SD Network

WisTech 2024 Training # 1 Unlocking the Power of Recreation

WisTech 2024 Training # 1 Unlocking the Power of Recreation

Tuesday June 11 2024, 10:00 AM - Tuesday June 11 2024, 11:00 AM
@ Virtual

Recreation is not just about leisure; it is a fundamental aspect of human well-being and community cohesion. Inclusivity and accessibility in recreation are vital to ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can benefit from the physical, mental, and social advantages that recreation offers. During this session, participants will learn the benefits of having a recreational hobby and hear from 3 different states about opportunities in their geographical areas of Georgia, New York, and Utah. They will learn how to find their state assistive technology program and how they can try out different assistive technologies that can assist in participation. Promoting accessibility in recreation is not just a matter of convenience; it's a matter of equity and social justice. An inclusive approach to recreation ensures that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of physical activity, social engagement, and personal growth

Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will learn about three state programs and what is being done for accessible recreation.
2. Participants will learn three benefits of social inclusivity.
3. Participants will learn how inclusive recreation is a key indicator of social justice.

Speaker Bios:
• Martha Rust, Tools for Life/ CIDI at Ga Tech, Tools for Life Director/ Interim Associate Director Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation
• Bora Lee, Utah Assistive Technology Program, Program Director
• Melinda Dolezal, NYS Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs, TRAID Director

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