
Work requirements in Medicaid have resurfaced as part of a broader legislative package of potential changes to Medicaid designed to significantly reduce federal Medicaid spending. A draft budget outline from Congressional Republicans includes requiring Medicaid enrollees to work or look for work as a condition of receiving coverage. While the details of the current proposal are not yet available, an analysis of an earlier proposal by the Congressional Budget Office shows that Medicaid enrollment would drop and that federal spending on Medicaid would be reduced substantially, but that the policy would not increase employment.

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Getty Images cements its position as the world’s leading image library. Recently, it committed to focus on ensuring that its images depict disability authentically and with appropriate diversity. Previously, when it came to disability, images were often flawed. Too often, portrayals of disability is through a medical or caregiver lens. Getty Images announced earlier this week that it is teaming up with U.S. telecommunications giant Verizon and the National Disability Leadership Alliance to offer financial support to assist photographers in reimaging the disability community. Instead of care settings, the lens is to shift to the workplace and professional life to convey the idea that life with a disability can be rich, diverse and full of innovation and achievement.

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The Youth Leadership Forum is a week-long, overnight leadership training and career awareness program for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with disabilities to learn leadership and self-advocacy skills. 


July 6 – 11, 2025 at Edgewood College in Madison, WI

The Youth Leadership Forum is for:

  • Students who show leadership potential by being active in their school and community
  • Students who have a disability (physical, learning, cognitive, emotional, sensory, etc.)
  • Wisconsin residents
  • Students who are currently sophomores, juniors, or seniors in high school 

Why Attend the Youth Leadership Forum:

  • Strengthen your leadership and self-advocacy skills.
  • Learn more about college and career options.
  • Make connections with other young leaders. 
  • Meet your state legislator.
  • Connect with energetic staff and speakers from across the state.
  • Have fun at a dance and talent show and many other memories you’ll never forget!   

To Apply:

Complete the application by March 24, 2025. 

Download a Word document or use online the Google application (must be done in one sitting)

The YLF is also looking for staff.  If interested, review the position descriptions and apply by downloading a Word employment application or completing a Google employment application

 Contact for more information. 

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Stacy's Journal: Uproar in the Country

By Stacy Ellingen, 2025-02-04

As the saying goes, it’s okay to be different. Whether it’s referencing a hairstyle, an ethnicity, a sexual orientation, or one of the millions of different characteristics people have, the notion of being different has been supported in this country for many years. A slew of legislative laws have been passed to protect and support people who are considered different from the norm. A few months ago, I wrote a journal entry about going against the norm. I talked about how it was okay to be different. While in some aspects, people choose to be different, in many aspects, people don’t have a choice. Disability is one of those notions that people can’t control.

Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. Those three words have made almost every news headline across the country the last few weeks. The new administration has made it blatantly clear that DEI will not be part of their agenda. In fact, they have already made sweeping changes. Within a day of the switch several webpages with vital information were taken down. Within days, a freeze on federal programs caused mass confusion. It was later blocked by a judge, but the anxiety for people who are in minorities is palpable right now. Furthermore, after a tragic plane crash, the President blamed people with disabilities without any proof that anyone with a disability had anything to do with it. That caused more uproar in the already on edge disability community.

While I am not going to share all of my thoughts on this, I will say that I think it brings up some deep questions as a country. The first and biggest being is it really okay to have a difference from the norm? Right now, in my opinion, the answer to this question is up in the air. Of course, everyone is going to have opinions about everything, and the idea of democracy is that everyone works together to make this country what it is. In order for that to happen, people have to have an open mind and be receptive to the idea that people have varying needs.

The second question is whether or not we have leaders in government who accept and support people who don’t fit the cookie cutter norm? In my opinion, the answer is some. There are numerous leaders in government who are supportive of the diverse needs of people in this country; however, there are some who are not. It makes it very tough for a country to run smoothly when you have leaders who don’t believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

 As a person with a significant disability who relies on federal programs to literally survive, it’s an unbelievably scary time. Hearing that Medicaid could have significant cuts or potentially be defunded is unfathomable. Quite honestly, many people like myself can’t even imagine receiving less support than we do now and still lead the productive lives we have worked so hard to achieve. I don’t even want to think about what my life would be like without Medicaid. The truth is that I’d likely be in an institution.

To have leaders of the country not think that any person with a difference isn’t worthy of leading a successful life is infuriating. In my opinion, people who are in charge of this country should believe that every single person in this country is capable of leading a successful life. Of all people, people in leadership roles shouldn’t judge anyone—especially publicly.

While I can’t speak for the disability community as a whole, I will say that, personally, what has transpired the last three weeks in this country has just refueled my desire to advocate. I feel like I have no choice but to. The quality of my life is on the line!

***The views expressed here are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of InControl Wisconsin, the Network or any of our sponsors.

This year marks the 35th anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination toward anyone on the basis of disability. Yet within that act lies a troubling loophole that currently affects hundreds of thousands of workers with disabilities in the US. It’s called “subminimum wage.”

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KFF: Medicaid: What to Watch in 2025

By SD Network, 2025-01-31

In 2025, many issues are at play that could affect Medicaid coverage, financing, and access to care. While Medicaid was not discussed much on the campaign trail, there are expectations that big changes will likely be proposed through executive actions. Areas to watch with Medicaid implications include state budgets and long-term care workforce challenges.

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The workers who care for people with disabilities are underpaid, overwhelmed, and increasingly leaving the field. Advocates say action is desperately needed to stem the tide.

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As we near the turnover of administrations, Health Affairs Forefront offers a series of articles from leaders at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services providing their thoughts on the major achievements of the last four years, remaining challenges, and lessons learned.

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Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) introduces free online training for direct care professionals, including materials in English, Spanish, and Hmong.

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After years of advocacy from the disabled community, the Department of Labor is proposing a rule that would end the issuance of 14(c) certificates, which enable businesses to pay subminimum wages to disabled workers.

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