SD Network

Medicaid Survey

user image 2017-01-15
By: SD Network
Posted in: Medicad

Survival Coalition has launched an important survey for adults and children with disabilities, older adults, their families, care providers, and low income adults. You can take this survey, share the link, and ask everyone you know to take it. Many people are unaware that the health care, supports, services, and programs they are familiar with (Family Care, IRIS, CLTS, Katie Beckett) are funded by Medicaid. Policymakers in Wisconsin and Washington, D.C. are proposing big changes to Medicaid, including Medicaid Block Grants. These changes could happen quickly and could have big impacts on the disability community. The survey asks about the Medicaid services and supports that you or your loved ones use to help you live your life and stay healthy, and how important these supports are to your life. Deadline to fill out the survey is Jan. 31.

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