The World Health Organization estimates that more than 15% of the approximately 8 billion people on the Earth experience disability; yet only 4% of the 90% of companies that claim to prioritize diversity and inclusion considering disability in their initiatives, according to a report from the Return on Disability Group. There are several reasons for this.
People with disabilities can save more money without jeopardizing eligibility for government benefits thanks to a change in tax rules for the new year. Starting this month, the federal gift tax exclusion increases from $16,000 to $17,000 annually, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
THE COUNCIL ON QUALITY AND LEADERSHIP: Supporting People with IDD to Transition to the Community
By SD Network, 2023-01-11
Community transition services help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with their move from either an institution to a community setting, or a congregate community setting to an individual community setting. These services can be used to help people with IDD pay for necessary items to set up a basic household, such as securing leases, paying for moving expenses, paying for furniture or kitchen supplies, and utility deposits. The aim of this study was to examine how states provided community transition services in Medicaid HCBS for people with IDD.
GREEN BAY PRESS GAZETTE: Green Bay disability activist aims to make the city more inclusive, one bead at a time
By SD Network, 2023-01-11
Saphronia Purnell Received the news that her child had a disability and was told that they would face systematic barriers. She turned to Wisconsin FACETS and learned all she could about disability laws and rights. She made disability rights the center of her universe and was recently awarded a SPARKS grant. Purnell is stringing together a couple of plans suitable for youths and civic leaders alike, with the goal of making the city of Green Bay a more inclusive, welcoming place for people with disabilities.
THE WASHINGTON POST: What disabled people know about making better New Year’s resolutions
By SD Network, 2023-01-11
Instead of constantly pushing themselves, some people with disabilities embrace a more relaxed approach to goal-setting. The Post spoke with several people with disabilities about their approach to New Year’s resolutions, and how their disability gave them new insights into setting more realistic and successful goals.
WISCONSIN WATCH: Wisconsin workers with disabilities face transportation barriers
By SD Network, 2023-01-10
Transportation barriers continue to one of the main hurdles to employment for people with disabilities. There are very few options for non-drivers in Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s major public transportation systems have shrunk coverage due to declining ridership and revenue. As a result, fewer people, including those with disabilities, live in areas where they can easily catch a bus.
By SD Network, 2023-01-10
We want to partner with Supported Employment service providers interested in increasing the independence of employees with disabilities and reducing the need for ongoing job coaching. These grant funds and technical assistance provide an opportunity to take new or creative approaches to reduce the reliance on job coaching through better job matching, employer engagement, systematic instruction, natural supports and paid coworker support options. This is essential as agencies struggle to hire job coaches. Check out the Request for Proposals for more information. Deadline to apply: Thursday, February 3rd at 5p.m. |
By SD Network, 2023-01-10
The Youth Leadership Forum is a week-long, overnight leadership training and career awareness program for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with disabilities to learn leadership and self-advocacy skills. When/Where: July 9 – 14, 2023 at Edgewood College in Madison, WI The Youth Leadership Forum is for:
Why Attend the Youth Leadership Forum:
To Apply: Download the application or complete it online by March 17, 2023. Contact Jenny Neugart at for more information. |
U.S. ACCESS BOARD: U.S. Access Board Seeks Events and Communication Specialist
By SD Network, 2023-01-10
The U.S. Access Board seeks an Events and Communication Specialist to serve in its Office of Executive Director. This Events and Communication Specialist position will be responsible for planning, coordination, communication, and administrative and logistical support for virtual and in-person public events hosted by the Access Board. Additionally, they will manage the agency’s social media platforms, including content development and audience engagement. More information about the duties is in the vacancy announcement.
Current or former federal employees who qualify as status candidates, candidates eligible under the Veterans Employment Opportunity Act, the Career Transition Assistance Plan, or the Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan, and candidates eligible for special hiring authorities (e.g., Schedule A appointment for persons with disabilities) or who are eligible for Veterans’ Recruitment Appointment should respond to Vacancy Announcement #23-AB-8-MP. Candidates who are U.S Citizens or U.S. Nationals with no prior federal experience should respond to Vacancy Announcement #23-AB-9-P.
Applications are due by January 24, 2023.
For further information, contact the Applicant Call Center at 1-304-480-7300 or by email at
Late in December, Governor Evers' office announced $5 million in rural transit funding. the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program will help organizations and local governments providing transportation to rural seniors and people with disabilities.