DISABLED WORLD: New Conditions Added to U.S. Social Security Disability Benefits Compassionate Allowances List
By SD Network, 2017-10-02
The Compassionate allowances list grows as U.S. Social Security expedites decisions to those with serious disabilities. The Social Security Administration recently announced three new Compassionate Allowances conditions: CACH Vanishing White Matter Disease-Infantile and Childhood Onset Forms, Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy, and Kleefstra Syndrome.
Time is Running Out...Register Today!
There is still time to register for the 10th annual Self-Determination Conference. This conference works to empower people with disabilities in Wisconsin to have more control over their lives. More than 600 people each year participate in the conference to learn more about self-determination and self directed supports so they can live independently, be members of their communities, and use public funds efficiently. The conference participants include people with disabilities and their family members, direct care providers, and professionals from Wisconsin’s disability community. View this year's conference brochure and register today!
Diehard Award Nominations
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to improve community supports for individuals with disabilities? Do they support self-determination? Nominate them for a Diehard Award! A Diehard is an individual who has made a significant contribution to the advocacy work here in Wisconsin. A diehard is someone with a steadfast commitment to the principles of community integration and self-determination. Diehards go above and beyond to make sure everyone is counted. Awards will be presented at the Self-Determination Conference on November 3rd at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center in the Wisconsin Dells. Nominations are due on Friday, October 6th. Nominate someone today!
Stacy’s Journal
Lately, it seems like all of the news coverage has been about the catastrophic storms that are happening around the world. Back to back major hurricanes in the south, wildfires in the west, earthquakes in Mexico… it seems endless. This month, Stacy discusses what extra steps people with disabilities have to take when Mother Nature throws curve balls. We encourage you to share your experiences as well.
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Care Homes of the Future: As populations around the world begin to live for longer than they ever have, their individual needs related to their health become even more complex which means is that care homes need to use greater amounts of, and more intelligent, assistive technologies. Learn what else research suggests.
- Special Needs Trust Flexibility: Thanks to a new law, people with disabilities can establish special needs trusts for themselves. Read how this will help people save money.
- Self-Driving Wheelchairs: Researchers and robotics experts say they have developed cost-effective technology that would allow power wheelchairs to drive themselves. Find out what these chairs are expected to cost.
- The Eclipse in Real Time: The solar eclipse that happened last month was viewed by millions of Americans. Learn how thanks to technology people with visual impairments wee able to experience the eclipse.
- Automated Home: Although initially developed by engineers to recreate sci-fi fantasies, smart homes in modern times are important tools for increasing agency and accessibility for elderly people and people with disabilities. Read about how new technology is helping people live more independent.
- Call for Proposals: Proposals to present at the 2018 National ADA Symposium are now being accepted. The submission deadline is September 30th.
- Emergency Preparedness: For older people and people with disabilities, emergency preparation is a must. The Administration for Community Living has put together resources for how to prepare for an emergency.
- Voters with Disabilities: New data has been released on voting experiences for people with disabilities. Learn what the data showed.
- Housing Barriers: As people with developmental disabilities increasingly live in community-based settings, a new report finds that they face a multitude of barriers in obtaining housing. Read about what's being done to try to resolve these.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
- Sibshop Kickoff: September 17th, 3p.m. to 5p.m., The Building for Kids, Appleton WI
- Webinar: Section 504 Workshop: September 19th, 12p.m., Online
- Red Roskopf Day AbilityFest Celebrating Communities And Families: October 1st, The Golf Club at Camelot, Lomira WI
- The Riot 2017 National Conversation: October 5th, Teleconference
- Veterans' Resource Fair: October 16th-17th, Waukesha County Expo Center Arena, Waukesha WI
- 2017 Self-Determination Conference: November 1st to 3rd, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells WI
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
DISABILITYSCOOP: Rental Market Unkind To Those With Developmental Disabilities
By SD Network, 2017-09-13
As people with developmental disabilities increasingly live in community-based settings, a new report finds that they face a multitude of barriers in obtaining housing. The report finds that people with disabilities are less likely than others to be told a housing unit is available. Discrimination in the rental housing market is being investigated. The findings suggest that broader efforts are needed to educate housing providers across the country about their obligations when dealing with those with disabilities.
Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) has released their most recent report on Voting Experiences of Voters with Disabilities. The purpose of the Project was to investigate issues around voting for people with I/DD; increase the number of voters and, to provide technical assistance to improve their voting experiences.
Lately, it seems like all of the news coverage I’ve seen has been about the catastrophic storms that are happening around the world. Back to back major hurricanes in the south, wildfires in the west, earthquakes in Mexico… it seems endless. It’s true—disasters like these bring out the best in humanity. The stories of survival and of people helping one another are truly amazing. Having said that though, thousands of people’s lives have been turned upside-down. Watching all of this has really made me think about what extra steps people with disabilities have to take when Mother Nature throws curve balls.
I’ve seen a couple of different posts on social media about extra precautions people with disabilities need to take when major storms hit. Of course, needs widely vary depending on individual circumstances, but it’s recommended that everyone—especially those with disabilities—have a plan. Obviously, it’s important to have things like extra food, water, and batteries on hand, but it’s often critical for people with disabilities to have items like extra generators and extra medication ready. For people who rely on ventilators, backup generators are a must.
People who depend on others to help with personal cares needs have additional worries. What if your care assistants can’t get to you? How will you survive if nobody can get to you? The answer to these questions again depend on individual situations, but it’s important that people have a backup plan in place. People with mobility issues also need to think about how they would physically evacuate or take shelter if a major storm were to come. It’s a lot to think about, but it’s so important to have a plan in place.
In Wisconsin, it’s very rare that we get a real catastrophic storm. It seems like every few years a part of the state gets hammered with a huge blizzard or a major thunderstorm/tornado. While these storms aren’t usually too major, often times, they can cause some major obstacles for people with disabilities. Personally, I think winter is the worst. Between the bitter cold temps and the snow, I find it challenging to get out. I don’t have this problem anymore, but when I was at UW-Whitewater, I never wore a coat or gloves—even in the dead of winter. Yes, people thought I was crazy, but I didn’t have a way to bundle/unbundle when I got to class and home. I hate being hot, so I wasn’t going to sweat to death waiting for my next care shift. I usually got rides to/from class, but, admittedly, it wasn’t very smart. Snow brings another whole set of challenges for people who use wheelchairs. Sidewalks, curb cutouts, and ramps are often not cleared in a timely manner. Depending on how much snow there is, it can be nearly impossible to get anywhere.
Summer thunderstorms and tornadoes can bring on obstacles as well. Many people with disabilities rely heavily on electricity. Whether it’s charging a power scooter, charging a communication device, or using it to keep a ventilator running, electricity is crucial for sustaining life for people who have disabilities and illnesses. For me, when the power goes out, the first thing I worry about is my door to my apartment. It’s an electronic door, so when the power goes out, I can’t open the door to let my staff in (I have a clicker on my chair that I push to open the locked door). I do have a keybox outside of my apartment in case I’m unable to let people in, but it’s a matter of getting ahold of the person who is coming ahead of time, so they know what to do.
Tornado warnings are another interesting event when you have physical limitations. Fortunately, there haven’t been too many tornado warnings since I’ve been living in my apartment. There isn’t a basement where I live, so when there’s a tornado, I just go in the innermost room in my place which happens to be the bathroom. If something were to really happen where I needed help, I always have my phone on my chair. Another thing I have to worry about is when the weather gets bad (both in winter and summer), is whether people going to be able to get to my place to my help me. Fortunately, I’ve never had somebody not be able to get to me due to weather conditions. People have been really late because of the weather, but they eventually did make it. If things were to get really bad where it was going to be really dangerous for people to travel, I’d probably make arrangements beforehand to either have somebody stay with me or to stay with someone so I could get the help I needed.
Major storms can cause havoc for everyone; people with disabilities often just have some extra things to figure out. Planning and acting ahead of time can definitely help. It’s known how unpredictable Mother Nature can be; it’s best to have an action plan in place!
***The views expressed here are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of InControl Wisconsin, the Network or any of our sponsors.
The Great Plains ADA Center is soliciting proposals related to ADA implementation that you would be interested in presenting at our National ADA Symposium in Pittsburgh, PA June 17-20, 2018.
We're interested in subject areas such as Title I, Title II, Title III, Healthcare, Technology, Higher Education, Transportation, Housing and any other interesting workshops related to ADA implementation. Each session will be 90 minutes in length. However, two part sessions can be provided if the content requires additional time. We will also have a specific track for highly advanced experts to conduct interactive policy development workshops that will be 3 hours in length.
Please complete and return the Proposal Submission Form (which is attached) if you would like for your session to be considered for the Symposium. The deadline for submissions is September 30th.
An exciting innovation will be available this coming Symposium to aide you in targeting your presentation more precisely. Our registration tool will allow you to interact by e-mail with session participants prior to the Symposium. You will have access through our new system with the attendees if you wish to poll them about specific issues/topics, suggest limited reading material and/or announce an event they should monitor prior to the Symposium. Since we begin registration at the start of the New Year and the National ADA Symposium is in June, we expect most sessions will be filled by April based on past operations. Therefore, it gives you adequate time to utilize this new feature. You are NOT required to do so, but it is an option that many have expressed the desire to utilize in the past.
This year we will have approximately 100 workshops, around half of which will be conducted by various federal agencies and prior presenters and half of which will be selected from this RFP process. There can be no more than two presenters per session and your airfare/mileage, hotel, conference registration and conference meals will be covered by the National ADA Symposium.
We will notify you no later than Friday, November 17, 2017 of our decision.
Thank you in advance for your interest, application and willingness to make the National ADA Symposium a continued success. Also, feel free to share this with other colleagues and experts in the ADA field.
![]() | National ADA Symposium Call for Presenters |
Call for Presentations 2018 Submission Form.doc, 52KB ∞ |
NATIONAL ABLE RESOURCE CENTER: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Releases Guidance on ABLE Accounts
By SD Network, 2017-09-07
the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released guidance to State Medicaid Directors regarding the “Implications of the ABLE Act for State Medicaid Programs.” The ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) is pleased to see that the vast majority of the guidance acts to reinforce the language, spirit and congressional intent of the ABLE Act to ensure that ABLE accounts should “supplement, but not supplant” public benefits being provided to the ABLE account owner, including supports and services provided by the Medicaid program.
The contents of the letter are divided into the following topics:
- Treatment of Funds in an ABLE Account
Contributions to ABLE Accounts
- Contributions by Third Party
- Contributions by the ABLE Account Beneficiary
- Contribution by Third Party who Apply for Medicaid
Distributions from ABLE Accounts
- Treatment of Distributions Exceeding QDEs for Non-MAGI Determinations
- Treatment of Distributions Exceeding QDEs for MAGI Determinations
- Post-Eligibility Treatment of Income
- Transfer of ABLE Funds to State Estate Recovery.
Over the next few days, the ANRC, in collaboration with our partners in both the disability community and 529A community, will be working to analyze the guidance from CMS and develop a comprehensive summary. Additionally, the ANRC plans to host a dedicated national webinar aimed at helping all ABLE related stakeholders better understand how ABLE accounts may interact with Medicaid eligibility and supports and services given this new directive.
For initial highlights, and to read the CMS letter, visit the ANRC website.
ACL.GOV: Emergency Preparedness Month: “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You Can.”
By SD Network, 2017-09-07
The Administration for Community Living has put together resources for how to prepare for an emergency. Advanced preparation is especially important for older adults and people with disabilities because there may have additional needs to consider, including medical issues, accessibility, transportation, and more.
Although initially developed by engineers to recreate sci-fi fantasies, smart homes in modern times are important tools for increasing agency and accessibility for elderly people and people with disabilities. Modern smart homes are capable of exhibiting many accessible features, including automated doors and lighting, air conditioning, and heating controlled by smartphones; tables and counter-tops that can be raised or lowered; and wider halls, bathrooms, and showers. As may be expected, houses with features such as these cost as much as $500,000, although the cost has been going down as the technology becomes more commonplace. Several organizations are working to help with the costs.
The solar eclipse that happened last month was viewed by millions of Americans. People who are visually impaired experienced the solar eclipse as it happened thanks to technology that allowed them to feel a real time changing image. Employees of the American Printing House for the Blind (APH), the co-inventor of the Graphiti™, and students of the Kentucky School for the Blind gathered together to "touch" the sun and experienced this historic event with their friends, family, and co-workers.