SD Network

ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Call for Promising Practices: Supporting Adults with I/DD and Family Caregivers

user image 2023-02-23
By: SD Network
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Brandeis University, in partnership with the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), is gathering information to identify promising practices and policies that support adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and aging family caregivers. The number of adults with I/DD living with aging caregivers is significantly increasing. The majority of families are unknown by the formal service system. There is a need for greater communication and collaboration between aging and disabilities systems to support these families. They are interested in successful practices at local, state, and national levels such as:
  • Future Planning: Future planning is a process that assists families in planning for the future when aging caregivers may no longer be able to provide care. Key aspects of future planning include financial planning and benefits; living arrangements; employment and vocational preferences; decision-making supports; and healthy aging.
  • Services and Supports: This might include outreach, systems navigation, respite, training, and other family supports.
  • Bridging Aging and Disability Networks: This might include initiatives at the local and state level that promote collaboration between the aging and developmental disabilities communities.
Brandeis and NACDD will share this information with aging and disability advocates across the country. This project is supporting a community at practice of state teams that are bridging aging and disability. It will help inform their work and future work in other states.
Please help with this information gathering by taking the survey linked below. Complete the survey by March 1, 2023.
Contact for more information.
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