
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recently announced the managed care organizations selected to serve Family Care members and the IRIS consultant agencies that intend to serve participants in the IRIS program in Dane County.  This expansion will end the wait list for more than 450 people in Dane County with long-term care needs.  

Read full press release

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The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities is celebrating its 10th year of the statewide Self Determination conference Nov. 1-3 at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells.  This year’s theme is “Celebrating You…Mind, Body, and Spirit.” 

Registration is now open at 

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It's no secret that advances in  technology have completely changed the world we live in.  People can do anything from make doctor appointments to get groceries or prepared meals delivered with just a click of a button.  While these  services were primarily designed for people on the go, there are benefits for older people and people with disabilities.  One of the biggest benefits is the potential to deliver important supports to people with mobility issues.  However, these services often come with some limitations.  This article discusses some of the benefits and risks of three services which include ride sharing, grocery delivery, and on-demand medical services.

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The  International Code Council recently released an update to 2009 ICC A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities standard that provides greater accessibility to buildings for persons with physical disabilities and incorporates new elements of building design.  The ICC A117.1 standard helps achieve uniformity in the technical design criteria in building codes that allow a person with a physical disability to independently get to, enter and use a facility. The standard is intended for adoption by government agencies and organizations.

Learn what the new standards include

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Public transportation notoriously causes difficulty and stress for people with disabilities. However, modern technology firms are working to change this. Uber, for example, has introduced the UberWAV app that allows users in New York City to request a wheelchair accessible vehicle, such as a Caravan or a Ford minibus. Their UberASSIST app trains drivers to accommodate assistive technologies, including scooters and wheelchairs.

Another company, Wayfindr, helps people with visual impairments navigate subway stations through use of audio technology. The CEO of Wayfindr has stressed the goal of inclusiveness and collaboration in developing the app, and thus the company worked to develop an open standard for this type of technology, which they hope would increase the development of other similar products.

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Even with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and federal legislation to protect the people  with disabilities, studies find that too many American citizens are restricted in where they can go or live due to lack of handicap-accessible accommodations.  Oftentimes, things such as sidewalks, office buildings, and public transportation are inaccessible. There are many interesting examples and statistics in this article.  Many people blame it on the  lack of  funding available.

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Louisiana recently launched its program for ABLE accounts (accounts that allow people with disabilities to have a savings account without jeopardizing their  benefits).  In Louisiana, the program is known as "LA ABLE." Accounts can be used for disability-related expenses that will increase and/or maintain a person's health, independence, or quality of life.  LA ABLE is available to people with disabilities nationwide.

Read about Louisiana's program 

Georgia recently launched its program for ABLE accounts (accounts that allow people with disabilities to have a savings account without jeopardizing their  benefits).  In Georgia, the program is known as "Georgia STABLE." Accounts can be used for disability-related expenses that will increase and/or maintain a person's health, independence, or quality of life.  Georgia STABLE is available to people with disabilities nationwide.

Read about Georgia's program 

Do you know a caregiver or team that deserves to be honored for the great work they do?

The Wisconsin Long-Term Care Workforce Alliance’s Annual Caregiver Awards are the only statewide recognition of these outstanding individuals and teams working tirelessly in all service locations.

 This is your chance to honor a dedicated individual or team. You can nominate caregivers in the following categories:

  • Spotlight Individual Caregiver Awards (four awards)
  • Caring Together Team Award (one team award)
  • Heart of Family/Friend Caregiving Award (one award)

 (Please read the attached Alliance Caregiver Awards Brochure for criteria for each Award or visit us online at

How to Nominate a Caregiver
To nominate a caregiver, prepare the Nomination Form and an Essay of 200 words or less, sharing why you believe the person or team deserves the award in the selected category. You can submit the nomination in two ways:

  1. Online Submission: You can complete the Nomination Form and Essay online at
  2. Mail/Email Submission: You can print and complete the Nomination Form in the Caregiver Awards Brochure, prepare the Essay in a Word document, and then email, mail or fax both to the contacts in the brochure. 

You must submit your nomination by August 18, 2016.

Announcement and Recognition of Caregiver Award Winners
Each award winner will receive a certificate, a monetary prize and an invitation to be our guest at the Alliance Caregiver Awards Ceremony and Luncheon on Thursday, September 22, 2017, at the Wintergreen Resort in the WI Dells. The event is co-hosted by the WI Personal Services Association. 

Thank You to the Sponsors of the 2017 Alliance Caregiver Awards!
We appreciate the support of our Sponsors around the state, who make it possible to recognize the Caregiver Award recipients.  There’s still time to become a sponsor for the 2017 Caregiver Awards – just complete the attached Sponsorship Form or contact us for more information.

 Hosting Sponsor

Wisconsin Personal Services Association

Sugar Maple Tree Sponsors

Kenosha County LTC Workforce Alliance

Society's Assets

Wisconsin Assisted Living Association

 Robin Sponsors

Consumer Direct Wisconsin

Dungarvin Wisconsin

 Wood Violet Sponsors

Community Living Alliance

Shared Purchasing Solutions

Caregiver Award Brochure 2017

Caregiver Award Sponsorship Form 2017

Please consider taking the survey yourself and share with your networks. We would like to collect a good sample to help direct future work.

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD) was established to advocate on behalf of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, foster welcoming and inclusive communities, and improve the disability service system.  The Board is interested in learning more about the use of guardianship and supported decision making for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Wisconsin. This survey is intended to gather information from a variety of stakeholders about their knowledge of and experience(s) with Wisconsin's adult guardianship system and children transitioning into adulthood to assist BPDD in better understanding which issues should be prioritized for short-term and long-term planning and action. All responses and/or personal information provided will remain confidential. The survey should take 12-14 minutes to complete. Thanks you for your assistance with this important project.

PLEASE use the link below to take a quick survey about Guardianship alternatives in Wisconsin. Your input is important to us. Feel Free to share this survey with your networks as you deem appropriate.

We will continue to collect survey responses through August 1, 2017.


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