NPR: Activist Judy Heumann led a reimagining of what it means to be disabled
By SD Network, 2023-03-06
The disability community is mourning the passing of disability rights activist Judy Heumann. Judy played an integral role in the disability rights movement and passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
DISABILITY SCOOP: Nation’s disability services at breaking point, report finds
By SD Network, 2023-03-06
After warning for years of an impending collapse in the disability services system, advocates say that the crisis is here. Threats to community-based services due to workforce and funding shortages have existed for decades, but the threat has escalated to dangerous levels, forcing providers to deny access to crucial care and other support services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The Wisconsin Caregiver Crisis Coalition is made up of aging and disability advocates, provider associations, workforce coalitions, workforce development agencies, IRIS consultant agencies, Aging and Disability Resource Centers and fiscal agencies. The coalition has come up with a budget proposal that would address many aspects of the caregiver crisis. We encourage you to use this when you talk with your legislators
Caregiver Crisis Coalition Budget Proposal Budget Proposal HQ32023p (1).pdf, 12MB ∞
The Wisconsin Survival Coalition put together an analysis of the Governor's budget proposal from a disability perspective.. We encourage people to use this when they talk what their legislators.
By SD Network, 2023-03-01
Are you interested in presenting at the 2023 Self-Determination Conference? We are seeking session proposals for Tuesday, October 17 & Wednesday, October 18, 2023. There are three ways to complete the proposal form and submit it by noon on May 12, 2023 to:
WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: National Assistive Technology Awareness Day
By SD Network, 2023-03-01
On March 1, the U.S. Senate will pass a resolution to raise awareness and celebrate National Assistive Technology (AT) Awareness Day. The day honors people with disabilities who use AT to access their education, workplace, community, and recreational activities. The day also recognizes the leadership of the Assistive Technology Act programs whose teams strive to help millions of individuals acquire low-cost and often no-cost AT in all 50 states and territories.
Join us to celebrate #ATAwarenessDay!
Alice Wong, founder of the Disability Visibility Project is acutely aware of the power dynamics at play between a care provider and recipient, and the devaluation and lack of investment in care work. In this commentary, she writes, “Conversations by policy experts and advocates about the caregiving crisis can be too abstract, and any meaningful structural and cultural change must acknowledge the tensions, human toll, material consequences, complexities and nuances about care from the people who provide and rely on it.”
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Center for People with I/DD and Mental Health Conditions Seeks Steering Committee
By SD Network, 2023-02-23
Through a cooperative agreement with the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), ACL has launched a new center to improve support for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) who have mental health conditions.
This center will focus on capacity building by supporting state agencies with policy development, service design, and service coordination resources. Guided by people with lived experience, the center also will provide information, training, and peer-to-peer learning for people with I/DD who have mental health conditions, their families, and the professionals who work with them. The center is currently recruiting for its steering committee, which will make important recommendations on how the center should move forward. The steering committee of 12 people will meet 4 times per year. Steering committee members and, if needed, their support staff will be paid to participate in this project. A recruitment explainer video by NASDDDS partner Green Mountain Self-Advocates is posted on the NASDDDS YouTube channel. The three-minute video includes open captions and American Sign Language interpretation. If you are interested in joining the committee, email, call 570-460-3964, or fill out the interest form by March 17, 2023. |