
The World of Ability podcast

The World of Ability podcast

Saturday August 29 2020, 3:00 PM - Saturday August 29 2020, 4:00 PM
@ https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84719329858
Attendees:  @Kurt

Broadcast media on advocacy for people with disabilities. Let's look at life in the world from the perspective of people with disabilities

Topic: The World of Ability Podcast Show

Time: Aug 29, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Every Saturday at 2pm Central / 1pm Mountain / 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern, Transform U! Media Network provides a podcast broadcast on advocating for people with disabilities all around the globe. This is in collaboration with AbilityMKE Now!

We take a look at elevating the rights of people with disabilities in every nation. It draws in stories of disability ministry, participation in nonprofits by people with disabilities, success stories all along lifelong learning by, for, and with people with disabilities, civic engagement by people with disabilities, and people with disabilities in the workforce including ownership of businesses.

This is a deep look at 25% of the world's population: That means we are speaking to 2 Billion people that are stakeholders directly in topics concerning people with disabilities.
- accessibility
- transportation
- long term care
- education
- employment
- voting
- housing

We start the examination of how we are doing through 7 initial demographics:
People with intellectual and development disabilities (IDD)
People with deafness (deaf and heard of hearing)
People with blindness (blind and visually impaired)
People with physical disabilities
People living with chronic pain
People with goals to reduce substance use
People with a mental health diagnosis

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