Self-Determination Network News: February 2025
Self-Determination Network News:
February 2025
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Disability Advocacy Day 2025
Registration is open for Disability Advocacy Day 2025! Join us in Madison on Wednesday March 12th with other advocates from around the state and meet with your elected officials. This is a great opportunity to share your story and educate your legislators on disability rights! Registration is free but required to attend. Register closes on February 26th. Register today!
Last Thursday the U.S. Senate budget committee voted to advance the first of two budget reconciliation bills (Reconciliation is a special process that means the bill needs fewer votes to pass). It assigned Senate Committees, including the committee that covers health and education, to find at least $175 Billion in cuts. This week the full Senate may hold another vote to formally tell the committees to begin looking for cuts. Sen. Tammy Baldwin serves on the Health and Education committee.
Action Steps
- Contact U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (202) 224-5653
- Ask how she can let constituents know what health and education cuts are being considered in real time
- Ask if there will be a public hearing, and how people can participate.
- Ask what kinds of stories would help her say what cuts would do to real people. (Sometimes Senators share constituent stories at public hearings.)
- Ask for no cuts to Medicaid, special education, or cuts of disability and aging organizations that serve people in Wisconsin.
- Ask how she can let constituents know what health and education cuts are being considered in real time
U.S. House
Last Thursday the U.S. House Budget Committee approved the "one-bill" reconciliation plan (Budget Blueprint) that calls for at least $2 Trillion in cuts and directed the committee that covers Medicaid to find at least $880 Billion in cuts. Multiple Medicaid cut ideas would have to be passed to reach $880 Billion in cuts.
A growing number of U.S. Representatives are beginning to understand what deep Medicaid cuts would mean to their districts, and are uncomfortable with Medicaid cuts. This week members of Congress will be in their districts and hear from constituents.
Action Steps
- If you don’t already have a meeting with your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators' in-district office, get a group of disability constituents together and drop by their in-district offices.
- You can ask for an impromptu meeting or to speak with staff.
- You can ask for an impromptu meeting or to speak with staff.
Ask your federal lawmakers what they think about Medicaid cuts (for or against).
If they are AGAINST Medicaid cuts, ask what they are doing to prevent cuts from happening.
If they SUPPORT cuts, ask what changes they want to make to Medicaid, why, and what they think the impact will be to Wisconsin's budget, workforce, and people with disabilities who need help over a long period of time.
- Take a picture at the in-district office and post (tag your lawmakers’ socials).
- Attend listening session your Representatives are holding and speak about Medicaid.
- Ask for a Medicaid town hall in every Congressional district to hear directly from constituents about what Medicaid cuts would mean for them.
The Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is hosting a webinar every Friday explaining the latest news about what's happening with Medicaid. Follow the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and InControl Wisconsin on Facebook to find the registration information for the webinar every week.
Stacy’s Journal
Check out the Latest Videos!
The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.
Check out the newest videos on the channel:
We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Ending Subminimum Wage: After years of advocacy from the disabled community, the Department of Labor is proposing a rule that would end the issuance of 14(c) certificates, which enable businesses to pay subminimum wages to disabled workers. Learn what this rules would assure.
- Caregiver Training Courses in Different Languages: The Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Health Services recently announced that the free online training courses for direct care professionals are now available in English, Spanish, and Hmong. Share these resources with others who may benefit from these.
- Labor Crisis Puts People at Risk: Caregivers are underpaid, overwhelmed, and increasing leaving the field. Find out what advocates say needs to be done to help with this crisis.
- Medicaid 2025: What to Watch: In 2025, many issues are at play that could affect Medicaid coverage, financing, and access to care. Learn what big changes are expected.
- Youth Leadership Forum: The Youth Leadership Forum is a week-long, overnight leadership training and career awareness program for high school students who have disabilities. Applications due March 24th. Learn more and apply today!
- Disability Representation in Images: Getty Images recently committed to focusing on ensuring that its images depict disability authentically and with appropriate diversity. Learn what they're doing.
- Work Requirements: Work requirements in Medicaid have resurfaced as part of a broader legislative package of potential changes to Medicaid designed to significantly reduce federal Medicaid spending. Read about what's being considered.
- Black Disabled Activists: February is Black History month. Check out this list of famous black disabled activists.
- Disability Employment at an All-Time High: The latest disability employment report revealed that the Labor Force Participation Rate for people with disabilities. Read about what's contributing to this increase.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
- Webinar: I Do Not Want Your Cookies: People with Disabilities Experiences on Advisory Committees: February 26th, 1p.m to 2p.m., Virtual
- U.S. Access Board Webinar: Accessible Means of Egress: March 6th, 1:30p.m. to 3p.m., Virtual
- Disability Advocacy Day 2025: March 12th, Monona Terrace and State Capitol, Madison WI
- Natural Supports: Who's In My Circle?; March 12th, 1:30p.m. to 3p.m., Virtual
- Too Big to Thrive: March 19th, 1:30p.m. to 3p.m., Virtual
- Lessons from the Budget Authority State Innovation Lab Collaborative: March 26th, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Virtual
- Financial Management Services: Friend or Foe: April 2nd, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Virtual
- Proactive Program Integrity Within Self-Direction: April 9th, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Virtual
- Self-Direction for the Long Haul: April 16th, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Virtual
- Behind the Curtain: Understanding State Administration of Self-Direction: April 23rd, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Virtual
- People with Disabilities Love Self-Direction, But How Do Waiver Participants and Administrators Plan for the Future?: April 30th, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Virtual
- Circles of Life Conference 2025: May 8th & 9th, Wilderness Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI
- National Symposium on Quality Employment 2025: May 20th-22nd, Memorial Union, Madison WI
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.