HOME HEALTH CARE NEWS: OSHA Cracking Down on Workplace Violence Against Home-Based Care Workers
By SD Network, 2021-10-25
Due to the nature of the job, home care workers are at increased risk for experiencing workplace violence. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is cracking down on agencies that don't have protocols in-place for workers to report problems.
U.S. ACCESS BOARD; Technical Bulletins on Lavatories and Sinks, Washing Machines and Clothes Dryers, and Saunas and Steam Rooms
By SD Network, 2021-10-21
The U.S. Access Board has released technical bulletins on accessibility to lavatories and sinks, washing machines and clothes dryers, and saunas and steam rooms. This material addresses specifications for clear floor space, knee and toe space, forward and side reach, operable parts, height, turning space, benches, and doors in the ADA and ABA Accessibility Standards. Each bulletin clarifies common sources of confusion, answers frequently asked questions, and offers recommendations for best practice. Examples of compliant lavatories, sinks, washing machines, clothes dryer, saunas, and steam rooms are included to illustrate how various requirements can be met.
We want to congratulate this year's Diehard Award winners who were recognized at the Self-Determination Conference. These individuals received a Diehard Award for going above and beyond in supporting the lives of people with disabilities. Please help us congratulate and thank these people for their outstanding advocacy efforts:
- Vicky Gunderson
- Maria Nogueron
- Kate Rinehart
- Maureen Ryan
- Delores Sallis
- Jordan Anderson
- Sydney Badeau
- Kathryn Burish
- Mike Hipple
PHI: Workforce Displacement and Re-Employment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
By SD Network, 2021-10-18
A study was done about the workforce displacement and re-entry during the pandemic among direct care workers and workers other jobs. It was meant to understand whether and how new workers were recruited during the pandemic.
DISABILITY SCOOP: Social Security, SSI Benefits Will Increase By Largest Amount In Decades
By SD Network, 2021-10-15
The Social Security Administration recently announced a 5.9% increase in Social Security and Supplemental Security Income in 2022. This comes after the Cost of Living Adjustment, COLA, increased due to inflation. This will be the largest increase since 1982.
New legislation entitled, The Choose Home Care Act of 2021, was introduced to the House of Representatives. It would create an add-on payment to the traditional Medicare Home Health Benefit, allowing providers to mix in telehealth, transportation, personal care and other services. The main concept of this would be to give nursing home residents who are on Medicare more options how and where they recover following a hospital stay.
Self-Determination Network News:
October 2021
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Registration Closes Wednesday October 13th!
There's still time to register for this year's Self-Determination Conference. It will be held virtually October 18-20.You'll be able to learn from self-advocates who are living their best and most creative lives and get the latest information about how to self-direct your supports: inspiring employment, health solutions, housing options, financial opportunities, and so much more! See the Conference Brochure for details. Registration is FREE, but you have to register by this Wednesday. Register today!
After the conference, we'll have a discussion on the Network about it. Continue conversation and chat with others about what you learned during the conference. Watch for an email with instructions on how to join the discussion!
The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.
This month, we're shining the spotlight on Tyler. This Special Olympian and Paralympian has real determination, and he has a great support circle who help him. Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Tyler.
Who should we shine the spotlight on next?
Stacy’s Journal
Check out the Latest Videos!
The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.
Check out the newest videos on the channel:
We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Emergency Response Report: The US Government Accountability Office recently released a report about how the CMS response to COVID could help in future emergencies. Learn about what the suggestions are.
- Disability Activism: Often, people with disabilities don't have choice, but to advocate for what they need. Read about the whole notion of disability activism.
- Emerging Leader Award Nominations: The American Association of People with disabilities announced applications are available for the 2022 Paul G. Hearne Emerging Leader Award. Applications are due October 27. Find out more about this award and apply today!
- Feasibility of Wheelchairs on Aircrafts: The US Access Board recently studied the feasibility of wheelchair securement systems for passenger use in airplanes. Learn about what the study found.
- Call for Presenters: Proposals to present at the 2022 Circles of Life Conference are now being accepted. Proposals due October 20.
- Recommendations for Family Caregiver Support: The RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council recently gave their initial report to Congress. Read about what the recommendations are.
- Vaccine Mandates Cause Concern: President Biden mandated that nursing home workers get vaccinated or they risk losing funding. However, this doesn't apply to most home care workers. Find out why advocates aren't pushing for this.
- Staff Shortages Continue: The direct care worker has gone from a problem to a crisis. Read about what a recent study found.
- Booster Guidelines: Recently, the CDC approved booster vaccines for some people. Learn about who may qualify.
- New Vendor for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced that beginning November 1, Medicaid members will be working with a new vendor for non-emergency medical transportation services. Read more about this change.
- The Future of Disability Advocacy and Politics: Recently, the Biden Administration has leveraged disability rights. This is a very interesting article about what this could mean for the future of advocacy and politics.
- The State of America's Direct Support Workforce: A new reveals just how much the pandemic has impacted the already depleted direct care workforce. Learn about what people think needs to happen.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
- Webinar: Ask An ADA Professional- Hybrid Work, Face Coverings, And Vaccinations: October 13, 1p.m. to 2p.m., Online
- Webinar: Taking Care Of Yourself During COVID: October 13, 2p.m. to 3p.m., Online
- Self-Determination Conference: October 18-20, Online
- Webinar: Workers With Long COVID-19 And The ADA: October 19, 1p.m. to 2:30p.m., Online
- Baylor Conference 2021: October 28-29, 8a.m. to 4p.m., Online
- Webinar: Accessible Means Of Egress: November 4, 1:30p.m. to 3p.m., Online
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.
New research find that the just how much the pandemic has impacted the direct care workforce. Before the pandemic, for decades this workforce has been in despair due to low reimbursement rates. A survey of providers was recently done and the results were very revealing. People are struggling in all aspects of providing care to people. This report suggests that it's time for the federal government to make some major changes.
Meet Tyler. This Special Olympian and Paralympian has real determination. Not only is he a superb athlete, he is a great self-advocate. He has been to many different countries competing, and he is involved in various advocacy opportunities. With help from his great support system, he’s learning independent living skills and hopes to move out on his own someday. He encourages everyone to create a great support circle who you can trust to help guide you. We’re so fortune to have Tyler as a member of the Network!
What's your story? Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Tyler Wigington is 26 years old and has been living in a condo for three years now. He shares it with his brother who provides about five hours per week of support with shopping, cleaning and cooking. He has been working 30 hours per week for a number of years. He currently works at Woodman’s where he prepares online order for groceries. He participates in many activities such as Special Olympics, a bowling league, Best Buddies and events at UW Madison. He also has a chihuahua dog named Pacho.
How are you involved with self-determination?
Tyler has been involved with lobbying members of the WI Congress and Senate to help people with disabilities. He flew to Washington and met Tammy Baldwin and several other politicians. He even got to take a picture on the balcony of the Speaker’s Chamber. He has been trained as a Global Messenger and a Health Athlete leader. He also sits on the Unified Leadership Council for Special Olympics where they try to help others with disabilities learn to speak up for themselves and be their own advocate. He worked with the UW Waismen Center on a study to help include people with disabilities to be included in research studies as well.
Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination?
Tyler shares that he continues to work on independent living skills and hopes move out on his own someday—or maybe live with a friend and he can help him be more independent. After five years of working with Woodman’s, he will be leaving. ”It is exciting and a bit scary to leave, but I am ready for a new challenge and hope to work in something related to sports,” he says.
What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined?
Tyler encourages people should always have someone that cares for you helping you out. “My parents were training me to move out and now I am. I have a very good case manager that cares for me and allows me to choose how to live,” he explains.
What are some of your hobbies?
Tyler enjoys running. He has completed in seven half marathons and his fastest time is one hour and 37 minutes. He’s on USA Paralympics and has traveled to Ecuador, Portugal and Australia for races. He also likes to participate in Special Olympics for bowling, flag football and basketball.
***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.
AGDAILY: AgrAbility Virtual State Fair provides resources for farmers with disabilities
By SD Network, 2021-10-02
During the month of October, AgrAbility projects from 20 states (including Wisconsin) nationwide will join together to participate in an AgrAbility Virtual State Fair online. This is a great opportunity to provide resources and information to farmers, ranchers, and agricultural workers who are working in production agriculture with a disability while also raising awareness about the project and the good they do throughout the year. The National AgrAbility Project is involved with farmers who have a disability, functional limitation, or health condition.