2018 Self-Determination Conference

SD Network
SD Network
7 years ago
36 posts

We were so pleased to see so many of you at this year’s Self-Determination Conference. There were a ton of great sessions and events again this year. What was your favorite part? What were some things that you learned? What resources did you find particularly helpful?  Do you have a neat story from the conference? Did something really inspire you?

Let's keep the conversation going! Share your comments, questions, and ideas here!

updated by @sd-network: 11/01/18 08:29:31PM
Stacy Ellingen
Stacy Ellingen
7 years ago
34 posts

I thought the conference was excellent this year.  I really enjoined seeing friends and networking with people.  Because I worked a booth, i only attended one session, but I thought it was very informative.  It was the one about ABLE accounts, and, although the presenter didn't have answers for many of the questions people had, she was able to direct them where to get the answers.  I know my family and I plan to look into ABLE accounts more.

One suggestion or thought I had was maybe next year there could be a session on the caregiver shortage.  I know many people, including myself, are trying to figure out what we, as clients, can do to help solve this problem.  i know nobody has the exact answer, but maybe there could be a session where people could brainstorm ideas.  Just a suggestion.

I'm interested to hear what thoughts and ideas other people have!  

updated by @stacy-ellingen: 11/01/18 07:53:14AM
Jason Endres
Jason Endres
7 years ago
1 posts

Along with my wife Julie, we had our micro business at the conference for the third year.  I felt the energy in the room was not as positive as in past years.  I don’t know if it was the lack of people attending the conference, or the breakout sessions. 

I thought most of the breakout sessions looked good, but the one I went to was really disappointing.  The information given in the book was not what I thought I was going to.  It was all on building your circle of support, which is important,  I thought I was going to learn about supportive decision making.

The theam was cool, but I don’t think everyone could get in the the whole team.

I felt the conference was just like any other SD conference with nothing new.  I think the keynote speakers didn’t capture the groups attention unlike other past years.

I am hoping for a more energy filled conference next year.

Stacy Ellingen
Stacy Ellingen
7 years ago
34 posts

That's an interesting  take on it.  Personally, i wasn't too  keen on the theme; I always consider attending conferences as professional opportunities (meaning dress, act, etc... professional) , but  that's just me.  I realize there's a wide  range of people who have different abilities attending the conference, so there has to be things for everybody.  

As I said, I thought the sessions on ABLE accounts was pretty good.  There were no handouts, though.  It would have been nice to have something listing the resources that the presenter recommended.  Most people were taking notes though.  

What do others think?

Catherine Foster
Catherine Foster
7 years ago
2 posts

Hello everyone!!!!

Stacy I so agree with everything you have said. I truly believe the insurance companies are the ones that is causing the issues limiting what they can do and maintain for health care and for those of us who need additional help.

As for the conference, I agree they are a great way to network and learn however, I have mentioned that it could be ran better and have asked to be on the committee to do that. A lot of great vendors, and micro businesses. But the break out sessions are not what they could be. We have a lot of people who are disabled but not developmentally delayed and feel that these sessions are too boring, not informative enough, and don't give them the information they are seeking because they are geared more toward the developmentally delayed. Again the themes are geared for more on the younger scale. 

I love the idea of the conference, its perfect and every year I walk away with several new things to bring back home to make our lives better. I actually want to create one for the foster care parents and children. They need one desperately. But the conference needs to also include those who are not developmentally delayed and still need the information and help.

Thank you for including me in this group.

Stacy Ellingen
Stacy Ellingen
7 years ago
34 posts


Thank you for your kind words regarding my article.  Really appreciate it.

Personally speaking, I totally agree with your comments about the conference.  I've been to three or four and have thought that every time.  However, I understand that the conference is for people with all abilities, so there has to be a wide range of activities.  I'd imagine it's a difficult thing to plan.   

Catherine Foster
Catherine Foster
7 years ago
2 posts

I am sure it is Stacy. That is why I asked to be on the committee. I want to see what their struggles are before I start spouting what they can do differently. I dislike people who give opinions on how things can be done better, but yet have no clue what goes on behind the scenes. So I want to be a part of the solution and learn and help.


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