
PIP and YiPPE Trainings 2018-19!

By SD Network, 2018-05-22

Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI)
Training Opportunities for
Families of Children with Disabilities

What is Parents in Partnership?Parents in Partnership (PIP) is a statewide program which deepens the ability of families and educators to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.  PIP is a leadership development training for parents who have children with disabilities ages 6-14 that takes place over five weekend sessions during the year.
Why Should I attend PIP?

  • Learn about community and statewide resources for children with disabilities
  • Explore issues around health, education, policy making, legislation, inclusion, self-determination, family well-being, and IDEA Special Education Law
  • Work on my own family or community project
  • Strengthen partnerships between the many professionals you interact with on behalf of your child

For more information about PIP and for the locations and dates for the 2018-2019 PIP trainings visit:

What is Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment?Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment (YiPPE) is an opportunity for youth with disabilities (ages 14-21) and their parents to learn about the transition process in a unique way.
Why Should I attend YiPPE?

  • Building leadership skills
  • Increase my knowledge in areas of: health care, employment, education, inclusion, legislation and adult services
  • Work on my own family or community project
  • Strengthen partnerships between the many professionals you interact with on behalf of your child
Why Should my Youth Attend YiPPE?
  • To learn how to make decisions for themselves
  • Get involved in their school and community
  • Learn self-determination skills
  • Prepare for college and/or work
  • Work on their own Youth Plan

 For more information about YiPPE and for the locations and dates for the 2018-2019 YiPPE trainings visit:
If I’m Interested in either of these trainings, what do I do next?

  • For more information or to register for either a PIP or YiPPE training call Julie Beckwith at 608-745-5421 or email to
  • Please register as soon as possible as space is limited

 All trainings are FREE of charge to families.Overnight accommodations, meals, and resources are paid for with a DPI IDEA Discretionary Grant, Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative - WSPEI.
*To learn more about WSPEI please click here to visit the website*

Watch a video to learn more about YiPPE!

Click here for video

It's graduation season.  Many people with disabilities will cross the stage overcoming tremendous odds.  That is the case for one UW-Green Bay alum.  Christopher not only overcame multiple disabilities, he also overcame poverty.  Growing up, his mother was a strong advocate for him and made sure to focus on what he could do.  As he got older, his self-determination and self-advocacy led him to some amazing opportunities.

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CMS Seeking Comment on Durable Medical Equipment Interim Final Rule

CMS is seeking comments on an interim final rule that increases payments to suppliers for some DME and enteral nutrition in areas of the country that are not subject to the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DEMPOS) Competitive Bidding Process (CBP). These include rural areas, and Alaska, Hawaii and the territories. From June 1 through December 31, 2018, payments will return to the blended rates that were in effect in 2016. 

The change is in response to stakeholder concerns about significant financial challenges created by the current rates for suppliers, as well as concerns that the number of suppliers in certain areas continues to decline. It is projected to result in a $70 million dollar Medicare cost-sharing increase to beneficiaries. This increase may be covered by supplemental insurance programs like Medigap, and for dual eligible beneficiaries, Medicaid pays the cost sharing. However, beneficiaries who do not have supplemental insurance or who are not dual eligible will have increased cost sharing.

For more information on Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule, Adjustments to Resume the Transitional 50/50 Blended Rates to Provide Relief in Rural Areas and Non-Contiguous Areas (CMS-1687-IFC) or to submit a comment on or before July 9, 2018please visit Regulations..

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Self-Determination Network News: May 2018

By SD Network, 2018-05-15

96 Self-Determination Network News:

May 2018

Connect Share | Learn  

Supported Decision-Making Webinar May 21

Register now for a webinar about supported decision making on Monday May 21st.   Governor Walker recently signed a supported decision-making bill into law that gives people with disabilities and older adults options beyond guardianship for getting help with important decisions in their lives.  Attend this webinar sponsored by The Arc of Wisconsin to learn what the law in Wisconsin does and how you might use it in your life or to support a family member.


Join the Discussion!

The Self-Determination Network posts a discussion question related to self-determination/self-direction every month in hopes that we can share experiences and learn from each other.  Last month, we had a discussion about community employment for people with disabilitiesWe're switching gears a little bit in May and talking about how self-direction has impacted our lives.   How has self-direction impacted your life?  What words of advice do you have for others just beginning to use self-direction?  Join the Discussion!

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Registration is open for the 5th annual Aging Empowerment Conference: Living a Self-Determined Life!

Join InControl Wisconsin and our sponsors as we welcome international empowerment expert, Dr. Simon Duffy. We’ll learn highlights of global developments in the field of aging and discuss the movement toward self-determination and self-direction. Friday’s Advocacy Summit will be a strategic planning session focusing on Building Strong Moments for Change, in Wisconsin and beyond.


Keynote Address: Are older people still citizens?

A test of any decent society is how it respects the older generation. Are older people at the center of family and community life, or are they isolated or institutionalized? Can people set their own path, even when they need extra help, or are they forced to do what others think is best for them? While people with disabilities have demanded equal rights and self-determination, older people are often forced to accept lower standards. Dr Simon Duffy is both a philosopher and practitioner, who has worked for 30 years to develop ideas and systems to advance equal citizenship for all. Simon will explain what is happening around the world to enable people to be true citizens at any age, and whatever their needs. Simon will also explore how the idea of citizenship - which connects ancient Greece to the civil rights movement - must be central to solving the problems - and seizing the opportunities - ahead of us.

Know an older adult who would be interested in attending? Register for the conference, bring an older adult for free!

*Conference attendance is an activity that fulfills advocacy related goals for county and tribal aging units in your next three-year aging service plan!


For more information, visit :



The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

For May, we shine the spotlight on, Tyler, a junior at UW-Whitewater . As if he isn't busy enough double majoring in Accounting and Economics, he also self-directs all of his own supports.  He encourages people not to settle and not to let the logistics stop you from achieving your dreams.  Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Tyler.

128 Stacy’s Journal

“If it works, don’t fix it.” While it’s human nature for people to want to make things better, sometimes people forget to consider the repercussions of changing things will have on others. Change is hard for everyone. In this month's entry, Stacy discusses while most of the time change is for the better, sometimes with all repercussions of the change, it can do more harm than good.  We encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences as well.


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Social Security Protections:  Thanks to a new law, people who handle Social Security payments for those with disabilities will be more closely monitored.  Read about how this law will more protect beneficiaries.
  • Housing Voucher Opportunity: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced a notice of funding availability for Mainstream Vouchers. Learn how these can help people with disabilities.
  • Wisconsin Named Leader in Self-Direction:  In a recent report by AARP, Wisconsin was highlighted for being a leader in self-direction.  Find out why.
  • Care Facilities Reviews:  People often don't know where to start when it comes time to look for nursing homes or assisted living centers.  Learn about how Yelp reviewers are looking at different aspects of care than the government reviews.
  • Care Worker Shortage:  A recent study finds that Wisconsin's care worker shortage continues to grow.   Find out why this is and what's being done to address it.   
  • Public Comment on Family Care Amendment:  The Department of Health Services is taking  public comment on an amendment to the Family Care Wavier.  Learn what changes are being proposed.  Public comment closes May 30th.
  • Caregiver Survey: To better understand the challenges employers experience as they address the needs of employees with caregiving responsibilities, the Wisconsin Women’s Council in partnership with the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance is looking for employers of all sizes to participate in a first annual survey on caregiving.  The survey closes on May 30th.

128 Upcoming Events                                    

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.


New Wisconsin Employer Survey on Employees & Caregiving


The Wisconsin Women’s Council (appointed by the Governor and the State Legislature) in partnership with the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance is looking for employers of all sizes to participate in a first annual survey on caregiving.  We seek to better understand the challenges employers experience as they address the needs of employees with caregiving responsibilities.  The intent of this survey is to improve information and other resources available to Wisconsin employers as they supportcaregivers on the job.

Survey Link: 

The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.  Deadline to participate: May 31

For purposes of this survey, caregiving is defined as support provided to a family member (beyond typical care for a minor child) who may be an older adult or person with a disability. Individual survey responses will remain confidential.  Survey results will be shared with participating employers.

About Us


If you have questions about the survey contact Christine Lidbury, Executive Director, Wisconsin Women’s Council  or Lisa Pugh, Co-chair, Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance:


Thank you for your participation.

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Family Care Waiver Amendment Posted for Public Comment

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) intends to submit a request to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to amend the 1915(b) and 1915(c) Family Care waivers. 

DHS will request the following changes to the existing 1915(b) waiver:

  1. Clarify that enrollment in a managed care organization (MCO) is mandatory in order to receive Family Care benefits.
  2. Establish non-risk payments to MCOs for Indian members who receive services from an Indian Health Care Provider (IHCP).

DHS will request the following changes to the existing 1915(c) waiver:

  1. Pursuant to federal law, modifiy the care management service definition to allow American Indian Health Care Providers (IHCPs) as a provider for care management for American Indian members.
  2. Establish a cost-based reimbursement methodology for IHCPs.
  3. Establish safeguards for American Indian members who receive care management and other services from an IHCP to get appropriate choice counseling to help them make fully informed choices about their long-term care services. 

Public Comment

Providing information to and getting input from the public on changes is important to DHS as we prepare to submit the wavier amendment request. By law, you have the opportunity to review the official full public notice and waiver amendments and provide comments. Written comments will be accepted through May 30, 2018. 

Please send your comments on the 1915(b) waiver amendment to:

            Division of Medicaid Services            Bureau of Adult Long Term Care Services, Attn: Family Care 1915(b) Waiver Amendment           

            P.O. Box 7851            Madison, WI 53707-7851.

A paper copy of the 1915(b) waiver amendment can be requested via the mailing or email address listed above.

Please send your comments on 1915(c) waiver amendment to:

            Division of Medicaid Services            Bureau of Adult Long Term Care Services, Attn: Family Care 1915(c) Waiver Amendment
            P.O. Box 7851
            Madison, WI 53707-7851

A paper copy of the 1915(c) waiver amendment can be requested via the mailing or email address listed above.

Complete information about the waiver amendments are located on the Family Care, Partnership, and PACE - What's New! webpage.

For more information about Medicaid HCBS waivers, please see the CMS website (link is external). 


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A recent study finds that Wisconsin's care  worker shortage continues to grow.  The report found that 1-in-5 caregiver positions in the state are unfilled.  This is up from 1-in-7 in 2016.  Inadequate wages are believed to be turning people away from the field.  Due to the shortage, facilities are cutting back services despite up growing demand for long-term care.  The low Medicaid reimbursement rate plays a big factor in  this.  Initiatives such as the WisCaregiver Career Program, which recruits, tests, and trains 3000 certified nursing assistants, are trying to address this issue.

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2018 aec logo 1.jpg

Registration is open for the 5th annual Aging Empowerment Conference: Living a Self-Determined Life!

Join InControl Wisconsin and our sponsors as we welcome international empowerment expert, Dr. Simon Duffy. We’ll learn highlights of global developments in the field of aging and discuss the movement toward self-determination and self-direction. Friday’s Advocacy Summit will be a strategic planning session focusing on Building Strong Moments for Change, in Wisconsin and beyond.


Keynote Address: Are older people still citizens?

A test of any decent society is how it respects the older generation. Are older people at the center of family and community life, or are they isolated or institutionalized? Can people set their own path, even when they need extra help, or are they forced to do what others think is best for them? While people with disabilities have demanded equal rights and self-determination, older people are often forced to accept lower standards. Dr Simon Duffy is both a philosopher and practitioner, who has worked for 30 years to develop ideas and systems to advance equal citizenship for all. Simon will explain what is happening around the world to enable people to be true citizens at any age, and whatever their needs. Simon will also explore how the idea of citizenship - which connects ancient Greece to the civil rights movement - must be central to solving the problems - and seizing the opportunities - ahead of us.

Know an older adult who would be interested in attending? Register for the conference, bring an older adult for free!

*Conference attendance is an activity that fulfills advocacy related goals for county and tribal aging units in your next three-year aging service plan!


For more information, visit :


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People often don't know where to start when it comes time to look for nursing homes or assisted living centers..  Yelp reviewers are looking at different aspects of care than the government reviews. People want to know: How homey is it? How nice is it inside? Researchers evaluated 264 Yelp reviews of California facilities and grouped them into 5 categories: the quality of staff care and staffing, physical building and setting, resident safety and security, clinical care quality and financial issues.

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Member Spotlight: Tyler Fallahi

By SD Network, 2018-05-05

tyler.jpgMeet Tyler.  As if he isn't busy enough double majoring in Accounting and Economics at UW-Whitewater, he also self-directs all of his own supports.  He has developed a website to help others gain their independence.  Tyler encourages people not to settle and not to let the logistics stop you from achieving your dreams.  We’re so fortunate to have him as a member of the Self-Determination Network.

How are you involved with self-determination? Why did you join the SD Network?

Tyler’s involvement with self-determination is a result of him having to plan all his care needs while still going to school. He joined the SD Network in an effort to share his experiences as well as learn from others. 

Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination?

Tyler shared that recently he met with an organization on campus to begin the process of looking for jobs. This involved preparing his resume and looking for careers in the area. He’s also excited that recently hired a new caregiver. 

What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined?

Tyler has some great recommendations who would like to become self-determined and more independent. First, be willing to ask for help. He explains that there are several people willing to help you with your needs, you just need to reach out and ask. You’ve already taken a big step towards this by joining this network, but if you still have questions that need answering don’t be afraid to ask. Second, be willing to go outside your comfort zone. He says that he considers himself to be a very shy person, but he knew that if he wanted to pursue independence, he would need to come out of his shell a little bit. Third, h encourages people to look for resources in your area. Your local ADRC is a great place to start. Finally, make a set of goals and work to achieve those goals. Everyone is different, and what is Independence for one person may not be the same as independence for another. You should set goals for yourself and do your best to achieve those goals. He also has advice on his website

What message would you like to share with the members of the SD Network?

A message that Tyler would like to share with everyone is don’t settle. He says, “achieve you goals and dreams so you don’t have any regrets. Don’t let logistics get in the way of achieving your goals!” 

What are some of your hobbies?

When Tyler isn’t busy studying, he enjoys watching Netflix and playing board and tabletop games.

***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.


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