Jean Logan

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Jean Logan
@jean-logan • 8 months ago • comments: 4
Posted a new Comment on @jean-logan:
""Wheelchair Commandoes and Legislative Lions" will be published by the end of 2024.  We are presenting on July 18 at A Home For Everyone Conference 2024...."


Jean Logan
07/12/24 01:50:52PM @jean-logan:

"Wheelchair Commandoes and Legislative Lions" will be published by the end of 2024.  We are presenting on July 18 at A Home For Everyone Conference 2024.

This session will focus on building an inclusionary vision amid this affordable housing crisis. People with disabilities can and do live independently in the community! There are not enough affordable housing options, nor supportive services funding to meet the need. Whether you're a developer, property manager or self-advocate, please join us to learn about resources that can help people with disabilities achieve independence. Jean Logan and Jim Wahner will discuss the history of the struggle for disability rights and how it informs the present. Stephanie Primm will present on LOV Inc.'s success with their "Moving on Workshops," which assists individuals and their families with developing a detailed plan to move to their own home.

Come visit with us.

Jean Logan
02/16/24 02:44:11PM @jean-logan:

"Wheelchair Commandos and Legislative Lions" is finally completed, and will be available by May 1.  It's the memoir about Wisconsin's physical disability and hearing disability heros, 1950-1990.  ERI hosted many of our planning meetings back in 2014-16.  It was conceived by Dan Johnson, Ellen Daly and many others who worked tirelessly to put Wisconsin on the map.

If there is interest, we could schedule a session at one of your conferences, perhaps in the fall?  Our first presentation will happen at the Wisconsin conference in LaCrosse for Aging, Disability and Independent Living on April 25.

I live in Atlanta, so need to plan my trips to Wisconsin in advance.

Jean Logan

322 Tuxworth Circle, Decatur, GA 30033


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