ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Request for Stakeholder Input on Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNP) Provisions of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is requesting public input about Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans.
Section 50311(b) of the recently passed Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law No. 115-123) creates a new Section 1859(f)(8) of the Social Security Act in order to increase integration of Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs). In particular, the statute directs CMS to:
- develop unified grievance and appeals processes for D-SNPs; and
- establish new standards for integration of Medicare and Medicaid benefits for D-SNPs.
CMS’s Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office is soliciting comments to help inform its next steps related to unified D-SNP grievance and appeals processes and new benefit-integration standards. This request for comments is directed to stakeholders working on addressing the needs of dual eligibles, individuals who are served by both Medicaid and Medicare.
Through April 12, 2018, CMS is inviting written stakeholder input on these provisions.
Please see the request for stakeholder input at:, which provides additional background information and outlines topics and questions for which the Medicaid-Medicaid Coordination office especially would benefit from YOURinput.
Please submit comments, using the subject line “Comments on Section 50311,”to
Thank you for providing comments.