
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recently announced that based on results from a recent procurement, Inclusa and Lakeland Care managed care organizations (MCO) have been selected to provide the Family Care program in Brown, Door, Kewaunee, Marinette, Menominee, Oconto, and Shawano counties beginning January 1, 2020. Incumbent managed care organization Care Wisconsin will no longer provide the program in those counties after December 31, 2019.

Read press release

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Wisconsin Partners in Policymaking is a six‐session advocacy and systems change training program designed to develop a group of future leaders across the state who are able to work with legislators and communities on policies and initiatives that will support the full participation and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of life.

Download the application by following this link:

Applications are due at noon on September 1, 2019.

Who can participate?

  • Adults with developmental disabilities
  • Adult siblings of individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Parents/primary caregivers of children and youth with developmental disabilities ages birth to 21.

If you have questions or would like more information about the Partners in Policymaking program, please contact Jenny Neugart at or (608) 266‐7707.

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People First Wisconsin is seeking applications from eight (8) people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) to become Self-Advocate Leaders for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities’ (BPDD) Model Approaches to Living Well grant project. Self-Advocate Leaders are needed in the following areas:


  • Madison/Beaver Dam area
  • Appleton/Fond du Lac area
  • Janesville
  • La Crosse
  • Platteville
  • West Allis/Milwaukee area
  • Watertown

What will the Self-Advocate Leaders do?

The Self-Advocate Leaders will partner with the following Living Well pilot organizations in their area to provide self-advocacy, safety and abuse prevention instruction and facilitate peer groups over the next four years: LOV-Dane, Community Living Connections, SOAR Fox Cities, Aptiv, Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin, and Bethesda Lutheran Communities.

Self-Advocate Leaders will co-teach self-advocacy, safety, and abuse prevention classes using the Safe & Free curriculum developed by People First Wisconsin for the Living Well project. The training covers sensitive topics, including but not limited to identifying and reporting abuse and neglect, consent, dating and intimate relationships. Self-Advocate Leaders must be comfortable facilitating discussions with peers on these topics.

What is the BPDD’s Model Approaches to Living Well grant project?

Model Approaches to Living Well (called ‘Living Well’ for short) is a five-year federal grant from the Administration on Community Living (ACL) to develop and test approaches for improving the safety, wellness, and community inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who receive home and community-based services (HCBS). ACL considers this a Project of National Significance and Wisconsin is one of five states to receive the grant.


Follow the link below to download an application: 


If you have any questions or if you'd like more information you can contact Allison Kelly at 608-266-5038 or email at 

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Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to improve community supports for individuals with disabilities?  Do they support self-determination?  Nominate them for a Diehard Award in one of the following two categories: 



(You may only submit a nomination for one individual per category.) 

A Diehard is an individual who has made a significant contribution to the advocacy work here in Wisconsin. A diehard is someone with a steadfast commitment to the principles of community integration and self-determination. Diehards go above and beyond to make sure everyone is counted.

  • Awards will be presented at the Self-Determination Conference on October 15th at the Kalahari Resort and Conference Center in the Wisconsin Dells.
  • Nomination Forms must be in the BPDD office no later than 12 p.m. on Thursday, September 5, 2019.
  •  The Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to present none or multiple awards in any of the categories. 

Download Nomination Form here:

Please complete the nomination form and submit to:
BPDD/Awards, 101 E. Wilson St., Room 219

Madison, WI 53703

Or Fax to  608-267-3906

Or Email to:

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Apply for an Employment First Partner Grant! 

The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (WI BPDD) is seeking up to eight (8) organizations to engage in community outreach activities that lead to increased community, integrated employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Anyone committed to expanding integrated employment in their community can apply, including people with disabilities, family members, service providers, and schools. 

Possible activities include hosting a community conversation about employment, presenting to employer groups such as the chamber of commerce, or connecting families new to community-based employment with families who are committed to it to share experiences and alleviate concerns.  Each grantee will receive up to $2,000 plus coaching and presentation materials to engage in outreach activities. 

To learn more and apply, see the Employment First Partner application.  The deadline has been extended -- applications are due by 5:00 pm on August 30, 2019. 

Please contact Molly Cooney at 608-266-0266 or with any questions.

For people with disabilities, house  hunting can be very frustrating.  Often, "accessible" houses are few and far between.  Even if a house has some accessible features, usually people have to adapt or customize thinking more to meet their individual needs.  This article explains that there are organizations that assist injured veterans and people with disabilities with making homes accessible.  It points out that injury and disability aren't the only reasons to make homes accessible; aging often creates the need to made homes accessible.

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Federal officials announced that they plan to set aside millions of dollars to help people with disabilities access housing in the community.  Through the Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program, public housing agencies are encouraged to partner up with health and human services organizations that can offer supports to people with disabilities.

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An updated collection of emojis intended to be more inclusive and diverse was released.  Options for varying gender, skin and hair color as well as for people who use hearing devices, prosthetics, a white cane, guide dogs, service dogs, and wheelchairs will be in the mix.The article explains why this is part of a major business trend of finding new ways for all people communicate in a way that is  reflective of their true selves.

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The state budget passed by the legislature and approved by the Governor will fund state programs for the next two years. Here is a link to the Survival Coalition summary of the  Governor's budget and charts with more detailed information outlining the Governor’s original request, what the Legislature passed and then what adjustments were made through the Governor’s partial veto authority.

You can read the full document here. 

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ACL has released a data profile using data from the Caregiver Outcome Evaluation Study of the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). This data profile, “Family Caregivers: Examining caregiver characteristics, caregiving support, and other caregiving dynamics that differ between short term and long term caregivers,” compares caregivers who have been providing care for two or fewer years, and caregivers providing care for longer than two years. This data profile examines characteristics of caregivers including age, relationship to care recipient, level of caregiving intensity, and use of NFCSP services.

Download the new profile.

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) conducted an outcome evaluation of the Older Americans Act Title III-E National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP).The NFCSP provides grants to states and territories to fund various supports that help family and informal caregivers care for older adults in their homes for as long as possible. The Caregiver Outcome Evaluation Study of the NFCSP was released in 2018.

Learn more about the National Family Caregiver Support Program. For more materials about the Caregiver Outcome Evaluation Study of the NFCSP, see the section under "Completed Evaluations and Studies" on ACL's Program Evaluations and Reports page.

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