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With the recent launch of the Ohio, Tennessee, Nebraska, and Florida State ABLE programs, the ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) would like to invite potential ABLE participants, their families, and all other ABLE stakeholders, to attend a free webinar focused on helping you understand the differences between
Join the ABLE National Resource Center on November 15th for a new webinar. This webinar will concentrate on how potential ABLE account beneficiaries and their families can better understand the investment side of owning and maintaining an ABLE account.
Areas covered during the webinar will include:
- Understanding the difference between a checking account, savings account, and investment account
- Understanding the varying degrees of “risk” associated with different investment choices that may be associated with ABLE accounts
- Learning more about what characteristics should be taken into consideration when choosing an investment option under an ABLE program
- Learning about why fees may vary from one investment option to another
- Understanding how and when you are allowed to change investment options under ABLE accounts
Moderator: Michael Morris, Executive Director, National Disability Institute
- Chris Rodriguez, ABLE National Resource Center
- John Nadworny, Director of Special Needs Financial Planning, Shepard Financial Advisors
- Mark Friese, Vice President at Merrill Lynch, Menick-Friese Group
In order to prepare for the webinar we encourage you to watch these short informative videos on ABLE Basics and Becoming ABLE Ready.
Please note: Real time captioning will be provided for this webinar. For other accommodation requests, questions about the webinar, or the registration process, please contact Christopher Rodriguez at crodriguez@ndi-inc.org.