
Do you have an idea to make your community a better place for people with disabilities?  Organize your grassroots group and apply for funding to help make it happen! Individuals with developmental disabilities and family members may apply.

Apply by Friday, September 1, 2023. Click the button below to download the application.

The purpose of these grants is to:  

  • Provide people with disabilities more social connections by participating in inclusive, meaningful community activities.
  • Help individuals and organizations understand how to offer and implement more inclusive programming.
  • Encourage community members to get to know someone with a disability and improve overall attitudes about people with disabilities.

 Examples of what you can do with the grant. 

  • Make school extracurriculars accessible to students with disabilities and be intentional about inviting them to participate.  
  • Host a community conversation to talk about ways to meaningfully include people with disabilities in community programs and then work on an idea or two over the next year.
  • Implement innovative ways to make families with children with disabilities feel welcome in their faith community.   
  • Create inclusive recreation programs instead of separate, adaptive programs for people with disabilities.   

Questions?  Contact Jenny Neugart at or at (608) 266-7707.

Wisconsin Partners in Policymaking is a six‐session advocacy and systems change training program that develops future leaders across the state who are able to work with legislators and communities on policies and initiatives that will support the full participation and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of life.

Applications are due October 2nd 2023.

Who can apply?

Individuals who are highly motivated to create more inclusive communities AND are:

  • Parents or primary caregivers of children under the age of 21 who have developmental disabilities
  • Adults with developmental disabilities
  • Adult siblings or family members of individuals with developmental disabilities

We are seeking cultural and geographic diversity within the guidelines above. The selection of participants is made by a team of parents, self‐advocates, and professionals. 


If you have questions, please contact Jenny Neugart at or (608) 266‐7707.

As the national caregiver crisis continues, people who it affects the most weigh in on what they're facing, why caregivers are quitting, and what could be done to help solve the problem. This article in the Madison Magazine explains the brutal reality for so many families in Wisconsin.

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Need someone to talk to? Call UpliftWI

 New phone service offers peer support statewide

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) announces a new phone line is now available allowing all Wisconsinites to share their successes and challenges with a peer who will listen and offer support. Built by Mental Health America of Wisconsin under a grant from DHS for people experiencing mental health and substance use concerns, UpliftWI can be reached at 534-202-5438 daily from noon to midnight, with 24/7 operation expected by the end of the year. This non-emergency service is free and confidential.

“We’re pleased to partner with Mental Health America of Wisconsin on this expansion of peer services in Wisconsin,” said DHS Deputy Secretary Deb Standridge. “The peer-to-peer support offered by UpliftWI is a proven way to help people get the help they need and stay healthy. This service is going to improve lives by providing preventive care for people experiencing stress or other challenges in their lives.” 

View the entire news release.

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Finding your seat on airplane is challenging for anyone, but for people who have visual impairments, it's usually impossible to find their seat independently. United Airlines is working to change that by installing Braille signage to the interior of their planes.

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For many families in Wisconsin, it's nearly impossible to leave the house for an extended length of time because of the lack of accessible adult changing stations in public places. A new program would change that. The plan would install adult changing stations in all public buildings and offer a tax credit to businesses that do the same.

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Ahead of the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Acts, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a new proposal that would improve online access to state and local services for people who have various limitations. It will establish accessibility standards for state and local governments webs and mobile apps.

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On July 11, Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg held a roundtable with disability advocates and leaders to celebrate the thirty-third anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The topic of discussion: accessible transportation. Unfortunately, thirty-three years after the ADA was made law, we still do not have fully accessible transportation, limiting the one in four American adults who are disabled from fully moving from place to place.

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Despite 26% of the US population having a disability, less than 5% of housing is accessible and less than 1% is wheelchair accessible. Leaders on both sides of the political aisle agree the shortage of adequate housing is a problem. Several ideas emerged at a recent hearing, but it remains to be seen if any of the proposals will move forward.

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Self-Determination Network News: July 2023

By SD Network, 2023-07-22


Self-Determination Network News:

July 2023

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Registration is Now Open 

Registration is now open for the 2023 Wisconsin Self-Determination Conference which will be held October 16th-18th. Join us in-person at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells or virtually for this year’s conference. The theme is Be Curious: Explore the Possibilities. Check out the brochure and website for more information. Early bird registration ends August 15th. Register today!


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

This month, we shined the spotlight on Kevin. This music-loving father loves watching his son succeed. He not only advocates with his son, but, as the director of an IRIS Consultant Agency, he also works with others with disabilities to ensure they have the support to be able to live and work in the community. Check out this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Kevin.   

Who should we shine the spotlight on next?

128 Stacy’s Journal

"There needs to be a balance between having the skills or traits needed to fulfill the requirements of the particular opportunity and taking life circumstances into consideration."

In this month's journal entry, Stacy discusses how affirmative action affects people with disabilities and her view on it. Have you benefited from it?

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Check out the Latest Videos!

The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.

Check out the newest videos on the channel:

We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Resources for Older Caregivers: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently released a collection of resources designed to support state Medicaid and partner agencies in developing the supports and services being delivered to adults with I/DD and their aging caregivers. Take a look at these and pass them on to others who may find them beneficial.
  • Employment Funding Opportunity: The Social Security Administration has announced a new funding opportunity for conducting interventional research to support its programs. They are seeking applicants in five key areas related to barriers to employment. Applications are due July 31st.
  • Concerns over Medicaid Disenrollment: According to data, more than a million Medicaid beneficiaries have been disenrolled. Learn about one of the main reasons this is.
  • CrossFit Class: A gym in Waterford has started a CrossFit class for people with different abilities. Find out more about the class.
  • Digital Health Technologies: A new survey shows that older adults plan to use more assistive health-related technologies as they age. Read about what else the survey revealed.
  • Accessible Hiking Trails: Hiking is becoming a very popular summer activity.  Take a look at this guide to accessible hiking trails in the U.S.
  • Technology Accessibility in the Workplace: In today's world, technology plays a major role in almost every facet of every company. As we know, technology also enables people who have different abilities to be able to be productive in the workplace. Learn why it's crucial that employers make sure that technology equipment is accessible to all employees.
  • Independent Living Program Pilot: The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is initiating an Independent Living Supports Pilot program, aimed at providing resources to eligible residents, enabling them to live independently at home. Find out more about this program.
  • Family Care and Partnership Renewal Survey: Wisconsin Department of Health Services is in the process of renewing the Family Care and Partnership waivers. They are seeking input about these programs. Please take this survey by August 1st.
  • New Program at Green Bay Airport: Austin Straubel Airport in Green Bay recently became the second airport in Wisconsin to participate in the Hidden Disabilities Sunshine Network which is a program that provides discreet assistance to people who have hidden disabilities. Read about how the program works.
  • Listen Now: Wisconsin Public Radio recently did an interview with two disability service providers about how the community serves people with disabilities Listen to what they suggest would help communities better serve people with disabilities.
  • Talk of Updating SSI Limits: The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program for low-income elderly and disabled people has the strictest savings limits of any federal program. Eligibility is limited to people who have only $2,000 (or $3,000 for couples). Read about how most people feel this isn't enough for beneficiaries to weather an emergency or provide stability.
  • Journey of a Lifetime: A young woman from Mazomanie who wasn't supposed survive through infancy is on a journey of a lifetime. Learn about her quest to compete in Miss Wheelchair America.

128 Upcoming Events 

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.


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