Mike Hipple


Good morning! I'm a member of the Wisconsin AAC Network which is a network for people who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication. I thought I would share this opportunity with you in case you or anyone you know may be a good participant. 

My name is Jennifer McIlvaine, and I am a Ph.D. candidate at Rowan University. I am working on my dissertation research titled: The Process of Learning to Communicate Through High-Tech Symbol-Based Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): A Multiple Case Study.

Research Purpose: My research is about the process of learning to communicate through high-tech symbol-based AAC. I am interested in exploring how students who use high-tech symbol-based AAC (e.g., Proloquo2Go, TouchChat, LAMP Words for Life, Unity, TD Snap Core First, etc.) learn to become proficient* in using their AAC device to communicate with support from their school team members and family team members.

*Note: If students/teams feel that they identify with the term “proficient AAC user” or an alternative term of their preference (e.g., independent AAC user, successful AAC user, autonomous AAC user, etc.) they are invited to participate!

Prospective Participants: I am looking to complete a multiple case study and recruit 3 teams from across the US that includes:
1.) A “proficient” high-tech symbol-based AAC user in either elementary school, middle school, high school, or transition programs up to the age of 22 AND,
2.) 1 or more members of their school team (e.g., current or past SLP, teacher, paraprofessional, etc.) AND,
3.)  1 or more family members (e.g., parent/guardian, grandparent, aunt/uncle, sibling, etc.).

If you would like to learn more about the study or participate, please reach out to me directly at mcilva85@students.rowan.edu
If you can think of anyone that sounds like a good candidate that might be interested in participating, I would greatly appreciate if you could pass my contact information along (mcilva85@students.rowan.edu).

 Thank you for your time and consideration,

Jennifer McIlvaine, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP, Ph.D. Candidate

This study received approval from the Rowan University Institutional Review Board (IRB) Study #PRO-2022-158.

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Wisconsin AAC Network

By SD Network, 2017-01-10

The Wisconsin AAC Network is a network for people who use Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC), their family members, and people who work with people who use AAC. Wisconsin AAC Network is new in Wisconsin.  We have three programs which are New Families to AAC, Education, and The Leadership Team.  We are a mentor and support system for families who are starting out on their AAC journey. Tips and suggestions for new families are available by mail or email. My email is mike4@new.rr.com. In the future, we will be having a new family’s class. In the class, you will be learning about AAC, United States Society of AAC, helpful tools and websites. The leadership team will meet quarterly on the internet or in person to talk about what is happening in Wisconsin for people who use AAC.  Before I had my communication device, I never talked to my family members, my friends and my IEP team. Now, I don’t stop talking. That is how AAC changed my life. Thank you and please like Wisconsin AAC Network on Facebook.

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