April 2018 Featured Discussion Question: What are some interesting stories of people getting community jobs they like by using self-direction strategies?

SD Network
SD Network
7 years ago
36 posts

For many people with disabilities, finding employment can be challenging. What are  some interesting stories of people getting community jobs they like by using self-direction strategies?

Share your thoughts.  We can learn from one another by sharing our resources and experiences on here.  

Stacy Ellingen
Stacy Ellingen
7 years ago
34 posts

For me, personally, finding employment in the community was a struggle which is why I became self-employed.  My team (DVR, Customized Employment Services, Vocational Futures Planning, etc...) and I tried at great lengths to find employment in the community, but, in the end, it just wasn't feasible in my situation.  There were too many factors (cares, transportation, equipment, etc...) to deal with.  Even with being self-employed, though, self-direction was key to getting to where I am.   

I'm interested to hear stories from others.  


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