NATIONAL DISABILITY INSTITUDE: A 15-Point Agenda for the Biden-Harris Administration
By SD Network, 2021-01-28
National Disability Institute (NDI), which manages the ABLE National Resource Center (ABLE NRC), offers a 15-point agenda to advance economic recovery and resilience for people with disabilities who represent a most vulnerable population too often ignored in plans for the economic recovery for our nation.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: New Research Funding Opportunity for Employer Practices Leading to Successful Employment Outcomes Among People With Disabilities
By SD Network, 2021-01-27
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunity for an Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTCs) on Employer Practices Leading to Successful Employment Outcomes Among People With Disabilities.
The purpose of the RRTC program, which are funded through the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects and Centers Program, is to achieve the goals of, and improve the effectiveness of, services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act through well-designed research, training, technical assistance, and dissemination activities in important topic areas as specified by NIDILRR. These activities are designed to benefit rehabilitation service providers, individuals with disabilities, family members, and other stakeholders.
Employer Practices Leading to Successful Employment Outcomes Among People With Disabilities: This particular opportunity is for an RRTC is to generate new knowledge about effective employer practices that support successful employment outcomes among people with disabilities.
View more details and application instructions.
Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process. This grant opportunity closes on March 22, 2021.
FORBES: Amazon Alexa — Blurring The Boundaries Between Assistive Tech And Companionship
By SD Network, 2021-01-26
Technology keeps getting better and better. For many people with disabilities, it's a great time to be alive. Technology has enhanced our lives in so many ways. For many people, it has made many things possible that otherwise wouldn't have. It helps people to be as independent as possible. Voice assistant devices, such as the Amazon Alexa, have made more things possible. Devices like these allow people to control many things just by using their voice. A new study found that these devices also provide some emotional support for people. While there are some ethical debates going around about the concept, it is another avenue of support for people with and without disabilities.
PHI: Caring for the Future: The Power and Potential of America’s Direct Care Workforce
By SD Network, 2021-01-24
The direct care workforce shortage has continued across the country. This report provides a detailed, current analysis of the direct care workforce and outlines eight solid recommendations to improve jobs for this rapidly growing workforce.
NATIONAL REHABILITATION INFORMATION CENTER: Well-Coordinated Electronic Health Records May Help Streamline Accommodations for Patients with Disabilities
By SD Network, 2021-01-21
People with disabilities often face multiple challenges when accessing healthcare services. Everything from inaccessible doctors offices, to needing a sign-language interpreter, to needing support transferring, the list is endless. People can request these accommodations, but they often get lost. The use of Electronic Health Records may help with this. People can put requests for accommodations in the system electronically. Researchers have done a study on this and it really seems to help.
DISABILITY SCOOP: CDC Study Pinpoints Prevalence Of Intellectual Disability
By SD Network, 2021-01-21
A new study from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that the 1.2% of 8 year-olds in several communities across the country had IQ scores of 70 or below qualifying them for an intellectual disability diagnosis. The CDC regularly looks at the health and education of 8-year-olds in selected communities. The study also found many other interesting statistics.
NCAPPS: Person-Centered Self-Assessment for Systems: Plain Language Overview
By SD Network, 2021-01-21
Your state is trying to make services work better for people. They want people who use support services to be listened to. They want people to have a say in what works best for them. In the service world, this is called being “person-centered.” “Person-centered” means people feel listened to and respected. It also means they feel in control of their own life. This is a plain language guide for person-centered self-assessment.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: FCC Seeks Input on Providing Broadband Service and Devices to Low-Income Households by February 16
By SD Network, 2021-01-18
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is seeking to provide broadband service and devices to low-income households. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 directed the FCC to create the program, which would reimburse participating companies for providing discounted broadband service and connected devices to eligible households during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program will pay up to $50 for a broadband connection per qualifying household. On Tribal lands, that monthly discount may be up to $75 per month. The program will also purchase a device (such as a phone, laptop, or tablet) to connect to the Internet up to $100 of the cost of the device so long as the household contributes no less than $10 and no more than $50 for the device. Participating providers will receive reimbursement from the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program for the discounts provided.
Find more information about this request for comment.
Comments are due by February 16
CHANNEL 3000: ‘We’re not going to be quiet’: Disability community in Wisconsin demands better access to voting
By SD Network, 2021-01-18
While some recent legislative changes and an increased emphasis on absentee voting helped some, Wisconsinites with disabilities continue to face multiple challenges when trying to exercise their right to vote. From inaccessible voting places, to ballots not being in an accessible format, to needing a witness for an absentee ballot, the list goes on and on. Advocates with disabilities continue to push for more funding to improve voting.