SD Network

ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Contract Opportunity: Increasing Access to Augmentative and Alternative Communication

user image 2023-11-28
By: SD Network
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Under a contract with ACL’s Administration on Disabilities (AoD), the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is leading the development of a model for providing peer-to-peer support to help people with disabilities find — and, most importantly, learn to use — augmentative and alternative communication tools. 

AUCD is now seeking proposals for a subcontract to support this work. Proposals are due to AUCD by Monday, December 18, 2023.

About the Project

An estimated five million people in the United States have disabilities that impact their ability to rely on speech alone to communicate.

A wide range of augmentative and alternative communication tools and technologies (AAC) are available, but people often are unaware of the options, how to get them, and how to pay for them. In addition, learning to use AAC can be challenging. As a result of those issues (and others), many people who could benefit from AAC go without, often at the expense of their independence and full participation in the community. 

Through this project, ACL will work with a national consortium of people with disabilities, including people who use AAC; organizations and professionals that support people with disabilities; and other stakeholders to develop a model for providing peer-to-peer support to help more people who need AAC find and learn to use the tools that meet their individual needs.

AUCD is leading this project under a contract from ACL. AUCD is now seeking proposals for a subcontract for a one-year planning project to support this work. The subcontractor will work with AUCD on a variety of tasks, including creating the national consortium; conducting a comprehensive review and analysis to identify existing peer-to-peer models, projects, approaches, and activities; and developing an approach and plan to advance peer support models for AAC users.

Proposals must be submitted by Monday, December 18, 2023. Full details about AUCD’s RFP can be found on AUCD’s webpage. Questions and proposals should be submitted to


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