Survival Coalition Survey Results: Family Caregivers Provide Majority of Care, Breaking Under Pressure
Thank you to everybody who took the Survival Coalition Family Caregiver Survey. Share the results with your legislators. Share your story and ask them to make family caregiving a priority in the next state budget.
Survey results (summary sheet PDF)
· Families provide 80% of care for children and adults with disabilities and older adults.
· Family caregivers fill in the gaps for decades.
o 4 of 5 have been caregiving at least 10 years.
o 1 of 3 expect to continue caregiving next 30 years.
· Families are caregiving all the time.
o In 24 hours, 1 of 2 are providing more than 12 hours of caregiving per day
o 70% are caregiving during the day, 90% are caregiving at night.
o 84% are weekend caregivers.
· When there is no worker, families’ lives are thrown into crisis.
o In a week, 3 of 5 spend more than 40 hours – the equivalent of a full-time job—on caregiving duties.
o 20% of families are interrupted during day at least once a week to provide care.
o 20% of families are interrupted during day at least once a week to provide care.
· Families are the back-up for paid help.
o 1 of 2 caregivers can’t find anyone to hire and are providing all the care.
o 1 of 2 family caregivers said if family could no longer provide care, their loved one would be unable to remain at home.
· Many leave the workforce or must work less because of caregiving responsibilities.
o 40% have left the workforce entirely.
o Another 20% have been forced to reduce their hours to part-time.
o Working caregivers need flexibility from employers (58%), jobs close to home (47%), virtual options or flexible hours (46%), jobs that can be scheduled for certain hours (44%), and part time jobs (30%).