SD Network

WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: Adult Long-term Care Waiver Service Providers: New Enrollment Process and Email Notification Sign Up

user image 2024-02-01
By: SD Network
Posted in: default

Beginning in September 2024, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) will require all adult long-term care waiver service providers to enroll with Wisconsin Medicaid through the ForwardHealth Portal.

The new enrollment process is how you will become certified as a Wisconsin Medicaid provider and be assigned a Medicaid Provider ID. The new process is for those who provide services to adults who are older, have a physical disability, or have an intellectual or developmental disability and participate in any of the following programs:

The new enrollment process is also for individuals, agencies, organizations, vendors, and sole proprietors who provide services listed in the DHS MCO contract or the IRIS Service Definition Manual. Existing Medicaid providers who also want to provide waiver services must access the Portal to add long-term care waiver programs and services to their current Medicaid provider file.

Individual self-directed support (SDS) workers and participant-hired workers will continue to be Medicaid certified and contracted through managed care organizations and IRIS fiscal employer agents.

Sign up for email updates from the Adult Long-term Care Waiver Service Provider Enrollment Project

You will access the E-mail Subscription Sign-up page on the Portal to sign up to receive emails. You can sign up for as many lists as you are interested in.

Subscribe to the Adult Long-term Care Waiver Service Provider Email list.


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