SD Network

Member Spotlight: Tasha Orr-Holmes

user image 2019-11-03
By: SD Network
Posted in: Member Spotlight

toh.jpgMeet Tasha.   As someone who has always wanted to make a difference in her community, she has worked with multiple groups of people who are in need. Her current job has made her realize how important self-determination is for everyone.  She is very excited about what her agency has done this year.  In her spare time, this avid sports fan loves to spend time with her son and hang out with friends.  We’re so fortunate to have her as a member of the Self-Determination Network! 

What's your story?  Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Tasha graduated from college with a Bachelor Degree in Human Service, and she knew right away she wanted to make a difference in her community. She explains that she has worked to help the undeserved community with getting health insurance and benefits.  She has also worked with family caregivers to be able to get the supports that they needed to keep their love ones at home and to live safe and meaningful lives in their home.  Currently, she works for TMG as a Community Partnership Specialist, which gives her the opportunity to work with organizations to help provide resources and services to individuals on the IRIS program.

How are you involved with self-determination? Why did you join the SD Network? 

Tasha became involved with self-determination after she started working in her current position where she was able to see first-hand how important self-determination is to everyone. She’s involved on many committees that work together to help find solutions to many obstacles, such as transportation, housing, poverty and employment. “After attending three SD Conferences, it became a passion of mine to be more involved in the SD Community and help wherever I am needed,” she says.

Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination? 

Tasha shares that she’s super excited about the work she and her coworkers have done in 2019. She explains that TMG has hosted four events in three Wisconsin counties that invites IRIS participants and their family and friends to a fun and/or local community location to get information from vendors regarding programs and services they can utilize. They provide free food, door prizes and networking with others. “It is a way for TMG to clear the path and bring all resources to one place. We are looking to do even more of these events in 2020,” she says.

What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined?

Tasha suggests there are so many amazing resources in the Community that can help a person become more self-determined. It is great to visit your local libraries, community centers, ADRC’s and churches just as a starting point.  She explains, “from there, a person can become more educated, empowered and energized on the many different programs and services that are out in their community.”

What are some of your hobbies? 

As a single mom, she doesn’t have a lot of time on her hands; however, she loves spending time with her nine-year-old son, Tyler. She enjoys going to the movies, hanging out with friends, and watching ALL Wisconsin sports teams--especially the Green Bay Packers.  “Go Pack Go,” she exclaims!

 ***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.


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