All-terrain Wheelchair with Access Ability Wisconsin (

Many support Access Ability WI's mission by donating time, writing letters of support for grants, and giving money and in-kind donations.It is with this and through two grants, the first awarded by matching funds through WI Dept. of Natural Resources and the second through the Christopher Reeve's Foundation, we have very successfully acquired two chairsfor use for people with mobility issues including wheelchair users. Thank you to both the Reeve Foundation and the WI DNR! Yes, we are working on our third.
Now we need your help spreading the word!
Yes, if you are participating in any outdoor event in which the terrain is not suitable for canes, walkers, wheelchairs or those with breathing issues, please let organizers know that we have two all-terrain wheelchairs available for use.
Whether it is bird watching, conservation, youth event, fishing, hunting or a family reunion at a county or state park, here is a way to include everyone. There is no reason grandparents to youth have to stay home or sit over by the pavement!
Go towww.AccessAbilityWI.orgto reservethe all-terrain wheelchair for the outdoor event or occassion.
What can you do?
- Ask organizers to link the AAW website to the event's web page.
- Can you coordinate information being available at your physician's office, local school, or club? We had a youth use it for a field trip with his classmates this spring.
- Post the availability on your Facebook page.
- Like AAW's FB page:
Please help us spread the word in your town, at your outdoor clubs, and with your family, friends and acquaintances.
- Note: The press release is on the website. Click on the "Thank you to the Reeve Foundation" link in the middle of the Home page.
Thank you,
Monica Kamal on behalf of the Access Ability WI Team

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