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Self-Determination Network News: February 2018

user image 2018-02-14
By: SD Network
Posted in: Network News

96 Self-Determination Network News:

February 2018

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Register Now for Disability Advocacy Day

Let your voice be heard at the 2018 Disability Advocacy Day on March 20th in Madison.  It's a day designed to connect you with your legislators so you can talk about issues that matter to you. You are the expert in sharing how legislative policies affect people with disabilities in their everyday lives.  Learn more and register today!


Join the Discussion!

As mentioned in our last newsletter, the Self-determination Network will be posting a discussion question related to self-determination/self-direction every month.   By doing this, our hope is that we can share experiences and learn from each other.

To kick this off, our first discussion question is about something that people with disabilities say is one of their biggest barriers--transportation.  What are some promising ways to obtain affordable, accessible transportation using self-direction strategies?  Join the Discussion!

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2018 marks a big milestone for InControl Wisconsin – our 5th Annual Aging Empowerment Conference!  We are making a splash to celebrate, and hosting a global leader in the empowerment movement. Dr. Simon Duffy is the founding Director of the Centre for Welfare Reform in the UK, and Secretary to the international cooperative Citizen Network. Simon is best known for his work on models to extend self-directed support to all groups, including elders. His work on citizenship has also challenged the view that older people can no longer be citizens and he works to break down barriers between different groups trying to achieve a more inclusive and just society.  

Simon's keynote address will illustrate a philosophical history of citizenship and old age; a review of the movement toward self-determination and self-direction; highlights of interesting developments globally; and strategic ideas for building strong moments for change on both the public awareness and political front.  He'll stay with us for Friday's Advocacy Summit, where we will consider strategies relevant to our work in Wisconsin and learn how to impact change in our communities.

We invite you to join us as a Sponsor/Exhibitor, where you'll be an instrumental presence throughout the conference.  We'll have dedicated hours for tabling and networking, and every sponsor level includes conference registration, because we recognize that you'll want to be included in the entire event.

We are also accepting workshop presentation ideas.  Here is our Call for Proposals, and we welcome your ideas about aging empowerment that you'd like to share with our conference audience!


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For February, we shine the spotlight on board member of InControl Wisconsin, Lynn.   Having been involved in a disability field for many years, he believes that we're still at the tip of the iceberg with learning how self-direction can impact on people's lives.  When he's not busy advocating for people with disabilities, he enjoys traveling to new places and exploring different cultures.  Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Lynn.

128 Stacy’s Journal


What would the world be like today without cell phones or mobile devices? It’s nearly impossible to fathom. For many people, including those with disabilities, mobile devices have become a real lifeline. In this month's entry, Stacy discusses how having a cell phone has changed her life!  We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Get Involved:  Laura posted about an opportunity to get involved in an anti-violence leadership program for survivors of violence and underserved/under-represented communities.  Learn how to get involved!
  • Accessibility Survey:  UW-Milwaukee is conducting a survey to examine the experiences of people with disabilities pertaining to the accessibility of public buildings, including physical and cognitive barriers that prevent people with disabilities from being able to participate fully in the community.  Take the survey and share it with others!
  • Group Home Report:  The Department of Health and Human Services examined states' monitoring and reporting of injuries and other critical incidents of people with developmental disabilities living in group homes.  Find out what they found.
  • New Medicare-Medicaid Resources:  The CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office has three new resource guides intended to support providers and health plans serving older adults and caregivers. Learn what these guides offer.
  • Airline Service Animal Requirements:  Airline accessibility has taken center stage recently.  One airline is taking steps to further protect its customers, employees and service animals and support animals by implementing advance documentation requirements for those animals.  Read about how the new requirements ensure safety for all.
  • Poverty and Health Findings:   Recent population surveys have shown that nearly one third of people with disabilities live below the poverty line and they’re more than twice as likely to live in poverty when compared to their non-disabled peers.  Learn how this impacts their health.
  • Updated Fact Sheet:  The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities recently released an updated fact sheet about Supplemental Security Income for people with disabilities.   Check out what's new!
  • Accessible Clothing:  Another large retail chain announced a clothing line for people with disabilities.  Find out which store and what it will include.
  • State Family Caregiver Rankings:  For family caregivers who provide unpaid to older adults and family members with disabilities, the state you live in can be a big factor in your ability to be a family caregiver.  Learn where Wisconsin ranks.
  • New Tool:  Wisconsin has a new tool for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Learn how communication visor cards give deaf and hard of hearing drivers a clear way to communicate with law enforcement.

128 Upcoming Events                                    

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.


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