NBA to MMA
By SD Network, 2020-02-22
In 2012, Royce White was a first-round NBA draft pick by the Houston Rockets. One of few players in NCAA to lead his team on points, rebounds, assists, steal and blocks. Unlike other players, he spoke publicly in college about his lifelong struggle with anxiety, which made front page news as few athletes at the time talked openly about their mental health. It would become even bigger news later, when White, during his rookie season with the NBA, realized the league had no mental health policy. The NBA gave White a run around and he left the NBA ; however eventually the NBA did develop a policy for mental health. White is now working with the MMA to see if they would develop a policy for mental health assistance.
SOUTHWEST ADA CENTER: Special Report: Improving Access Improving Access for Service Animal Users Through Stakeholder Deliberative Dialogues
By SD Network, 2020-02-22
The Southwest ADA Center (SWADA) and the ADA National Network regularly receive complaints from service animal users about their treatment and inquiries from businesses regarding the presence of service animals. In order to gain a better understanding of these issues, a survey was disseminated to people with disabilities about their experiences accessing public places with service animals. After the survey we engaged a group of service animal users and representatives from key service industries in deliberative dialogues discussing survey results, identifying barriers, addressing concerns and to propose solutions. The full report detailing the findings, dialogues and proposed recommendations from stakeholders is now available to you.
Accessibility continue to be an issue at many commercial and institutional facilities across the country. Now, students at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee are developing a app where people can rank businesses based on accessibility. They hope to have it ready by the time for the Democratic Conversation this summer. It will look at all sorts of different accessibility things, so people can rank them and add comments.
Once a decade, the federal government undertakes the constitutionally-mandated task of counting every person living in the United States. The decennial census is the federal government’s largest peacetime mobilization, and no data collection effort is more vital to American democracy. Your responses to the 2020 Census will help us understand who we are as a nation today and shape our collective future. This is a great document that explains the accessibility of the census.. Please pass it on to others who might find it helpful.
Census Info Census Info.pdf, 491KB ∞
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Several Funding Opportunities Open for Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP)
By SD Network, 2020-02-22
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened several funding opportunities for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) on Community Living and Participation (both Research and Development), Health and Function (both Research and Development), and Projects for Translating the Findings and Products of Disability Rehabilitation Research and Development into Practice.
The purpose of the DRRP program is to plan and conduct research, demonstration projects, training, and related activities (including international activities) to develop methods, procedures, and rehabilitation technology that maximize the full inclusion and integration into society, employment, independent living, family support, and economic and social self-sufficiency of individuals with disabilities.
DRRP on Community Living and Participation (Research): Under this particular DRRP priority, applicants must propose a research project that is aimed at improving community living and participation outcomes of individuals with disabilities. A grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions and perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing (1) new or full scientific knowledge, or (2) understanding of the subject or problem studied.
DRRP on Community Living and Participation (Development): Under this particular DRRP priority, applicants must propose a development project that is aimed at improving the community living and participation of individuals with disabilities. A grantee must use knowledge and understanding gained from research to create materials, devices, systems, or methods beneficial to the target population, including design and development of prototypes and processes.
DRRP on Health and Function (Research): Under this particular DRRP priority, applicants must propose a research project that is aimed at improving health and function outcomes of individuals with disabilities. A grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions and perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing (1) new or full scientific knowledge, or (2) understanding of the subject or problem studied.
DRRP on Health and Function (Development): Under this particular DRRP priority, applicants must propose a development project that is aimed at improving the health and function of individuals with disabilities. A grantee must use knowledge and understanding gained from research to create materials, devices, systems, or methods beneficial to the target population, including design and development of prototypes and processes.
DRRP on Projects for Translating the Findings and Products of Disability and Rehabilitation Research and Development into Practice: Under this particular DRRP priority, grantees must promote the use or adoption of findings or products from NIDILRR-sponsored research or development projects.
Please visit the links above for more details about this grant opportunity and application process. These grant opportunities close on March 23, 2020.
What is normal? That’s a loaded question with no right or wrong answer. When people ask it, it’s often meant to be rhetorical leaving people to ponder. A common response to that question is, “there’s no such thing as normal.” That’s so true! Regardless of the circumstances, normal is usually what everyone strives to be. In the disability community, the word “normal” is something we many times laugh at because it truly doesn’t exist in our world.
Sometimes, people ask me if I could have one day- 24 hours- without CP, what would I do? In other words, what would I do if I could be “normal” for a day? I honestly don’t even know. I can’t even imagine. First, I have to be realistic and say I understand that if there was a way I could be without CP for a day, I’d probably have to be a psych ward because it’d be such a shock to my entire body at first, I probably couldn’t handle myself.
With that said, what’s the first thing I’d want to do? Yes, I have thought about it. It’s fun to daydream about. First of all, I’d want to know when it was going happen so that could have my close family and friends could be there. When the magic first happened, (again, I’m fantasizing about this--realistically, anybody in that situation would likely need psychiatric treatment after that big of a shock to the body) I’d stand up and start hugging people. I’m not sure what I’d talk about, but I wouldn’t shut up the entire day! After hugging everyone there, I’d walk around the entire house (I’m assuming that I’d be at my parents house where I grew up) and experience walking up and down the stairs. I’d carry any babies and little kids around that were with me-–something I long to do. We’d then go somewhere where I could try playing lots of sports just so I could see what it felt like to play the sports I love to watch. Then, we’d go to every inaccessible place in the area, so I could experience it. I’d visit friends’ houses and go up the lighthouse. I’d go to small jammed restaurants and eat the messiest foods. When we got back to my parents, explore the house some more--do simple things such as run through the grass and ride a bike. I’d probably try driving a vehicle too just so I could experience it. I would end the day by walking around the neighborhood and chatting with my friends and family until my time was up. That’s how I’d spend my day!
Is my fantasy realistic? Absolutely not. If given the chance, would I do it? Probably. I’m not sure how I’d handle going back to having cerebral palsy. On one hand, I think it’d be incredibly hard because you just experienced a lot of things you’ll likely never be able to do again; however, part of me wonders if you’d almost miss having the limitations. It’s interesting to think about, but, if given the chance, I think I would do it.
Now, I know and understand this is one of those controversial topics among people with different abilities. Many people feel their disability is a part of who they are and they wouldn’t change it. While I respect their opinion, that’s not me. Like I’ve said in past entries, yes, I accept that I have cerebral palsy and a it’s part of my life; however it doesn’t define the person I am. For that reason, if given the chance, I’d love to experience “normalcy.” I’m not expecting it in my lifetime. If it happens, great, but if it doesn’t, that’s okay too.
Normalcy is something we all crave and strive for. That said, definitions of “normal” widely vary. Unless referring to something static like temperature, the word usually can be used pretty loosely. While we all have our own unique definitions, society has its own that many people continue to strive for!
***The views expressed here are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of InControl Wisconsin, the Network or any of our sponsors.
By SD Network, 2020-02-07
Do you know a high school student with a disability who is a leader or a budding advocate? If so, please refer them to the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)!
WHO: High school students with disabilities who have an IEP (up to age 21)
WHERE: Edgewood College, Madison, WI
WHEN: July 19 – 24, 2020
COST: FREE to invited participants
In just one week, students will gain:
- Better leadership skills
- Practice getting/keeping a job
- Career exploration
- Improved self-advocacy skills
- Adult mentors to support you
- A Personal Leadership Plan to keep you focused when you go home
- Increased confidence
- Experience with independent living skills
- Connections with your state legislators & new friends
- Memories and fun!
Application is available at:
Applications are due April 1st, 2020!
Being selected to attend the Youth Leadership Forum is a distinct honor that can go on a resume!
Questions? Contact, or call 608-266-7707.
FAMILY VOICES OF WISCONSIN: Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance Underserved Families Survey
By SD Network, 2020-02-07
CAPE GAZETTE: Technology Allows Comcast Programs with Visual Disabilities to See TV
By SD Network, 2020-02-07
Comcast has recently partnered with NuEyes. They are a company who set out to allow visually impaired customers access to television, through the use of virtual reality. The company created glasses and magnifying devices to do this.
The technology is lightweight and works on everyday objects, not just TV. The new partnership will now allow millions to use the technology. Comcast has also previously released other technology. These include a voice-activated remote, and a talking TV guide. The company has also sought to make their TV programs accessible.