Self-Determination Network News: April 2018
Self-Determination Network News:
April 2018
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Join the Discussion!
The Self-Determination Network posts a discussion question related to self-determination/self-direction every month in hopes that we can share experiences and learn from each other. Last month, we had to great discussion about housing for people with disabilities.
This month, we're discussing yet another major challenge for people with disabilities--employment. What are some interesting stories of people getting community jobs they like by using self-direction strategies? Join the Discussion!
Seeking Nominations for 2018 Empowerment Awards!
Do you know of an exciting Wisconsin agency, organization, program, practice or service that helps older people increase their independence or their control over their lives or services? InControl Wisconsin is seeking nominations for the 2018 Empowerment Awards! See this flyer for more information. Nominations, which can be made by filling out this online form, are due May 15th. Nominate someone today!
Stacy’s Journal
People try to stay healthy by doing things such as eating right and exercising, but, unless something feels wrong with our bodies, we normally don’t think about what could go wrong or what we would want done if something catastrophic were to happen. In April's journal entry, Stacy discusses how secondary effects of her disability have impacted her life and have made her have to make some tough decisions. We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.
Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:
- Airline Training: In recent months, many airlines have been under heat for how employees treatment people with disabilities. Find out which airline is training its employees to better understand the needs of people with disabilities.
- Doctors Focusing on Disabilities: A new program is making sure new doctors are much more prepared to treat people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Read about this unique program.
- Updated ABLE Guidance: Recently, the Social Security Administration (SSA) published an updated version of its Program Operations Manual System (POMS) regarding the ABLE Act and ABLE accounts. Learn what the guidance is about.
- Grant Opportunities: Two new grant opportunities from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research have been announced: the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) on exercise interventions for people with disabilities, and the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on health & function for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Learn about these grants and apply today!
- Accessible Routes: Google Maps has a new accessibility feature that makes it easier for people with disabilities to get around. Read about how the "wheelchair route" feature works.
- Guardianship Alternatives: Recently, the National Council on Disability released a report that explains that guardianship is commonly seen as a “benevolent measure” and imposed based upon assumptions about the capabilities of people with disabilities without appropriate reason. Find out what steps the report recommends the government take to solve this.
- Disability Emojis: New emojis representing various disabilities will soon be released. Learn what the new emojis will include.
- Twitter Adds Reporting Option: Twitter recently added "disability” to a list of protected groups on its abuse and harassment reporting page. Find out what this is in response to.
- Ridesharing Lawsuit: Another lawsuit against a ridesharing company was filed for violations of accessibility laws. Read about how this suit doesn't ask for money damages, but rather accessibility through the company.
Upcoming Events
Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:
- WI FACETS Self-Advocacy Workshop: Self-Advocacy Spotlight: April 24th, 6p.m. to 8p.m., WI FACETS, Milwaukee WI
- WEBINAR: Social Security’s Updated ABLE Guidance - A Deeper Dive: April 26th, 1p.m. to 2:30p.m., Online
- TIG Summit: Supporting Youth With Mental Health Needs In Transition Planning: May 8th, Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, Madison WI
- 2018 Employment First Conference: May 22nd, Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells WI
- 2018 Aging Empowerment Conference: June 14th-15th, Crowne Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, Madison WI
Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions? Contact Stacy Ellingen.
The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you! Find out how you can help support the Network.