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While the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provided significant changes in rights to accessing healthcare, people with disabilities have yet to see the kind of systemic change needed in order to remove barriers in the delivery of healthcare services. Dr. Edward Elms and Legal Specialist George Powers, J.D. from the Southwest ADA Center will discuss current issues and barriers faced by persons with disabilities in accessing healthcare services and how the ADA may apply in those settings. During this session we will discuss:
- An overview of how ADA Titles II, III and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act apply to healthcare provider services and facilities
Common barriers faced by persons with disabilities in accessing healthcare services including:
- Effective Communication
- Accessible facilities and
- Accessible diagnostic medical equipment
- How these barriers can lead to limited choices and lack of programmatic access for people with disabilities
- Related cases or pending cases to healthcare access issues
- Possible recommendations for consumers when faced with barriers
Featured Speaker: Edward H.J. Elms, MD, Southwest ADA Center and George Powers, Legal Specialist, Southwest ADA Center
Registration is Free. The session will be closed captioned.
Register on-line at: www.ada-legal.org (Will be required to establish an account if you do not already have one to register)
Questions? 877-232-1990 (V/TTY) or webinars@adaconferences.org