SD Network

Self-Determination Network News: May 2015

user image 2015-05-22
By: SD Network
Posted in: Network News

ImageSelf-Determination Network News:May2015


Last Chance toRegisterfortheAging Empowerment Conference

TODAYis the last day to registerfor the Living a Self-Determined Life: A Conference on Empowerment for Older AdultsJoin InControlWisconsin and other sponsors on June 1stfor aconference exploring self-determination and empowerment in aging at the Glacier Canyon Lodge Conference Center at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. This statewide event will examine new approaches to providing support to older adults that encourage autonomy and choice.

The keynote address entitled, Self-Determination: Past, Present, & Future will be given by Dr. KevinManhoney.Dr. Kevin Mahoney, Professor of Social Work at Boston College and Founding Director of the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services, will share a national perspective on the expansion of self-determination in long-term care. To prepare for the future, we need to understand the past and achievements that bring us here today. What can we learn from the evidence of success that supports this model of service delivery as we look toward the future? This keynote will help us understand the challenges and opportunities we may face in continuing to advance self-determination.

See this brochuremore information or register here. The registration deadline is this TODAY, May 22nd!

Budget Proposal Update

Last week, members of the Joint Finance Committee made an announcement about proposed long-term care changes in the state budget.They announcedthat they are pursuing limited reforms with strong legislative oversight. Legislators proposed giving the Department of Health Services authority to work with the Federal Government to make changes toFamilyCarewith some key requirements.We havelinksto the full press releaseas well as statements from disability organizations in response to iton ourLearn about the Budget page. While many feel this is a big step in the right direction, questions and concerns about the future of the IRIS programand Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)remain. Well continue to keep ourBudget pageas up to date as possible as events unfold.

Earlier in the month, we had another great Coffee Breakdiscussionwith Lynn Breedlove about the proposed changes. We still encourage you totake actionand voice your concerns!

The Results areIn!

In this months one-minute poll, we asked people which programs they use to self-direct (or to help someone else use to self-direct). Over 57% of people say they use IRIS. Roughly 27% of people use Family Care, and about 15% of people either use other programs or dont use any programs to self-direct.Now, we want to know what you think of the Joint Finance Committee's announcement. Take ourone-minute pollnow!

It Only Takes "Five"

Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-DeterminationNetwork:

  • The ADA25 and Faith Initiative: The ADA Wisconsin Partnership posted a neat resource abouta campaigntoencourage faith communities and organizations to sponsor and join in celebrations and activities related to the 25thanniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • New Rules for Medicaid Managed Care: This is avery interesting article about upcoming changes expected in the managed care system.

  • Transportation Hurdles: A great article about the need for better accessible transportation.

  • Self-Determination ConferenceCall for Proposals:Proposals are now being accepted for the 2015 Self-Determination Conference. Proposals due June 1st.

  • Call for Exhibitors: Exhibitors are wanted for the 2015 Self-Determination Conference. Applications are due July 1st.

Stacys Journal

This month Stacy shares some of her experiences and thoughts on trying tonavigate through the system. We encourage you to ask her questions and/or share your experiences as well.

ImageNew Members

Stop by to welcomeournewest members

  • This personoperatesan adult home and is opposed to the budget changes.

  • Thismotheris interested in learning how to help people become more self-directed.

  • She works for The Womens Community and islooking for informationthat might help her clients.

Do you know someone who should join the Self-DeterminationNetwork? Spread the word and invite friends, families and other interested folks!


ImageUpcoming Events

Here's a sample ofupcoming eventslisted on the Self-DeterminationNetwork:

Post your eventon the Self-DeterminationNetwork and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? ContactStacy Ellingen.


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsinand supported financially by ourmembersandSponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.


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