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Category: Resource

The ability to participate in our democracy by voting in elections is a foundational right of citizenship that we cherish as Americans. No adult should be denied this right because of their age or ability. This principle is clearly reflected in the Biden-Harris Administration’s Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting.

ACL and the disability and aging networks are working together to ensure that older adults and people with disabilities can exercise their right to vote. ACL's programs provide a variety of resources, including information and education, supportive services and legal assistance. They also work with their states and communities to improve access to the voting process. This includes a number of grants funded through the Help America Vote Act.

As Disability Voting Rights Week comes to a close, we wanted to share ACL’s recently updated voting resource "hub." This page includes a variety of resources to support disabled people and older adults in exercising their right to vote.

View ACL's Voting Resources Page
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The National Council on Independent Living released its 2022 Advocacy Priorities Guide. This document contains specific information on the national legislative and policy priorities identified biannually by the NCIL membership, including funding for the Independent Living Program, healthcare and long-term care, housing, transportation, education, and more.

View guide

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The Core Standards for Information & Assistance Professionals in Self-Direction resource, developed with the generous sponsorship of Centene, is designed to provide information to states, managed care organizations, and other stakeholders regarding core competencies and skills for professionals providing Information and Assistance (I&A) in support of self-direction. I&A is essential for helping participants understand self-direction, navigate their program and its rules, and have a successful experience self-directing. An underpowered I&A function can limit not only a program’s growth and participant satisfaction but also its integrity, as one of the core functions of I&A is to provide additional program monitoring and safeguards.

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new fact sheet from the Department of Justice (DOJ) reiterates earlier guidance on accessibility requirements for websites under the Americans with Disabilities Act and describes some of the enforcement actions taken by DOJ to address inaccessibility of COVID-19 vaccine websites. DOJ reached agreements with several companies to address issues that limited people with disabilities in using vaccine scheduling websites, such as required information (like first and last names, birthdates, and zip codes) not being “read” to users of screen readers, and available vaccination times not being available to “select” by people using keyboards.

The ADA requires that businesses provide people with disabilities full and equal access to services including those offered online. Similarly, state and local governments must not discriminate based on disability including in services and programs provided online. Both must ensure that they communicate effectively with people with disabilities. As the aging and disability network continue to assist people with disabilities access vaccines and boosters, any suspected violations of the ADA should be reported to the Department of Justice.

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The Centers Medicare & Medicaid Services recently released a new resource to help states understand and meet legal requirements for Medicaid, the Basic Health Program and the Children’s Health Insurance Program when the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) ends. 

With limited exemptions, states have not been allowed to disenroll Medicaid beneficiaries during the PHE. When the PHE ends, states will have to perform millions of redeterminations to see who is still eligible and who is not. To assist states with that work, the tool includes information on the requirements for eligibility renewals and redeterminations, application processing, fair hearings, coordination with the Marketplace, and other processes. It also highlights temporary options available to states during the unwinding period to facilitate eligibility and enrollment processing and to help retain coverage for eligible individuals. 

It will require “all hands on deck” to ensure the PHE unwinding period goes smoothly to avoid harmful gaps in coverage for people who rely on Medicaid to stay well and independent. The aging and disability networks are critical partners in ensuring older adults and people with disabilities can continue to receive the supports and services they need without disruption.

More info:

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The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice (CYVYC) has launched a new website! CYVYC is a national youth resource center on alternatives to guardianship. It promotes the use of alternatives to guardianship nationally through research, self-advocacy, outreach, coalition building and education. 
The new website features:
Visit the new CYVYC website to learn more at

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Along with vaccinations and sensible individual measures such as wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and hand-washing, at-home COVID-19 tests are an important tool for stopping the spread of the virus. There now are several no-cost ways to get tested and to obtain at-home test kits to have on hand in case they’re needed. For people who need to purchase additional tests, health insurance may cover the cost (and assistance may be available for those who do not have insurance).The Administration for Community Living  pulled together the basic details in this fact sheet.

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We've summarized the latest CDC guidance on vaccines and boosters below. Check our vaccination resources page for the latest guidance and resources.

Booster Shots

Who? CDC now recommends booster shots for everyone 12 years old and older.

When? Depends on which vaccine you received initially:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna: You should get a booster FIVE months after your last primary dose.
  • Johnson & Johnson/Janssen: You should get a booster TWO months after your primary dose. 

Which vaccine should you get?

  • CDC recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children and either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna boosters for adults, regardless of which shot(s) you got initially.
  • Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine is NOT recommended except in limited circumstances.
  • You do NOT need to boost with the same vaccine you received initially.

Additional Primary Doses for People who are Immunocompromised:

Who? Moderately or severely immunocompromised people five and older who received initial doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines.

When? 28 days after your second shot.

Which vaccine? Get the same vaccine you received for your first two doses. (CDC does NOT recommend mixing and matching for your additional dose).

Keep in mind: This is NOT the same as a booster shot, if you are 12 or older you should still get a booster shot after you complete your primary doses. In other words, you should get a booster five months after your third Pfizer or Moderna shot or two months after your single Johnson & Johnson shot.

Getting your vaccine or booster

  • Find a vaccination site: Visit, Text your ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233.
  • Help for people with disabilities: The Disability Information and Assistance Line (DIAL) can be reached by calling 888-677-1199 or by emailing any time. 
  • Help for older adults: Call the Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116 or visit the website to chat live or browse resources. 
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Winter is upon us and so is the holiday season. For many, this is a time of year for gathering with friends and family, while others may find themselves experiencing increased isolation. This time of year can mean more time spent indoors or outside enjoying the colder weather. Whatever this season means for you, the next few months will bring challenges due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

To help programs support safe holidays and a healthy winter experience, here are select resources from ACL’s Senior Nutrition Program and its Nutrition and Aging Resource Center.

Real Program Practices
Local senior nutrition programs share their creative practices for engaging participants.

Find more success stories from local programs across the country.

Activity Guides

Created to celebrate the Senior Nutrition Program’s anniversary earlier this year, these activity and game guides are great for virtual get-togethers.

Program Reopening Resources

For programs planning safe in-person gatherings, these resources around reopening after closures due to COVID-19 offer considerations, tips, and materials.
The Senior Nutrition Program applauds local programs and the aging network for their continuing resilience and creative efforts to support communities during this challenging time. Programs are encouraged to remain dedicated to using flexible strategies and combatting social isolation to keep seniors, staff, and volunteers as safe and healthy as possible through the holidays and beyond.

For more on staying well this season, check out CDC’s Strategies for a Healthy and Safe Holiday Season.

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Recently, the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition released a document of stories about how the new voting bills that were passed will impact those with disabilities. These bills will limit voter access even more than it already is. 

See document

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