Stefanie Primm

Come work for LOV-Dane!

user image 2014-08-11
By: Stefanie Primm
Posted in:

Community Bridge Builder

Do you

  • Approach the world with curiosity, enthusiasm, empathy and fun?
  • Love to bring people together to create inclusive community?
  • Dig deep to understand a challenge and think outside the box to solve it?
  • Enjoy both supporting others behind the scenes and shining in the spotlight yourself?
  • Have superb communication skills?

LOV-Dane is looking for a person who answers yes to these questions! This position will support individuals with a variety of disabilities as they explore their gifts and dreams, set manageable goals, and build the skills and connections to achieve them.

The right candidate will believe in and delight in our members; be a good listener, teacher, and salesperson; have experience breaking long-term goals into manageable pieces; be highly organized and self directed; enjoy being creative with a team; anticipate and address challenges with patience and empathy; be flexible; have the ability to respond to diverse needs and styles.

The Bridge Builder will

  • Build relationships with project members (individuals with disabilities), their families and close supporters
  • Support project members as they find their own voices and motivations and make clear personal choices
  • Work with project members not for them by teaching the skills needed to fade assistance as individuals become more independent
  • Facilitate authentic relationships between members and others
  • Actively seek out community connections (clubs, churches, service groups, employment) with and for project members and help build relationships between LOV-Dane and other community organizations
  • Help project members design and maintain organizational systems that will increase their independence at home, work, or the community

This position is full time, annual pay is $27,000-$31,000 (based on experience) and benefits are included. A drivers license and vehicle with car insurance are essential for frequent travel around Madison and Dane County.

Living Our Visions, Inc. (LOV-Dane) is a grassroots organization of individuals with disabilities and their families or other community members. LOV is committed to building fulfilling, community-centered lives for all citizens. LOV is not an agency or program but an organization in which members and others can mobilize their strengths and gifts to enrich the lives of people with disabilities and strengthen the civic life of the community as a whole. By focusing on the assets of people with disabilities, LOV is committed to altering the perception that the primary role of people with disabilities is as clients and receivers.

Learn more about us at:

Please submit a cover letter, resume and responses to the following questions by noon (12pm) on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 to

1. How are you involved in your community? What have been the most rewarding parts of your involvement?

2. What experiences have you had supporting people with disabilities? What draws you to this life path?

3. Several of the members of this project are reluctant to try new things and meet new people. How would you help them move forward?

4. Describe your experiences teaching someone a new skill and supporting him or her to become more independent.

5. Creative use of technology is a critical part of becoming independent for many of the people you will be working with. Describe your experience/comfort with utilizing technological tools such as smartphones, tables and web-based tools.

6. This job requires a lot of self-direction and flexibility. What experience have you had working independently and balancing multiple priorities and projects?

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