SD Network

Supported Decision-Making Webinar

Supported Decision-Making Webinar

Wednesday April 10 2024, 1:00 PM - Wednesday April 10 2024, 4:00 PM
@ Virtual

Join the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities for a webinar on Supported Decision-Making agreements on April 10th from 1-4pm.

Registration deadline:  April 10, 2024 
This Statewide training will cover: 

  • Options including Supported decision-making (SDM), powers of attorney, and guardianship.
  • Wisconsin’s Supported Decision-Making law & using SDM agreements
  • How cultural bias (ableism) influences who we think can/should make decisions, and the importance of self determination
  • Hear from the Center for Youth Voice/Youth Choice (CYVYC)youth ambassadors and a parent on how they use Supported Decision-Making.


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