SD Network


Direct care workers, also referred to as direct service workers, provide essential supports to older adults and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and behavioral health needs. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released an online training course and a series of resources that offer strategies and information on self-direction of home and community-based services, strengthening the direct service workforce (DSW) in rural areas, and emerging strategies for states.

Check out: ACL's Direct Care Workforce Page

Supporting and strengthening the direct care workforce is a priority for ACL. Living in the community and participating fully in community life often depends on the availability of services and supports provided by this workforce. Visit our direct care workforce webpage to find more federal resources focused on recruiting, training, retention, and self-direction. 
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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) took a major step towards rooting out longstanding inequities in housing and fostering inclusive communities by announcing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)" proposed rule. This proposed rule would implement the Fair Housing Act's affirmatively furthering fair housing mandate, which directs the government to promote fair housing choice, eliminate disparities in housing, and foster inclusive communities.

This proposed rule seeks to simplify the required fair housing analysis, emphasize goal-setting, increase transparency for public review and comment, foster local commitment to addressing fair housing issues, enhance HUD technical assistance to local communities, and provide mechanisms for regular program evaluation and greater accountability, among other changes.

The proposed rule contains a number of changes of particular note to the aging and disability community, including:

  • incorporating the housing needs of people with disabilities into the definition of “affordable opportunities;”
  • defining “fair housing choice” for persons with disabilities as providing “a realistic opportunity to obtain and maintain housing with accessibility features meeting the individual’s disability-related needs, housing provided in the most integrated setting appropriate to an individual’s needs, and housing where community assets are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including voluntary disability-related services that an individual needs to live in such housing;”
  • requiring consultation with organizations that advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities such as centers for independent living, protection & advocacy agencies, aging and disability resource centers, and councils on developmental disabilities as a part of the community engagement process jurisdictions must take as they develop their Equity Plans; and
  • restores previous references to the Olmstead decision and the integration mandate of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

HUD seeks public comments on this proposed rule. The 60-day comment period will open once the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. HUD has created a guide to submitting comments. ACL networks and stakeholders are encouraged to submit their views, comments, and recommendations.

Additional fair housing resources: review the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Fact Sheet and Engaging the Disability Community in Fair Housing Planning Webinar Series.

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In January, HUD announced that it would provide $24.7 million for permanent affordable housing to people with disabilities. This award allows local public housing authorities to house up to 2,210 additional families, and further support community integration for persons with disabilities.

The assistance is provided through the HUD Section 811 Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program, which offers funding to housing agencies to assist non-elderly people with disabilities who are transitioning out of institutional or other isolated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization, homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.

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The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunity for a Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program: RERC on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions.

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program

The purpose of the RERC program is to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers. RERCs also demonstrate and evaluate such technologies, facilitate service delivery system changes, stimulate the production and distribution of new technologies and equipment in the private sector, and provide training opportunities.

RERC on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions: The purpose of this particular opportunity is to conduct research, development, and related activities that lead to rehabilitation technologies, practices and services that improve the health, and the physical, cognitive, sensory, or communication abilities of people with a wide range of disabilities, especially those with the greatest support needs. Rehabilitation engineering in this area should result in new or improved products, devices, and technological advances that enhance rehabilitation services in clinical or community settings. 

View more details and application instructions.

Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process. This grant opportunity closes on March 25, 2022.

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The caregiver is shortage affects almost everyone in one way or another.  It's hitting LGBTQ  elderly and people with disabilities really hard.  In Wisconsin, caregiver vacancies increased by 4% in two years (currently at 27.8%), which includes a current 28.4% vacancy rate for certified nursing assistants and direct care workers.  Some feel it's because society doesn't value caregivers, elderly, and people with disabilities enough.

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Thanks to an internship program, young adults with disabilities are getting connected with career opportunities in the Chippewa Valley. Project SEARCH helps high school sstudents with disabilities transition into various employment opportunities.  The program provides students the opportunity to learn real work skills, soft skills, and why those are important to have in the workplace..

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According to the National Trends in Disability Employment Year-End Special Edition, 2022 was a remarkable and histrionic year for employment for people with disabilities.  In fact, people with disabilities outperformed their peers without disabilities.  Employment for people with disabilities reached pre-pandemic levels.

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Self-Determination Network News:

January 2023

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Disability Advocacy Day 2023

Disability Advocacy Day will be Thursday March 23rd in Madison. We're excited that it will be back in-person! Registration opens February 1st, and we'll be sending out a message with information and a link.  We hope to see you there!  

Wisconsin Courts Matter in the 2023 Election Virtual Forum

Join the Disability Vote Coalition on Zoom on Thursday February 9th 6:30p.m. to 7:45p.m. to hear from their panel of experts about why Wisconsin Courts Matter. On February 21 and April 4, Wisconsin voters will decide who serves on our courts, including an open Wisconsin Supreme Court seat. The winning Supreme Court candidate will be appointed for a ten year term. Depending on where you live, you may also vote for Court of Appeals or Circuit Court.
State courts make decisions that affect our rights and liberties. They address issues like voting rights, education, mental health, access to healthcare, employment rights, guardianships, and more. Join them on February 9th to make sure you are prepared to vote.
Click here to register for the Zoom event. To request disability related accommodations, include your request with your registration.


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

This month, we shined the spotlight on Jeremiah. With help from his support circle, this very determined self-advocat has worked his way into a great position in the federal government. Check out this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Jeremiah.   

Who should we shine the spotlight on next?

128 Stacy’s Journal

"For people with disabilities or those who rely on government programs, the thought of suddenly having that much money is almost daunting."
For this month's entry, Stacy explains why winning a big lottery jackpot wouldn't solve everything for a person who has a disability. She talks about what she would do if she won a jackpot. What would you do if you won a large amount of money?

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Check out the Latest Videos!

The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.

Check out the newest videos on the channel:

We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Disability Language Debate: New research dives into the heated debate surrounding the language of autism and finds that preferences about how to describe those on the spectrum vary substantially depending on who you ask. Find out what options are being debated.
  • Watch: Watch this great  video to learn more about Project SEARCH.
  • Community-Based Services Should be Mandated: A report from the National Council on Disability finds that weaknesses in home and community-based services directly contributed to “needless deaths” among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out why community based services should be mandated.
  • Strengthening Support for Family Caregivers: There are about 53 million family caregivers in the US.  A new report reveals new opportunities for governments to support them.
  • Boost in Rural Transit Funding: Late in December, Governor Evers' office announced $5 million in rural transit funding. Learn what the funding will be used for.
  • Youth Leadership Forum 2023: The Youth Leadership Forum is a week-long, overnight leadership training and career awareness program at Edgewood College for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with disabilities to learn leadership and self-advocacy skills. This year, it's July 9-14. Applications due February 3.
  • Transportation Barriers Continue: Transportation barriers continue to one of the main hurdles to employment for people with disabilities. Read about why this is.
  • Resolution Approach: Instead of constantly pushing themselves, some people with  disabilities embrace a more relaxed approach to goal-setting. Learn and why some people with disabilities take a different approach to making New Year's resolutions.
  • Disability Activist Aims to More Inclusive: When Saphonia Purnell was told that her child had a disability, she decided to make disability rights the center of her world.  Read about how she plans to pull youth  and civic leaders together with the goal of making Green Bay more inclusive and welcoming for people with disabilities.
  • Community Transition Services: Community transition services help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with their move from either an institution to a community setting, or a congregate community setting to an individual community setting. Learn about what these services can help with.   
  • Limit Increase for ABLE Accounts: People with disabilities can put most money into ABLE accounts starting this month.  Find out what the limit now is.
  • Businesses Need to Hire People with Disabilities: It's estimated that more than 15% of people in the world experience disability; yet very few companies prioritize diversity and inclusion considering disability in their initiatives.  Learn about the several reasons this is.
  • University Awarded Grant to Help with Caregiver Crisis: Recently, UW-Green Bay was awarded a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to help with the caregiver crisis.  Learn about how.
  • IRIS Advisory Committee is Recruiting: The IRIS Advisory Committee is currently looking for interested persons to apply to be on the committee. Applications due February 3. Learn more and apply.
  • Long-Term Care Advisory Council Seeks Applicants: The Wisconsin Long-Term Care Advisory Council is currently looking for interested persons to apply to be on the committee. Applications due February 3. Learn more and apply.
  • Family Caregiver Phone Line: The National Alliance wants to hear from family caregivers. A phone line has been setup to check on the mental health of family caregivers.  Find out how it works.

128 Upcoming Events

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.


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