Registration Open for the Aging Empowerment Conference!
Registration is open for the 5th annual Aging Empowerment Conference: Living a Self-Determined Life!
Join InControl Wisconsin and our sponsors as we welcome international empowerment expert, Dr. Simon Duffy. We’ll learn highlights of global developments in the field of aging and discuss the movement toward self-determination and self-direction. Friday’s Advocacy Summit will be a strategic planning session focusing on Building Strong Moments for Change, in Wisconsin and beyond.
Keynote Address: Are older people still citizens?
A test of any decent society is how it respects the older generation. Are older people at the center of family and community life, or are they isolated or institutionalized? Can people set their own path, even when they need extra help, or are they forced to do what others think is best for them? While people with disabilities have demanded equal rights and self-determination, older people are often forced to accept lower standards. Dr Simon Duffy is both a philosopher and practitioner, who has worked for 30 years to develop ideas and systems to advance equal citizenship for all. Simon will explain what is happening around the world to enable people to be true citizens at any age, and whatever their needs. Simon will also explore how the idea of citizenship - which connects ancient Greece to the civil rights movement - must be central to solving the problems - and seizing the opportunities - ahead of us.
Know an older adult who would be interested in attending? Register for the conference, bring an older adult for free!
*Conference attendance is an activity that fulfills advocacy related goals for county and tribal aging units in your next three-year aging service plan!
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