SD Network

Webinar: Structured Negotiation - A tool for disability rights

Webinar: Structured Negotiation - A tool for disability rights

Tuesday March 21 2017, 2:00 PM - Tuesday March 21 2017, 3:30 PM
@ Online

Learn about Structured Negotiation - an alternative to lawsuits with a two decade track record in successfully resolving disability rights cases. The blind community has used Structured Negotiation with some of the largest organizations in the United States, including Bank of America, Walmart, the City and County of San Francisco, and Major League Baseball. Talking ATMs, accessible websites and mobile devices, accessible pedestrian signals, and audio description are some of the accessibility gains resulting from Structured Negotiation.

In this webinar, Lainey Feingold will present an overview of Structured Negotiation designed especially for disability rights advocates, with plenty of time for questions. She will cover

  • How Structured Negotiation has been successfully used by the disabled community
  • How to start the process and establish ground rules
  • How to hold collaborative meetings and how those meetings built relationships and allow disabled clients a voice in the process
  • How to the expertise of disabled people helps the process
  • How lawyers and clients can maintain the Structured Negotiation mindset that allows for cooperation
  • The Structured Negotiation media strategy
  • How Structured Negotiation has been a successful tool for resolving damages and attorneys’ fees claims in disability rights cases
  • How to overcome negotiating obstacles to reach agreement and monitor settlements

Featured Speaker:  Lainey Feingold, Director, Law Offices of Lainey Feingold

Registration is Free.  The session will be closed captioned.

Register on-line at: (Will be required to establish an account if you do not already have one to register)

Questions?   877-232-1990 (V/TTY) or


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