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Unlocking Opportunities: A Case Study Spotlighting a Successful CIL-AAA Partnership - An Innovative Model for Health Care Contracting

Unlocking Opportunities: A Case Study Spotlighting a Successful CIL-AAA Partnership - An Innovative Model for Health Care Contracting

Thursday March 20 2025, 2:00 PM - Thursday March 20 2025, 3:30 PM
@ Virtual

Unlocking Opportunities: A Case Study Spotlighting a Successful CIL-AAA Partnership - An Innovative Model for Health Care Contracting

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025

Register for the webinar at:

Webinar Description:

Join us for an insightful webinar where we’ll dive into a compelling peer-led case study showcasing the unique, powerful partnership between a Center for Independent Living (CIL) and an Area Agency on Aging (AAA) operating collaboratively as an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). This case study developed by Disability Revolution, Inc. for ILRU and the Aging and Disability Business Institute and funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation will highlight the strengths, challenges, and replicable aspects of this innovative partnership. The webinar will feature a panel discussion with leaders from case study participating organizations, sharing their real-world experiences, key takeaways, and promising practices for other CILs and AAAs looking to build / replicate similar connections and collaborations between entities.

The CIL-AAA partnership featured in this case study reflects how the two entities operate successfully, demonstrating meaningful collaboration between disability and aging services are possible. Service delivery and resource accessibility are enhanced by bridging services gaps ultimately improving access for older adults and individuals with disabilities. As a result of this CIL-AAA innovative partnership, the organizations have unlocked funding opportunities from within the healthcare sector to facilitate the provision of crucial services such as transition and diversion for aging and disabled individuals.

Webinar Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the overall effectiveness of the CIL-AAA partnership in delivering services funded by healthcare entities.
  • Understand how the CIL-AAA partnership can effectively address the needs of older adults and people with disabilities across all age groups.
  • Identify the success of the CIL & AAA in meeting funder requirements and achieving key objectives for the provision of services in line with funder contracts.
  • Examine the CIL-AAA partnership role in securing sustainable funding for high-quality service delivery.
  • Evaluate the authenticity and equity of the CIL-AAA partnership in terms of shared responsibility and authority.
  • Analyze how the CIL-AAA innovative model partnership has led to funding opportunities from healthcare networks, allowing for the provision of services such as transition and diversion.
  • Apply key learnings and aspects from this case study to begin to foster or further cultivate similar CIL-AAA partnerships within their own organizations, informally or formally, legislatively or otherwise.

 Webinar Participants:

Amber OHaver – Chief Revolutionary Officer, Disability Revolution, Inc.

Christina Mills – Consultant / Strategic Partner, Disability Revolution, Inc.

Carly Pacheco – Executive Director, FREED Center for Independent Living

Annie Mikal-Heine – Program Manager, FREED Center for Independent Living

Anson Houghton – Program Administrator, Agency on Aging Area 4 (Sacramento, CA)

Christine Norwood – Program Liaison & Navigator, Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital

 Webinar Registration Fee & Reasonable Accommodations:

This webinar event is free-of-charge. ASL Interpreting and CART will be provided. For any additional accommodation requests, please contact Amber OHaver at:


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