Forum Activity for @wanda-viellieux

Wanda Viellieux
06/30/16 08:51:09AM
22 posts

Feature Discussion: What’s the best way to find your own personal care staff?

Questions about Self-Directed Supports or Self-Determination

I had previously used agencies but have been very unhappy with them.  So I hired a gal who did this on her own not through an agency.  However, she did not live up to the contract.  She did a great job when she was here but I never knew when she would come and not.  So I finally had to tell her goodbye.  I needed someone more reliable.  But, I put an ad on a facebook "hiring" in my own county and she responded right away and so did three others, but the three others were not really interested. So I had no choice to go back to an agency, I just hired, however, we have not been getting off to a good start.  I should have had 12 hours logged right now for them and have only received two hours worth of service.  Living in a more rural part of the state, there are not a lot of options, and it's difficult to find individuals to commit to the tasks  as they want more hours and I cannot give them more hours than I already have.

As far as guidelines, I set up an interview with this individual in a public place in a private corner.  The second time she came over to my home to see what she would be doing with me.  She fully agreed to what we talked about but like I said she did not live up to her commitment.

All agencies in my county are having the same problem of keeping workers. They do not pay a lot, and most young gals have not learned how to work growing up. 

Wanda Viellieux
03/06/15 10:08:15PM
22 posts

Coffee Break Discussion: Self-Determination and the State Budget Proposal

Wisconsin Long Term Care Redesign: Questions & Comments

One of my many concerns with this budget is for those of us who live in rural areas where the number of providers are limited, or non existent.

Wanda Viellieux
03/06/15 10:10:48PM
22 posts

IRIS ? CAN we keep the same SHC people?

Wisconsin Long Term Care Redesign: Questions & Comments

but what does that really mean that IRIS will be folded into the MCCO's? What does that really mean? Does anyone really know?

Wanda Viellieux
08/14/14 11:02:44AM
22 posts

What are your thoughts about the new handicapped symbol?

Open Discussion

I have mixed thoughts and feelings on this one. Ok, let me post my hesitant thoughts first. then my postivie thoughts about this change.

I can see able bodied people being perplexed about the new symbol but even more so the word "Accessible" being a problem for them. Many able bodied people disregard the disabled parkling now, it's going to be worse, because the image and wording will be further away from the intent of the marked parking spaces. I'm not talking everybody, just about what I see in everyday life in my town. Now some people might not recognize that this is a motion image, and it may confuse them. How are you going to educate all of them when we are still trying to educate them on things for years and still trying?

Ok now on to the positive...............I think change is great, provided the change is clear to ALL people, not just people who need to use the parking spaces. I do think that the signs could be changed to reflect our whole personhood. However, I wonder if this is the right change.

Wanda Viellieux
03/31/14 02:06:15PM
22 posts

Coffee Break Discussion: Timebanks

Coffee Breaks

Sounds like a great idea Deb.

Wanda Viellieux
03/31/14 12:32:57PM
22 posts

Coffee Break Discussion: Timebanks

Coffee Breaks

I think the two closest timebanks closest to me are in the Twin Cities area. Who do I contact to come out and talk about how to get started, the cost of getting going and using software, etc.

Wanda Viellieux
07/17/14 11:19:54AM
22 posts

Food for Thought: Are person-centered planning & "personalisation" failing people within our long-term care systems?

Open Discussion

Yes, I switched to IRIS, and I'm in an area where many services are not aviailable, so I"m getting better service than I did on family care.

Wanda Viellieux
07/17/14 07:31:43AM
22 posts

Food for Thought: Are person-centered planning & "personalisation" failing people within our long-term care systems?

Open Discussion

Meg, toitally get the frustration of getting denials, etc. People on the other end of the system who should be reviewing these things, I dont' think they really understand what all of us are dealing with.

My stubbornness and bullheaded determination can be a detriment to me if I'm not careful, but they are what has helped me to persevere.

I've never been a parent, but I understand the wearing down and keeping picking oneself up to keep going because either ourselves or someone we care for needs us to be. i don't give up easily, however, I'm also not afraid to voice what I've been up against.

The system most certainly be what keeps people from progressing beyond a certain point, in my experiences.

Wanda Viellieux
03/28/14 09:08:28PM
22 posts

Food for Thought: Are person-centered planning & "personalisation" failing people within our long-term care systems?

Open Discussion

I had an occasioin recently when a newer person came aboard, and I can honestly say that this person made me feelthey was part of the system and did not know whatthey was talking about part of the time. Very reminescent of the system as I have experienced it in the past. As time goes along, I more and more think this phrase may make SOME of the higher ups, as I call them, feel better but again my question is, for which participants?

Wanda Viellieux
02/07/14 01:53:58PM
22 posts

Food for Thought: Are person-centered planning & "personalisation" failing people within our long-term care systems?

Open Discussion

Focusing on person-centered planning sounds like a good thing and perhaps could be a good thing, however, in my experiences anything which involves a "system" via the State of Wisconsin is difficult to say it's person-centered. for example, I see SDS as an attempt as person-centered personalization, however, the system that provides the funding has the final say. So my question it REALLY person centered? And the State also knows there are drawbacks to this also, one example is in the rural areas we don't have access so some of the services. So what do people do? Not have that unavailable service and then the State saves money, so they think. In the long run, not really. those persons who are on Family care, I believe are not truly person funding. I say this because prior to my becoming part of IRIS, I was on Family Care, and I was told I make the decisions, however, I did not get to make the deicsions. So where does the person centered personalization come in? Or am I misunderstanding this whole thing?
