SD Network

Webinar: Designing Accessible Crosswalks

Webinar: Designing Accessible Crosswalks

Thursday February 1 2024, 1:30 PM - Thursday February 1 2024, 3:00 PM
@ Virtual

Crosswalks are a very important part of pedestrian circulation paths, enabling pedestrians to safely cross the vehicular way. It is important that crosswalks be accessible to all pedestrians, including those with disabilities. This webinar will review the requirements in the Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) for designing accessible crosswalks. The definition and practical meaning of "crosswalk" will be clarified, as well as requirements for indicating when pedestrian crossing is not intended at an intersection. Presenters will outline requirements for curb ramps, blended transitions, and detectable warnings, which provide physical access to the crosswalk; requirements for grade, cross slope, medians, and pedestrian refuge islands, which provide a pedestrian access route through the crosswalk; and requirements for accessible pedestrian signals, which ensure access to information provided by walk indications and pedestrian activated warning devices to pedestrians who are blind or who have low vision. Requirements for crosswalks at roundabouts and channelized turn lanes will also be covered.

Video remote interpreting and real-time captioning will be provided in this webinar.

Questions can be submitted in advance of the session during the registration process or may be posed during the live webinar

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